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Putin Laughs Off Obama At G20 Summit: “He’s A Child…He’s A Child.”

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posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

If you don't think Putin is having strings pulled from behind-the-scenes you know nothing about Russia. The Russian mafia owns Russia. It owns Putin and he doesn't squat to defecate without their permission. The RM controls virtually all the economic activity in the country. Don't believe me? Take a trip to Moscow and get back to me.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: jtma508

You clearly missed this bit in my post then......

These 2 men are 2 sides of the same coin and all the worlds a stage, and they are merely the players keeping you distracted from their masters pulling their strings from behind the curtain...........

and I've visited Russia many times in my life, the most recent being about 14 months ago.


posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
Its not just Putin...everyone is laughing at this clown. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the world community, we are all worthy of ridicule for voting this moron into office....twice...and they would be correct in thinking so.

I don't vote, I'm not indirectly responsible for any of that sh*t.

Get rid of the current nominating/campaigning/voting process and I'll think about it.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

Putin: Checkmate

Obama: wait, but you can't move...I thought..this isn't checkers? *sighs* Shoot some hoops instead?

That informal meeting was televised in part, (not the conversation)and lasted a half-hour. More tommy rot from DC Whispers then for the gullible.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 09:06 AM
Sigh. You guys ...... The world does not think we are stupid for allowing Obama to lead us. They KNOW WE are stupid for the last 30 years of occupa....ahem, leadership we have allowed, and also for the next corporatist, republicrat stooge that we will elect as well. The us, the most "powerful nation in the world", where the citizenry are unrepresented and sit idly by while their government and corporations strip them and all the rest of the world of our God given rights to liberty and opportunity. While we sit idly by eating cheetos and watching "the voice".

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: DelMarvel

Russia is primarily attacking non-ISIS rebels and Assad and his allies really haven't made any overwhelming progress on the ground as a result.

Non-ISIS "rebels"?

You just did it again. Russia is invited by the lawful government of Syria to help in close support of Syrian ground operations to rid their nation of US backed insurgency. All 21 flavors of terrs are being targeted as needed by the Syrian military.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: Iamnotadoctor
Your only source seems a little lonely with that report...
I'm tipping it is fabricated.

I searched on the term "He's a Child......He's a Child". It produces what I call the "closed loop", i.e., the statement appears in DC Whispers and then is picked up and repeated by a dozen or more conservative nutter blogs and websites, but there's no reference to anything resembling a credible news organization.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

I agree with most of what you said but i would say putin is more transparent than UK/US leaders, offering up his finance to be scrutinized (True this could be a deception but also it could be an honest move). Our leaders would never do such a thing, it wasnt that long ago we in the UK found out our politicians had been buying second homes through expences (Tax payers money obviously) and as usual only apologizing because they was caught.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 11:02 AM
You got some Putin running down your chin.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: jtma508
a reply to: Sublimecraft

If you don't think Putin is having strings pulled from behind-the-scenes you know nothing about Russia. The Russian mafia owns Russia. It owns Putin and he doesn't squat to defecate without their permission. The RM controls virtually all the economic activity in the country. Don't believe me? Take a trip to Moscow and get back to me.


And in this comment above do we see why "Obama is a baby" and Putin will say so and why that comment extends to so many places in the West.

Let me assure you, a Mafia gets things done and isn't afraid to do them, I have lived on both the East and West Coast of the USA in One city NY there is a genuine Mafia running things behind the scenes always in regards to "dirty deeds" and in the other LA there are groups present but no one in charge, same for Phx AZ

The difference, NY has tons of crime: For profit, but i've never known anyone shot in the head for no reason, drive bys, rape all sorts of things are limited in certain locations particularly. LA is more like the Middle East, very easy to die or be a victim on your porch.

Obama and anyone else that thinks the world doesn't need men handling the trash is a fool

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 11:14 AM
Soo , Obama is a child [ a blackboy nevertheless ] ; Erdogan is a Dictator [ guy got % 50 of the vote ] .

Putin on the other hand [KGB] is a Strong Leader that will do you all lot of good .

Sometimes ATS can be an inverted circus , eh ?

