posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 12:43 PM
Thanks for the insight guys, i know this reasoning isn't that provocative, but i think mental health is probably the single common thread between all
of these terror groups. I found the above article by googling "terrorism and mental health" This research paper was the only thing on the first page
that seriously took a look at this issue, but its from UK and its from 2003. You would think a lot more professionals would be making a broad link
to this, and getting away from the religious aspects.
Mental health issues are really obvious, i feel, for homegrown terrorists who simply become terrorists by being online. The terrorists from war
stricken areas are more than likely in the PTSD category. And lets be frank, or bob, as soon as you start feeling that you should harm other living
creatures, bc an invisible entity in your head tells you too, then your very close to textbook schizo. I grew up in churches, went to private
catholic schools and am rather knowledgeable of religious concepts. I feel religion and God just boils down to how you treat others, and that's it.
SO if you have a person, who is religious, and they want to harm others, then someone along the line has preyed on them and used religion to get that
person essentially crazy. This is why i DO hold the Muslim world accountable because they have allowed this to thrive and now its out of control.
You got crazies recruiting crazies and it all started with a single teacher of religion. More than likely it was the Muslim leaders who turned their
heads when they saw radicalism on their streets. Now, with 8 billion people on this planet, its easy to say a percentage are mentally ill and
susceptible to violence. And we more than likely have a vacuum effect of the worlds crazies moving to one source, through the internet. This all
reminds me of The Joker recruiting his followers of crazies. I feel the Muslim powers didn't exactly create this, but they let the crazies in their
countries run wild, bc the Muslim powers felt "As long as they are on our side, then it will be the worlds problem" Well guess what, now Muslim
powers have a neurotic army to deal with that will turn on them. I don't know exactly how this can help the war on terrorism, but I feel if we took
some approach to this with mental health, then we would be focusing first on getting the children away from this area. BC kids are the most
susceptible to becoming "crazy" in these areas. And that's it, I think that may be the only true way to stop radicalism, get the kids out of these
areas and indoctrinate them with a new mentality before they become "sick" as well.