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Does the CIA moniter your computer ??

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posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 08:48 AM
3 words for you people

Open Source Linux

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by NetStorm

Originally posted by TgSoe
Not only can they spy on your computer activity, they can listen to you through your speakers. Isn't technology wonderful.

I'm sorry, thats impossible to do, unless the speaker/speakers has/have been modified before you get it/them.

actually it is possible to use speakers as microphones... ive plugged in headfones in wrong jack in my hi-fi before and could speak thru them like a mic...

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 11:13 AM
I don't think that the NSA or CIA are monitoring our computers or searching our files. How would data be sent to and from the NSA without being detected.

There are many people who will log every packet which enters or leaves their computer or network, someone would have noticed it by now (especially network admins). Also if any data was being sent/recieved then anyone could see it happening with a packet sniffer.

The NSA watching your internet traffic, thats a different matter. Thats easily possible.

Originally posted by Banshee
And Windows supposedly does have an NSA key to allow access:

Microsoft's response
The key does not belong to the NSA, it is Microsoft's backup key

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 12:46 PM
Of course the CIA monitors my computer because I, like everyone else on ATS, have all the secrets to the universe on my hard drive.


posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 12:56 PM
I relly doent think thay are whatsing us, They doent care unless you have something extremly inportent. If they begin to delete files on your computer you know that you know the truth. If thay doent do anything it can ba a hoax or... But all windows fom 95 and upp have this back door for NSA, and things like that. This cant be removed. If thay are going to whatsh all of us, it would be a hel of a job.

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 01:39 PM
If the NSA has all this power, they could easily spoof thier traffic into looking legitmate. Packet crafting is the target here, something they could easily do with Microsoft's aid. This is why I suggest to anyone do not use Windows EFS at all... find a third party application to encrypt your files.

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Linux
If the NSA has all this power, they could easily spoof thier traffic into looking legitmate. Packet crafting is the target here, something they could easily do with Microsoft's aid. This is why I suggest to anyone do not use Windows EFS at all... find a third party application to encrypt your files.

All this Microsoft talk and NSA.... that's why I use a MAC!!!

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by nibiru
I don't think that the NSA or CIA are monitoring our computers or searching our files. How would data be sent to and from the NSA without being detected.

There are many people who will log every packet which enters or leaves their computer or network, someone would have noticed it by now (especially network admins). Also if any data was being sent/recieved then anyone could see it happening with a packet sniffer.

The NSA watching your internet traffic, thats a different matter. Thats easily possible.

I'd agree with this - OS's can leak for sure, but as you say plenty of people monitor their hardware, run agressive firewalls and such, and neither IP (nor UDP) work in an occult way, you'd notice stuff for sure ... (ok, clearly not everyone would, but there are enough people who keep an eye on IT security, and who are 'overly curious' enough to spot anything interesting I'm sure).

-- but --

what happens when your data leaves your interface is a somewhat of a leap of faith tho' as you say ... who knows what really happens to it out there ...

So no, I don't think 'they' monitor your computer directly as such, but yes, I accept that outbound and incoming traffic could be intercepted up the line a bit and used in routine intel gathering - (Hell, I get enough port scanning from Eastern European ISP's to see that happening !!).

[Edit to repair quote format: note to self, must preview posts first].

[edit on 5-1-2005 by 0951]


posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 05:11 PM
Why can't people understand that the government will not care what some rather idiotic conspiracy theorist thinks?
You honestly think anyone has any credability who uses these sites?
Furthermore why would this 'NSA' key be called thus if it was really for the NSA? The key has nothing to do with the NSA...
Recording through speakers? What you talking about? A microphone and speaker and not similar at all...

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by A5H
Why can't people understand that the government will not care what some rather idiotic conspiracy theorist thinks?
You honestly think anyone has any credability who uses these sites?
Furthermore why would this 'NSA' key be called thus if it was really for the NSA? The key has nothing to do with the NSA...
Recording through speakers? What you talking about? A microphone and speaker and not similar at all...

Shhhhh! We just want them to think that we're a bunch of crazed conspiracy theorists!


posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:26 AM
They cant hear us trou speakers. They can see what we have on the computer and things like this but do you think they care what you have? They use it only to track down theorists and BIG drugs dealers. Things like that they doent care about you or your alien movies. Or not all have aliens movie.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:41 AM
The CIA probably only watch the people at ATS cuz we know more about whats going on in the world than the masses do. They probably don't care about the rest.


posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by TgSoe
The CIA probably only watch the people at ATS cuz we know more about whats going on in the world than the masses do. They probably don't care about the rest.

Is this a joke?


posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 03:09 PM
yea it is a joke. The most thing here is hoax and stuff like this. Of corse it is much real but how can we know. If thay begun to whatch people her we know that we are on something big, and thay doent what us to think like that. Thay have more to do than bee here.

There are other people out there that know alot more then us.

[edit on 6-1-2005 by Xon]

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 03:18 PM
I know that a 3rd hand story isn't the best evidence, but I thought I'd just toss this out to see if anyone had similiar experiences. A guy my father works with is really into computers, and for whatever reason is pretty zealous about his internet security. He claims that his security software has detected several attempts to access his system which he traced to government buildings.
Anyone know if this story is possible and if so, has anyone had similiar experiences?


posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 03:24 PM
I had one at my norton internett security that come from a goverment building in the US. What thay wanth I am not sure. I doent think it was the meaning, bucouse If thay will go in on a computer that will go inn a way that the security software doent can see them. They are really good at hacking so the security system is no problem for they.

So for my case I doent think that was after me for any cind.

[edit on 6-1-2005 by Xon]


posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 03:28 PM
there is a treat on this at RATS link:

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 03:33 PM
I believe that big brother is always watching, could they hack my computer sure with dsl cable internet its easier than ever....does this scare not really...why?? Because if they have time to investigate me, it means they have run out of real threats and we are much more secure than once believed....believe me, they have better things do to then see what music files you have downloaded recently.....


posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 03:53 PM
Jesus christ.
You really think that the government are going to allow software to be released that allows them to be found and traced? I mean c'mon. Be sensible...
I'm sure *IF* they wanted to do it, it would come from a completely anonymous server and would not be picked up by any security packages...
Afterall I think the government would employ the best of the best. Not some script kiddy who needs an E-book to know how to connect to a a proxy server

Anyway I still think this is *not* happening...

It's like when people say 'omg my phone is clicking it must be tapped'...
Yeah because it's difficult to tap a phone without clicking...especially on a government budget...

But what do I know...



posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by A5H
Jesus christ.
You really think that the government are going to allow software to be released that allows them to be found and traced? I mean c'mon. Be sensible...
I'm sure *IF* they wanted to do it, it would come from a completely anonymous server and would not be picked up by any security packages...
Afterall I think the government would employ the best of the best. Not some script kiddy who needs an E-book to know how to connect to a a proxy server

Anyway I still think this is *not* happening...

It's like when people say 'omg my phone is clicking it must be tapped'...
Yeah because it's difficult to tap a phone without clicking...especially on a government budget...

But what do I know...


When I ment i found a ip that was from the goverment I think this was a fail or something like this. I doent think it was from Nsa og Fbi but some thing like a police station or soemhing like this. When some one trap your phone you doent hear a klic. And if Nsa, Fbi whant to come in to your computer there is no security that can see them. Or maybe there is a spesial security program but I doent know. If Ylu have a Linux on the internett they can still see you if they whant.

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