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American Anthropological Association Task Force calls for academic boycott of Israel

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posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 10:44 AM
This Friday, the biggest academic boycott resolution against Israel ever is expected to be adopted.

«The 130-page Task Force report provides a detailed, nuanced, and utterly devastating account of the human rights situation in Palestine.

The Task Force analyzed “the Israeli system of settler colonialism … as a single unified system stretching from Tel Aviv to Gaza and Ramallah

Moreover, the AAA Task Force report usefully highlights the special responsibility of the United States in enabling Israel’s abuses as well as the two countries’ shared histories of settler colonialism.

The Task Force concludes that the time has come for the AAA to take action in light of the association’s principles, including its commitment to human rights and its critical awareness of U.S. complicity in abuses abroad.

The Task Force notes that a statement censuring Israel by itself would be an “insufficient course of action” given the gravity of the situation in Palestine.

We believe the report provides a strong basis for building a consensus in the Association in favor of implementing the boycott of Israeli academic institutions at the AAA Annual Meeting in Denver this November.»


Panic in Israeli Media Over Proposed AAA Boycott

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: voyger2

"Although the Task Force does not take a position on the boycott of Israeli academic institutions, we believe its recommendations support our position that the most effective course of action available to the AAA is to honor the Palestinian civil society call for such a boycott."

The AAA Task force have NO current intentions to boycott Israel.

Only the "Anthropologists for the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions" say THEY want AAA to boycott Israel. They are a separate and very small pressure group with only just over 1000 signatories. That is very small potatoes about the size of a coward's you know whats.

You are trying to mislead people by suggesting that it will be adopted. The AAA have NO plans to boycott Israel. This is not going to happen. Your 1000 are just a members' private pressure group within the AAA.

I repeat the AAA have no intentions of doing this.

"This Friday, the biggest academic boycott resolution against Israel ever is expected to be adopted." is total farce and a lie. You have made this up yourself. Even the Task Force are not saying this. They only say they (the 1000 members) want it.

You are rallying for support here on ATS for a private cause and have told a lie that YOU made up. I am reporting you to ATS for misleading ATS and stating something that is completely untrue.

ATS, the AAA have never said anything about boycotting Israel. Only this ATS member is saying it and 1000 signatories on a petition that the OP is linking to (through the source) are wanting it.

OP you are not to be trusted.

edit on 19-11-2015 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 11:51 AM
Israel has always acted like they have a get out of jail free card, and can do what ever they please because they are Gods chosen people.

I ran into an interesting vid about a Jewish kid who had a vision of the whole world turning on Israel and wiping them out. When you see this type of thing it makes you wonder.

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: misskat1
Israel has always acted like they have a get out of jail free card, and can do what ever they please because they are Gods chosen people.

I ran into an interesting vid about a Jewish kid who had a vision of the whole world turning on Israel and wiping them out. When you see this type of thing it makes you wonder.

Lol, do you think that is a good idea to wipe out millions of Jews then? I know another guy who tried that. He ended up cowardly killing himself and his woman in misery and defeat in a bunker.

Sorry need to edit as angry: Who are you to blanket millions of Jews that they all "do what they want". No they don't. They do as anybody else does; they abide by the laws of the countries they live in. You are just painting a gross caricature which is actually quite anti Semitic.
edit on 19-11-2015 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: Revolution9

You called me liar, that I made up this, that I want to mislead, i'm not to be trusted, etc... but yet you failed to read the sources:

Please, take the time to read and listen to what is mentioned in the following source:
Panic in Israeli Media Over Proposed AAA Boycott

Dan Rabinowitz:
The American Anthropological Association will adopt the call of Palestinian civil society organizations for an academic boycott of Israel.

Reporter: At stake is not just another insignificant call to boycott Israel, but the worst academic boycott resolution against Israel ever. And this one is coming, of all places, from the USA.

Prof. Peretz Lavie, head of Council of University Presidents: For a long while, we saw this as a phenomenon that was perhaps characteristic of radical campuses. We have to admit that our eyes were shut. We have had our heads stuck in the sand. This phenomenon is today spreading to the leading universities in the US.

The AAA, which numbers twelve thousand members, will convene this Tuesday in Denver CO to approve the boycott resolution. Among other things, the members would be asked to vote on that ‘AAA as an Association endorses and will honor this call from Palestinian civil society to boycott Israeli academic institutions.’


Try not to be Pathetic...

Edit: Actually I believe you are the one who should be reported.
edit on 19/11/2015 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Revolution9

Of course I dont think its OK to wipe out millions of Jews, but I dont think they have the right to push people off their land either.

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: misskat1
Got news for you buster, that's happened a hundred or more times before on this Earth, watch Fetih 1453 and edumacate yourself

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: voyger2
a reply to: Revolution9

You called me liar, that I made up this, that I want to mislead, i'm not to be trusted, etc... but yet you failed to read the sources:

Please, take the time to read and listen to what is mentioned in the following source:
Panic in Israeli Media Over Proposed AAA Boycott

Dan Rabinowitz:
The American Anthropological Association will adopt the call of Palestinian civil society organizations for an academic boycott of Israel.

