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The Muslim Problem: Tyranny in the Making

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posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 10:30 PM
Well said. It was this is you posted that prompted me to reply:

Lets stop being childish about this and come together and maybe come up with some solutions instead of throwing ideology at it like a bunch of idiots.

The elephant in the room is that our leaders in the US (Bush family especially) have cozied up to the Saudis who are the biggest promoters of Wahhabism - the fundamentalist offshoot of Sunni Islam from which terrorist groups like ISIS have sprung. Only about 1/3 of all Muslims are Sunni and of those perhaps 2 -5% might be Wahhabi.

The House of Saud and the family of the original "creator" if you will of Wahhabism have intermarried and become a dynasty that has lasted over 250 years. The Saudis themselves walk a fine line between Western influence and their own strict interpretation of the Koran. To retain their power and satisfy the radicals among the populace the Saudis have spent tens of billions of $ to spread Wahhabism through religious schools (Madrassas) and building Mosques.

Meanwhile, since the US saw communism as a diminishing threat with the collapse of the former Soviet Union Islamic terrorists would fit the bill of the new boogeyman to keep the military-industrial complex rolling along. 9/11 was all the impetus needed to begin a new war, namely the global war on terrorism. It's the perfect "bad guy" as it knows no borders and cannot be readily identified. They could be overseas or maybe your next door neighbor. Of course only a large, overreaching intelligence network and endless surveillance could possibly catch the threat which would still require military-style action to eradicate.

So here we have Western interests who benefit by the threat of terrorism and the Saudis who got filthy rich selling us oil promoting the very theology that supports terrorism as holy war against the Western infidels. Even if Islam were eradicated completely some new group would undoubtedly pop up to fill the void and keep the fear alive.

It's a 2 part equation to end terrorism: stop Wahhabism and it's spread and stop our own CIA/MI6 from using them as terrorist proxies to keep the herd in line. It's the people at the very top of the pyramid of power giving the orders to both camps, whoever they may be. They, along with the radical branch of Islam that requires conversion or death would need to be stopped.

We know that won't happen though. There will not be peace regardless of what the ordinary citizens do or don't do. They will ensure the attacks continue until everyone is willing to go along with whatever programs of control and surveillance they say we need in order to "protect us". When all our freedoms are gone we will discover that everything we gave up didn't help one iota and that we were being played all along.

All we can do is watch and see how they are going to make this all unfold; will it be a long, slow burn or are we going to be drawn in to yet another ground war where we shed the blood of our young men to gain ground they are ordered to retreat from the next day.

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 02:19 AM
Wow, I thought I was going to reading another ignorant post by a vet who thinks they know it all because they did time in the desert. Thank you for slapping those preconceptions out of my head.

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

The cozying started in the 40's when it was feared Texas was going to run out of oil for the war effort.

...and it's been unabated since.

Past time to reexamine it. I'd say something about regime change, but God knows what would be there in its place...

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 02:34 AM
The fact is this man has a job, and a duty... and does it do the best of his ability according to what he believes is right...

He said it straight...

Don't make me your enemy. I will fight you.

Can't say I would ever argue with a soldier when it comes to such things

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 08:08 AM
Well.. In my country and city Islam has been allowed to take over which is not pretty.. Young white girls are virtually molested walking down the streets.. In the last two weeks alone 8 vunerable white girls have been gang raped by these fluffy Syrian "refugees" you love so much and 90% of all drug dealers are muslim..
I too am a soldier with over 8 and a half years combat and operational experience and 26 years service in total .. Including chewing the same dirt as you OP many times.. I want my country and my city back.. You DONT want to make me or my collegues/brothers enemies either.. British Army son.. Bring it on

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

I agree with your stance. Everyone in the US needs to remember the US Constitution that soldiers give an oath to die to protect. In this country we have freedom of religion. That means, all religions have the same right to exist, and practice their faith equally. We are and have always been a melting pot of different cultures.

Now, for the bad part. We have an enemy that wishes to do us harm. They aren't soldiers who would identify themselves and fight fairly for what they believe, they are cowards who would rather hide among others, blend in, and then strike at the helpless to make their point. How do we identify them? It seems we don't.

Now, I ask you. The protectors of the underdog. How do we protect our nation? What do we do?

I think it's important to know that there will need to be sacrifices here. Lives will be lost, friends and family will die. But we have to remain true to what our country stands for. Freedom and equality. And compassion. For both the oppressed and the frightened. And right now, I think all of us are a little frightened. Let's not forget that.

