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posted on Nov, 14 2015 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: nullafides

By nature and ancestry I am not exclusively caucasion or racist, that said you would be hard pressed to identify this fact if you looked at me being blue/green hazel eye'd (with gold rings around the iris) caucasion with dark blond hair at six foot tall and now sadly overweight with middle aged spread (not butter left in the fridge too long)...

Now SERIOUSLY, when the baby boom of the sixty's gave rise to fears of overpopulation and accusations from some scientific quarters that it would lead to overpopulation as well as right wing conservative views that too many people would fuel a socialist overthrow of there powers a plan was enacted by some very high ranking scientists including former Nazi party members whom then worked for IG Farben but it was not as simple as streight forward polluting of food and water supply's.

You see there is in chemistry the concept of binary and trinary compound's, put several compounds into the water and food supply and they will react in the body forming toxins or suppressant's, delivering them streight would have been too obvious so delivery method's included the deliberate use of them in consumer items which the planners of this atrocity knew would lead to there innevitable release into the environment thus allowing the binary compound's to form with no fingers being pointed directly at them or at least little or no evidence of there implicity involvement and what is worse these men thought they were doing something good.

So what did they do.

Today your food and water is polluted far more in the western world than you think, OK it does not have the same biological contaminants or pathogen concentrations as that of a third world nation but instead it has thing's your immune system can not fight that cause/trigger cancers and reduce fertility (now this was there actual intent).

It was about population control but they could not yet reach the undeveloped and developing world so they created an imbalance in the human birth rate, they slowed birth rate in developed and western nations while simultaneously it went unchecked in the undeveloped and developing nations.

I could get into this and explain the link to the NWO but what would be the point.

There is a genocide but it began by preventing our people having children, by messing with our sexual development creating devation from the normal development by placing PCB's and artificial hormones in the water and binary activating compounds in our food supply's which reduced male libido and created angrogenous behaviour in both sexes while'st also diminishing fertility and reducing the projected birth rate's of our nation's.

It was easy to get the Soviet union to copy the fancy chemical's as they tried to keep pace with western technology and provide there own form of controlled consumerism in the form of cosmetic's and technologys and so to unwittingly spread this plan also to there developed area's but it of course did not reach into africa, the middle east and asia at the same rate and so there birth rates went unchecked, they grew to overspill levels of population while our own population dropped, falling birth rates led to a worker crisis with not enough young so immigration was seen as a short term solution.

In other word's there plan backfired badly through it's own success, but it was a success only against the most developed nation's by these narcicistic elite and there cronies (they did see what for them was the sunny side though as these compounds also aneasthetised the intelligence of the west and left them as virtual super intellects were previously they were challenged constantly by those in there own societs whom were born outside of there network of control and manipulation), now they are trying to pick up the pieces of the cup they have smashed and set themselves as the NWO instead of the fourth reich by manipulating western government's and financial sectors and toppling economys so that they can then pick them back up and take control of them.

This Genocide has been going on for over 55 years now and may have it's origin streight after WW2.
edit on 14-11-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2015 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: nullafides

In another language genocide equates to the word genesis

posted on Nov, 14 2015 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Exactly. Like a bunch of Star Bellied Sneetches

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: BestinShow
a reply to: nullafides

Good goddamn thread...

How about this: tptb have a plan...put European Nation-States in a situation where they bend over backwards to accommodate Islam, as they know it will backfire in a big way...eventually giving Core Nations a reason to wipe them out to appease the populace, as all other options have been extinguished.


That is indeed something to think about.

Just get the people to do their dirty work. They won't have to worry about being demonized for killing women and children because the blood would be on the hands of the people.

War is brutal and ugly. No one wins that is engaged in the actual boots on the ground battlefield. Ask anyone that has been there. PTSD is a very real ailment, and everyone that interacts with the person that has PTSD is affected. Yet it strengthens my hope in humanity when I am knowingly in the presence of a person that suffers with PTSD. I know that I am in the presence of a survivor, and no matter how or what that person did to survive, that they know from a place deeper than most people will ever know even exists, that living comes with a cost, that life is not a gift, and having to take one comes with a price that can never be paid in full.

I think this knowledge is what leads some of the more brutal military cultures, to encourage the members of their military to commit self suicide. Out of sight out of mind, and they have don't to provide for the person that has difficulty holding the peices of their shattered soul together. Anyone that has even the tiniest respect for life, takes no pleasure in killing, and even when done in self defense, carries the memories with them to their grave. The deeper they bury those memories the more their spirit splinters.

I do not fear death. At my age it walks closer with me each day. I fear my legacy, what I leave behind. If I leave a world with no hope, then I have failed and there is no greater hell than knowing this.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 08:51 AM
Did you guys follow the link to this site?

Why are they so hell bent on destroying the white man, really? Why are these Jews so hell bent on this goal? Is this just a few nuts or is this a more concerted effort - a conspiracy in fact?

Are these quotes even genuine? I know a few of them are but.. you know, kinda messed up how they can get away with saying stuff like this. Ridiculous really. These people are the most racist people out there.. they believe they're the chosen because their satanic god chose them.. that old dragon.

Well, either way. These people are white as hell, let's start with killing them then.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I'd actually like to know what "white culture" is so that I can judge whether or not 1.) that's actually my culture and 2.) whether or not it's the dominant culture of the US.

this would be a great thread of its own.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I said "not forgotten", not allowed to eclipse.

Entirely different things.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: nullafides
Not at all. My children are bi racial.

My point is this there is always something that keeps groups separated and no matter what amount of mixing is done there is always going to be separation.

Well, petty squabbles amongst "societies" and "communities" may postpone the inevitable...but...