Reporter: At stake is not just another insignificant call to boycott Israel, but the worst academic boycott resolution against Israel ever. And this one is coming, of all places, from the USA.

Prof. Peretz Lavie, head of Council of University Presidents: For a long while, we saw this as a phenomenon that was perhaps characteristic of radical campuses. We have to admit that our eyes were shut. We have had our heads stuck in the sand. This phenomenon is today spreading to the leading universities in the US.

The AAA, which numbers twelve thousand members, will convene this Tuesday in Denver CO to approve the boycott resolution. Among other things, the members would be asked to vote on that ‘AAA as an Association endorses and will honor this call from Palestinian civil society to boycott Israeli academic institutions.’


Try not to be Pathetic...

Edit: Actually I believe you are the one who should be reported.

Your source is not the AAA. You will not be able to find a source for the AAA saying the things that you, Dan and the reporter are saying. It does not exist.

I am telling you that there are only 1000 signatories. At the meeting they will attempt to build a consensus. 1000 signatories and 12000 members. You are saying it will happen. I am telling you that the AAA have officially said nothing about it being enacted as it stands.

As it has not happened yet you are rallying here on ATS for a cause. That is how I see it. You are acting like a politician trying to draw up support for your adopted cause. I would never do that on ATS personally.

You said yourself that it is expected to be adopted. You expect it. Dan is paranoid about it. I see no widespread panic in Israeli media about it other than your Channel 10 reporter and it does not seem to be panic mode to me.

This is a coming meeting and you are pre-supposing the outcome. That is propaganda. The AAA have given no notice about any boycott. Go look on their facebook:

No mention that they are going to boycott Israel! There will be a vote. It is under consideration at the meeting. Let us be clear about that.

Off your own back, Dan being paranoid and the reporter just saying what Dan is saying are not an expected boycott. Dan is being a bit hysterical because he wants to get the message through about what is happening in the Academic world in U.S.

May be the future is boycotts? I don't know. Have to see how this goes. It is only one of many Academic Associations (albeit a large one). Plenty of U.S Academia will not want to play politics when we have politicians to do that.

You used the wrong word. Only you are expecting it from an interview you have seen I guess: You, Dan and the reporter. Those 10000 want it. I hope the rest of the AAA see sense that this is a mighty bad idea.

Just to clear one other thing up while we are at it. The European Union location labelling of goods is ONLY in relation to the POST 1967 territories and NOT the rest of Israel.

I can't really state my stance because I don't live in Israel. I would like to see the Israelis and Palestinians working out a deal, BUT the Bible informs me that the Anti Christ will make the deal and then quickly break it and attack Israel. He will come as a lamb but will really be a wolf. That makes more sense to me than the insane politics of humanity that play with flesh and blood life when we consider human history. It is VERY heavy stuff, kind of end of the world type stuff. I got my hopes pinned on the Messiah coming back (Jesus) to sort it out once and for all. I wish for it and hope that it is not just a fairy story as I see nothing else to hope upon.


edit on 19-11-2015 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Revolution9

Here you go.
Leading anthropologists group overwhelmingly passes BDS resolution at Denver conference

By an overwhelming vote of 1,040 in favor and 136 against (88 percent), the American Anthropological Association (AAA) overwhelmingly approved a historic resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions to honor the call of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS).

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 03:26 PM
I read this this morning. Really good news.

Pressure. Non-violent pressure and unrelenting pressure is the way to make change. Because this is breaking more mainstream more boycotts will happen and the movement will gain steam. This is the way peace happens.

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: amazing

With over 10,000 members, AAA is by far the largest academic association in the United States to endorse the boycott at an annual meeting.

quote from press realese:
«The core problem is Israel’s maintenance of a settler colonial regime based on Jewish supremacy and Palestinian dispossession. By supporting the boycott, anthropologists are taking a stand for justice through action in solidarity with Palestinians.»

The background for the resolution:

“An academic boycott has an important role to play in pressuring Israel to end these abuses. Israel stands apart from other states that routinely engage in mass human rights abuses due to the level of support it receives from the United States.

At the governmental level, Israel is the leading recipient — in absolute and per capita terms — of official U.S. aid, much of which goes to purchase weapons used to oppress, maim, and kill Palestinians.

More than with any other country, the U.S. regularly thwarts any concerted action at the United Nations to curb Israel’s abuses, in the face of near-universal condemnation by the international community.

Furthermore, Israel enjoys extensive ties with academic and cultural institutions in the U.S. As a result, Israel depends on the U.S. not only for diplomatic and military aid, but also for its sense of legitimacy in the face of international condemnation.

The academic boycott is an act of protest against Israel’s violations and an act of solidarity with our Palestinian colleagues. It is also a rejection of the support that the U.S. government provides Israel, enabling it to act with impunity.

Israel’s dependence on the U.S. makes it vulnerable to popular pressure, such as boycotts, from U.S. organizations. Boycott functions by making complicity with the status quo burdensome for Israeli academic institutions. It provides a concrete and proven way that scholars can participate in amplifying that pressure

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 04:22 PM
A must watch video from an Israeli writer. The truth plain and simple.
«We lost hope in Israel»


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