posted on Nov, 17 2015 @ 12:22 PM
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Lol. Sorry but it's a pet peeve of mine. I wish the creators of those info graphics would spend more time on accuracy in the aircraft used for the
scenario they depict.
They show an EA-6b Prowler for electronic warfare. The Prowler won't be flying anymore when the bomber comes on-line and are quickly being retired.
They also show a KC-130 for tanker, which is all in good if that F-35 they show is the B or C model but it wouldn't be used on any of the other
aircraft in the diagram since the Prowler will be gone shortly.
The planform they used for the bomber bares a striking resemblance to the guesstimated planform someone drew of the Wichita bird. Wrong but what
Ok, now that I got that out of my system, the new bomber will be able to do the job of every one of those assets minus the satellite and tanker. It
can strike, have a limited fighter roll (in an unconventional sense), do electronic attack and ISR, all while having the highest level of
inter-connectivity and situational awareness throughout all assets involved that has ever been put to the sky.
A scary scenario for any advisory to have to counter.