In the end, the inevitable is the inevitable.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Self anointed victim mentality.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Yet again....

Not a mention of "multiculturalism" was made in my statement.

I specifically stated "not forgetting".

You people amaze me.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Amen. I remember reading of a study in China where they tried to get at the reason for the success of the West with the renassaince, the enlightenment and the industrialisation and they actually gave a lot of credit to Christianity. While that may be true to a certain extent I also think the esoteric free thinkers, alchemists and occultists constantly pushed the boundaries of thought in their days. I think Hermeticism had a lot of influence in particular as far as scientific thinking goes. It's a shame we ostracised such thinking so heavily here in the West, this is a big reason why the Nazis was so much ahead of us in WWII, they threw all that out of the window.. without those guys, goodbye to the American and Soviet space programs..

I feel that this period we're going through now heavily mirrors the years leading up to WWI and WWII.. the end of the 19th century and onwards with the national romanticism and the heavy esoteric influences from the East of that period, what with adventurous westerners bringing back stuff from Tibet and India.. the situation in the US and the similarities are jarring.. we're seeing the rise of the far right in Europe and a domestic police state in the US. The economic situation is dubious at best.. history rhymes. At the same time we have movements of "awakening", political, spiritual, whatever you want to call it. It's a very interesting time we're living in.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Great way to highjack a thread.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: nullafides

Yes.. but we kind of took the topic in our own direction, it's hard to talk about this subject without touching on other related topics. If you talk about white genocide we're gonna have to talk about the history and the ideological influences behind the thinking, otherwise I don't know what we're doing..

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

But you're saying this is an issue of forced multiculturalism.

I am neither disagreeing with that, nor did I ever once state that in my original message.

My statement was, that the concept genocide based on biological demographics, is a ludicrous one as equilibrium involves the even mixture of all things eventually occurring, and that the true issue that whereas the idea of the "caucasian race" disappearing is unimportant, that culture should not be forgotten.

But you insist upon bringing in the idea of forced multiculturalism.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: nullafides
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Great way to highjack a thread.

Anytime you mention the wiping out of a people group you have to look at both the culture and sociology as well.

Why would any group want to wipe out another?

Blending of groups only creates the "Babel Paradigm" all one people, one language and one purpose.

What is American white culture? There must be more to it than beer and football.

What is American black culture? Must be more to it that Street gangs, hoodies, hip hop, drugs and sports?

What is American culture? Must be more to it that half naked women on magazine covers, Zombie/Vampire TV. and Friday night parties.

edit on 15-11-2015 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod

Ugh.. enough is enough, can't spend all day dwelling on idiocy..

And yet, that was one of the better reads I've seen in days.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 10:58 AM
keep poking Dr Banner with a stick and sooner or later he will go hulk on you.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
Did you guys follow the link to this site?

Why are they so hell bent on destroying the white man, really? Why are these Jews so hell bent on this goal? Is this just a few nuts or is this a more concerted effort - a conspiracy in fact?

Are these quotes even genuine? I know a few of them are but.. you know, kinda messed up how they can get away with saying stuff like this. Ridiculous really. These people are the most racist people out there.. they believe they're the chosen because their satanic god chose them.. that old dragon.

Well, either way. These people are white as hell, let's start with killing them then.

Dude, let this Jew assure you, yeah Jewish people often lean to the left but mainly in regards to good left policies, socialized medicine, housing.... normal left social agendas.

And as a result, yeah there are definitely "some jews" out there with the ultra radical left agenda, the UN sort of mix the world together bs.

Yeah we have some of these idiots too

Sadly for whatever reason a lot of Jews like to mention they are Jews whem ever they talk... damn I did it here too lol

But realistically, Most Jews are feverish about a Jewish State, don't want anything to do with Islam, wont even walk through Black neighborhoods lol, literally bury themselves in White neighborhoods and keep religious practice very low key and combined with Christian tradition as example I am Jewish but I have the largest Xmas display for 2 miles with a menorah inside by the tree.

Just Jewish examples of this new sort of Nazi like reverse race agenda, every Caucasian culture has some of these people right now, they are extremists and honestly IMHO should be shot for treason.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn


What if you disagree with the paradigm? "all one people all one direction" kind of anti evolution and for what purpose? Is this starship troopers? are the alien bugs coming to get us? How is everyone thinking the same and having one purpose even "thinking"? Or "diversity"?

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: nullafides

Look, I didn't even direct my posts to you. I don't know what you're on about.

Besides, your application of "equilibrium" in this situation is totally arbitrary. It's like saying; "well, because of quantum mechanics and this and that separation of races is of utmost importance".. I mean, on what foundation are you using equilibrium in this situation to judge this matter? Yes, there's a tendency for mixing. That doesn't mean we have to force it, or that we can't take measures against it should we want to preserve our unique genetic make up.

I don't only value culture, I value the unique gene pool manifested in the people. I don't only believe in different races and peoples, I also believe in the collective consciousness of different peoples. I'm in touch with that, the gestalt mind of the white race is deeply conflicted. We all have our problems racially..

It's easy to think of a situation where your application of equilibrium would be completely void, what if one race for example were to colonise other non terrestrial habitats? Huh? That has already happened both in modern and ancient history by the way.. there's a lot people don't know about the history of white people specifically. It's quite unique. The Nazis weren't tripping when they were talking about Aryan supermen, the coming race and such things. Blavatsky and the theosophists knew, the Tibetans knew, I bet you the Dalai Lama knows. By looking at the surface you'll notice the readily apparent.. one needs to go beyond the surface. The truth of this matter is occulted and closely guarded.. Not many people know about the nature of the grigori.

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