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 10:36 AM
For those of you who think the kind of tyranny I speak of is but a fantasy

Here it is, for you blind people to see.

If you don't understand why this is wrong, why it is not ok to do this to people in America, then you are part of the problem. This kind of tyrannical behavior must be opposed. It should be frightening to anyone that we are even entertaining such absurdities.

Are we gonna repeat what we did to Japanese Americans during World War 2? Is that who we've become?

I already told you. I will fight you.

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 12:56 PM
You feel free to fight with them.

I will do everything in my power to not become the sand people (Tusken Raider) civilization of the universe, like these people are hell bent on making us.
edit on 20-11-2015 by DAZ21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

I'll be right there beside you.

This, what some are proposing, is exactly the same.

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: DAZ21
You feel free to fight with them.

I will do everything in my power to not become the sand people (Tusken Raider) civilization of the universe, like these people are hell bent on making us.

I don't want that either.

I think people are extremely confused about what my position actually is. Even though I have been very clear about it.

I do not want the Political Conservative Islam that has kept the majority of the Muslim world in the dark ages. This form of Islam is what most of the population of the Islamic world follows. This form of Islam is what is being allowed in Europe and what many don't realize is that it is this form of Islam that we are actually at war with. Whether we want to admit it or not.

Islam needs to undergo a Reformation. BADLY. We are so busy trying to sound tolerant that we utterly ignore the reality of Islam that IS in favor of the false one we built for ourselves. As I said, it is this majority view of Islam in the Muslim World that gives birth to Islamic terrorism. They are reading the SAME Quran as your average civilian in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, where purist forms of Sharia are the cultural norm. Terrorism won't stop, and people will keep dying until this reformation happens.

That's the reality I live in. That's the real Middle Eastern Islam we are dealing with.

I do not, however, believe that we should punish people for practicing their religion. We should not deport citizen's and non-citizens for being Muslim. We should not make them wear special IDs as Trump is in favor of. This is the United States. This is the perspective I speak from

I believe in our Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land. Not Sharia, and certainly not law by decree being proposed for dealing with the "Muslim Problem."

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

Here it is, for you blind people to see

Trump never said what you are accusing him of.

It is clear from the exchange that Trump thinks Hillyard is talking about new entrants to the United States, presumably Syrian refugees. But Hillyard reports Trump’s answer as if he is talking unambiguously about Muslims already in the United States.

Step 4: Smear. Hillyard comes back later, asking Trump: “Mr. Trump, why would Muslim databases not be the same thing as requiring Jews to register in Nazi Germany?” Trump realizes Hillyard is out for blood. “You tell me,” he says, and walks away. The story goes viral: “Donald Trump Is In Favor Of Legally Requiring American Muslims to Register on a Database,” writes Zeke Miller of Time, linking to Hillyard’s story at NBC. A proposal Trump never made is now an established mainstream media fact.

Step 5: Nazi. Now the dregs of the Internet begin to play up what Yahoo!-CNN-NBC have produced, with Raw Story reporting: “Trump crosses the Nazi line: Maybe Muslims should wear special ID badges.” He never said that–but at this stage, who cares.

So now that we cleared that up let's do a little recap.

From your OP.

The notion that they should apologize to bigots for every act of terrorism committed in the name of their shared religion is disgusting to me. It is repugnant to my sense of individualism, and what is proposed for dealing with "The Muslim Problem" is so disgusting and antithetical to who we are as a nation. For this American F'ing Soldier, whose heritage as a warrior goes back to the First World War, and immortalized in the Second World War, who fought against the Tyranny that brought us the atrocities against hundreds of millions of people, I find you offensive. I find you to be source of tyranny. Don't make me your enemy. I will fight you. You will not lead innocent people to camps, put them on trains, deport them for practicing their Constitutionally protected religion. I will pick up my Constitutionally protected arms and I will destroy you if you cross that line.

So who are you talking to? Is this directed at ATS members who said something that was out of line or are you actually directing this at presidential candidate Trump, even though he never said what you are falsely claiming here.

So who are you, an active soldier, threatening with lethal violence, refering to your Constitutionally owned arms(for which your name is in a database btw), your fellow ATS members, or do you want to shoot presidential candidate Trump, or both?

You are showing pretty extremist behavior if you ask me, and over what exactly? Some things that people said online and a story about Trump that is nothing more than twisted lies.

