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Groups want students who say “All Lives Matter” punished and re-educated

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posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 07:35 AM
Black lives do matter. And as approx. 93% of blacks are killed by other blacks, the message should be taken to the black communities across the nation.

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
BTW, it doesn't seem to stop there.

Here is what a black lives matter, Black Student Union, and Afrikan Black Coalition leader has to say about the problem in America.

‘Black Lives Matter’ leader demands new constitution or ‘it will be the bullet’

October 8, 2015

Victor Skinner

BERKELEY, Calif. – Blake Simons, a self-described Black Lives Matter leader at the University of California-Berkeley, has a message for America: It’s a new constitution or “the bullet.”

The Cal senior is a member of the Black Student Union and “Deputy Comms Director” of the Afrikan Black Coalition at UC Berkeley, where he’s led repeated protests in recent months over police shootings and the allegedly racist learning environment at the school, according to the Berkeleyside.

Now, Simons is peddling an enlightening article about his ideas on racism in America that centers on an ultimatum: either the U.S. rewrites its beloved Constitution with special considerations for black people, orit will be the bullet, he threatens.

This insanity really has to stop.

It used to be illegal to make such threats of death and violence. Not for the last 7 years, though. Only for one demographic, anyway, and not others.

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