posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 10:47 PM
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The day they started giving animals anti bacteria's in factory farm conditions. Which you have to do as they would all die in the unnatural conditions
if you didn't. Then the bugs that were going to kill them, are going to mutate and develop a resistance to the anti bacteria, and then carry on and do
the work they were intended to do . This has been going on in all levels of farming it causes a short term profit for a long term loss. So you end up
growing dangerous strains of bacteria to which their is no resistance for. Add that to the falling immune systems due to high starch diets, and it
looks like we are heading for a health apocalypse of medieval proportions. The question is will the mass die off occur in the factory farms or in the
human population first. In NZ. the CCamphobacteria found in chicken is now resistant to all antibiotics, so if you get it you get very sick, and
whether you live or die depends on your own immune system..