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: anon72

If Putin is so great, his country is just an ocean away. I'm sure you'll love all the freedoms you'll lose and took for granted here.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 11:27 AM
I hate being made to defend President Obama.

But, I'm not sending my kid to that craphole.

The entire Middle East is not worth a single America life to me.

So, Obama doesn't want to spill more blood and lose more Kids.

I actually respect that.

I would however be willing to deplete our missile supply....One at a time.

edit on 16-11-2015 by whyamIhere because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2015 by whyamIhere because: It's early here

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: 23432

Soo , Obama is a child [ a blackboy nevertheless ] ; Erdogan is a Dictator [ guy got % 50 of the vote ] .

Putin on the other hand [KGB] is a Strong Leader that will do you all lot of good .

Sometimes ATS can be an inverted circus , eh ?

Show me the list of situations in which a nation rose via Peace and remained intact then show me the list of situations where being a conqueror won the day for your people.

One list is too long to finish in a day, the other is a single word "Gandhi"

I didn't make this effed up planet, but kicking arse seems to be what works and I don't know what "god" decided on survival of the fittest but I do know by fittest he means "meanest"

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: intrptr

Russia is primarily attacking non-ISIS rebels and Assad and his allies really haven't made any overwhelming progress on the ground as a result.

Non-ISIS "rebels"?

You just did it again. Russia is invited by the lawful government of Syria to help in close support of Syrian ground operations to rid their nation of US backed insurgency.

And I said nothing to contradict that. I was responding to the comment that Putin was a "real leader" who would surely take care of ISIS.

originally posted by: intrptr

All 21 flavors of terrs are being targeted as needed by the Syrian military.

Ask the Syrian Kurds if they think they've been taken care of "as needed" by the Syrian military. The fact is Assad and the Russians are leaving ISIS to the U.S. coalition. They want to wipe out the non-ISIS opposition first so that ISIS is the only remaining alternative and, of course, a completely unacceptable one.

I'm not excusing anything the U.S. has done but this idea that Putin is some kind of noble white knight is BS.
edit on 16-11-2015 by DelMarvel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: criticalhit

originally posted by: 23432

Soo , Obama is a child [ a blackboy nevertheless ] ; Erdogan is a Dictator [ guy got % 50 of the vote ] .

Putin on the other hand [KGB] is a Strong Leader that will do you all lot of good .

Sometimes ATS can be an inverted circus , eh ?

Show me the list of situations in which a nation rose via Peace and remained intact then show me the list of situations where being a conqueror won the day for your people.

One list is too long to finish in a day, the other is a single word "Gandhi"

I didn't make this effed up planet, but kicking arse seems to be what works and I don't know what "god" decided on survival of the fittest but I do know by fittest he means "meanest"

Ends justify the means , eh ?

Hitler's momma wasn't mean enough to kill unborn Hitler when she had the opportunity.

Gandhi proposed to work with Sharia Council of India to overthrow British.

Survival of the fittest is not on the cards ; all destined to a life of bonded slavery .

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: 23432

Hitlers mommy wasn't mean enough to kill baby Hitler?

Are we in a time Travel Novel where she knew...

Hitler was... a Bad General, that's why we don't all speak German

I don't deal in weird vague nonsense in a debate, we rose by kicking Butt, we will fall by not.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
Its not just Putin...everyone is laughing at this clown. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the world community, we are all worthy of ridicule for voting this moron into office....twice...and they would be correct in thinking so.

I dont' think so. If you look at other countries news sources you'll find different views. The world doesn't think Obama's a clown nor are we being ridiculed for electing him in office. Remember what our choices were in the last two elections-Sarah Palin as a VP and Romney as our president. Based on those two facts, we definitely made the right decision on voting him in. The alternative would have been horrible.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
Its not just Putin...everyone is laughing at this clown. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the world community, we are all worthy of ridicule for voting this moron into office....twice...and they would be correct in thinking so.

I dont' think so. If you look at other countries news sources you'll find different views. The world doesn't think Obama's a clown nor are we being ridiculed for electing him in office. Remember what our choices were in the last two elections-Sarah Palin as a VP and Romney as our president. Based on those two facts, we definitely made the right decision on voting him in. The alternative would have been horrible.

