posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 10:56 AM
Thanks Op great thread! This has been doing the rounds recently, and turned up on my Poleshift group. I have found some fascinating correlations with
my images I have been taking of Planet X and its moons, throughout this year documented in this thread:
I have over the last few months been showing and explaining how the objects exhibit a winged appearance due to them being caught in the debris field
of the core brown dwarf.
I have one picture (inparticularly) that bears stark resemblance to this footage from the ISS. I am in the middle of compiling the info and images and
I will return to this thread to post that.
Most people on ATS who have seen me post probably know that I am an advocate of Zetatalk (mostly). Well I contacted them with this video from the ISS,
they said it was a 'glob' from space. I have to say after analysis of both my own certain image and those from the ISS video, I do believe this object
is likely to be Planet X. The question is? If that is the case? Then why would even zT discredit it? I would suggest that may be due to PX turning up
earlier than they say.
An important question I have to ask? Is do we know where the ISS was in regards to planet Earth at the time of the video? This is key! As this can
also be used to determine if this is Planet X as it will be in a certain position in relation to the sun.
I'll check back in when I have this completed.