I think you need an evaluation by your employer. This thread is the most directed extremist thing I have ever read on ATS.

I can't believe that ATS is allowing you to make deaththreats to fellow members and a presidential candidate especially since it is based on what is effectively, nothing.

Great job ATS for allowing more polarising hate speech and inciting of violence. But, hey, it is not directed at muslims so it is ok.

edit on 21-11-2015 by StepAside because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: DaExpletive

I am not threatening to destroy people over some unfounded fantasy scenario.

Except for all the threads made by members of ATS that would do these things to American Muslims, that would advocate it.

Except for the Republican front runner, Donald Trump, who has suggested special IDs and shutting down mosques, among other things.

This isn't a fantasy. We're getting dangerously close to making this stuff a reality. I will fight against it.

So here we have an active duty soldier, threatening to kill presidential candidate Trump and other ATS members with his privately owned weapons on conspiracy site ""

To qoute the big fella, "your stupid is showing"
edit on 21-11-2015 by StepAside because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: StepAside

That's what you got out of that?

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

That's what you wrote and what I qouted.

You are a disgrace.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: StepAside

Your reading comprehension is lacking.

Or are you just mad that I didn't jump on the Trump bandwagon?

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

You are literally saying you are going to kill people nwith certain ideas, which you later specify to be ATS members and presidential candidate Trump.

You are a disgrace because you identify yourself as a soldier while spewing your extremist ideas, you are a disgrace because you refer to your legally owned weapons while spewing your extremist views.

Or are you just mad that I didn't jump on the Trump bandwagon?

I don't especially care for Trump. You are the one jumping on the bandwagon spreading lies about him.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: StepAside

That's not what I said.

Try reading the posts I've made again starting with the first one.

Read them as many times as necessary until you get it.

This will be my last response to you.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

The notion that they should apologize to bigots for every act of terrorism committed in the name of their shared religion is disgusting to me. It is repugnant to my sense of individualism, and what is proposed for dealing with "The Muslim Problem" is so disgusting and antithetical to who we are as a nation. For this American F'ing Soldier, whose heritage as a warrior goes back to the First World War, and immortalized in the Second World War, who fought against the Tyranny that brought us the atrocities against hundreds of millions of people, I find you offensive. I find you to be source of tyranny. Don't make me your enemy. I will fight you. You will not lead innocent people to camps, put them on trains, deport them for practicing their Constitutionally protected religion. I will pick up my Constitutionally protected arms and I will destroy you if you cross that line.

Then who are you talking to here?
edit on 21-11-2015 by StepAside because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 10:19 AM
The Return of Korematsu

But instead of asking questions, some elected officials echoed a response from one of America's darkest moments. Responding to the threat these displaced men, women, and children allegedly pose, Tennessee legislator Glen Casada called for the state National Guard to “round up” all Syrian refugees in the state on Tuesday. When asked about the constitutional protections that safeguard refugees and others in the United States, Casada replied, “And you have to ask yourself, which is greater: life or due process?”

Missouri state representative Mike Moon called for a special legislative session to halt refugee resettlement and “stop the potential Islamization of Missouri.” In his letter to the state speaker of the house, Moon feared that the diversity of Islam’s adherents could be a potent weapon.

It gets worse folks. These are American politicians who are making these suggestions.

In Rhode Island, State Senator Elaine Morgan wrote to a constituent, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.” She added, “If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our [populace].”

This is about refugees. So not quite the same thing. HOWEVER, I came here as a refugee. While I believe that refugees need to be run through some serious vetting, It would behoove us to listen to the warnings of history before we go and make the same mistakes. But if we are going to go down this route, then I will stand against it. There is little more offensive to American notions of liberty than the knee jerk reactions Americans, and in particular, American politicians have had over Muslims, and in particular Syrian refugees.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

It gets worse folks. These are American politicians who are making these suggestions.

So your threats are directed at them too?

There is little more offensive to American notions of liberty than the knee jerk reactions Americans, and in particular, American politicians have had over Muslims, and in particular Syrian refugees.

But you are here threatening to destroy these people with your legally owned weapons. An active duty soldier. This is insane.

This is about refugees. So not quite the same thing. HOWEVER, I came here as a refugee.

This is about a potential threat from Syrian refugees. You don't think this needs to be adressed?

I came here as a refugee.

Ok so no extreme bias there.

And quite ironic......

edit on 21-11-2015 by StepAside because: (no reason given)

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