That is the beauty of politics. Where you see the alternatives as horrible, I see the mistake we made as horrible and believe the alternative could only have been better for I can see no way it could have been worse than what we have now.

I guess it depends on where you look and who you ask. I see a lot of foreign opinion, for lack of a better term, bashing Americans for electing this idiot - twice. Not that other presidents haven't also been idiots. But this one is the poster boy. He really is an embarrassment. After the last eight years I can honestly say I would welcome just about anyone, apart from another clinton. We made that mistake twice already and we don't need to multiply our lunacy any further than we already have.

I guess I should amend my statement to say: after the last eight years I would welcome just about any non-democrat. We need someone with the big brass balls necessary to dismantle the obamacare debacle and fix the health care system - for civilians and especially for our veterans. Although I concede hillary does meet the big brass balls requirement, she falls shockingly, dismally, short on the honesty and integrity scale.

America deserves better than what the democrats have brought to the table for the last eight years. I am not particularly impressed with what the republicans have brought to the table either. But if I had to choose a menu it would be conservative or independent. I might keep looking for better chefs and wait staff... But I would take a conservative or independent menu over another liberal one any day of the week. To extend the metaphor, king obama was the e-coli at the political banquet and we all got landed with a nasty case of the runs.

My vote will be a vote for Pepto-Bismol and Depends until further notice.

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
Its not just Putin...everyone is laughing at this clown. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the world community, we are all worthy of ridicule for voting this moron into office....twice...and they would be correct in thinking so.

I dont' think so. If you look at other countries news sources you'll find different views. The world doesn't think Obama's a clown nor are we being ridiculed for electing him in office. Remember what our choices were in the last two elections-Sarah Palin as a VP and Romney as our president. Based on those two facts, we definitely made the right decision on voting him in. The alternative would have been horrible.

That is the beauty of politics. Where you see the alternatives as horrible, I see the mistake we made as horrible and believe the alternative could only have been better for I can see no way it could have been worse than what we have now.

I guess it depends on where you look and who you ask. I see a lot of foreign opinion, for lack of a better term, bashing Americans for electing this idiot - twice. Not that other presidents haven't also been idiots. But this one is the poster boy. He really is an embarrassment. After the last eight years I can honestly say I would welcome just about anyone, apart from another clinton. We made that mistake twice already and we don't need to multiply our lunacy any further than we already have.

I guess I should amend my statement to say: after the last eight years I would welcome just about any non-democrat. We need someone with the big brass balls necessary to dismantle the obamacare debacle and fix the health care system - for civilians and especially for our veterans. Although I concede hillary does meet the big brass balls requirement, she falls shockingly, dismally, short on the honesty and integrity scale.

America deserves better than what the democrats have brought to the table for the last eight years. I am not particularly impressed with what the republicans have brought to the table either. But if I had to choose a menu it would be conservative or independent. I might keep looking for better chefs and wait staff... But I would take a conservative or independent menu over another liberal one any day of the week. To extend the metaphor, king obama was the e-coli at the political banquet and we all got landed with a nasty case of the runs.

My vote will be a vote for Pepto-Bismol and Depends until further notice.

I'll respectfully disagree with you. We do need to tweak or replace Obamacare with some kind of single payer or expanded medicaid. Remember the goal of Obamacare was just to make sure that everyone had healthcare and could get the medical care they need. That's it period. I don't like any of the clowns on the GOP side except Rand Paul, but they keep marginalizing him. I'd pick Sanders over anyone.

I have to ask you though, why do you think Obama is so bad? Serious question. Also, was Clinton, apart from the Scandal at the end, so bad for the country?

I've laid out the last few Presidents and Obama always comes up near the top...when compared to Carter, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, Nixon, Ford, Clinton, LBJ, Reagan, Obama. When looking at that short list, Obama isn't too bad. I mean Reagan gave weapons to Iran, dealt with drug lords in south america and created the Taliban/Al Queda.

Sure Obama has not been the best president ever, but it's really minor policy details that we disagree on. He hasn't destroyed American or anything. Why is he so bad to you guys?

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