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In the current situation should the EU be worried about a potential increase in Salafism?

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posted on Nov, 14 2015 @ 06:44 PM
In January 2015 Soren Kern of the New York Daily News described Salafism as "the fastest-growing Islamic movement in Europe". Germany' intelligence chief, Hans-George Maassen said most recruits are men aged from 18 to 30, with families from migrant backgrounds who have struggled to adjust to their new home. Salafism provides them with a sense of belonging and purpose, he said, "giving the impression that they will go from being underdogs to top dogs". It can also be found in the UK, where Salafism is apparently becoming increasingly popular in universities.

Salafism offers what many see as a purer form of Islam, stripped of cultural and national associations. This, coupled with its traditional lack of political involvement, makes it especially popular with new converts. The aim of Salafism is to re-create a pure form of Islam in the modern era. They believe in a unified Islamic state and Sharia law. They are not always politically radical, because they regard political involvement as un-Islamic. Salafism rejects the democratic principles of separation of state and religion, popular sovereignty, religious and sexual self-determination, gender equality and the fundamental right to physical integrity.

"There is no coherent policy or ideology and no governing body to control various Salafist elements. As a result, there is a wide range of Salafist movements pursuing various agendas, and they are accountable to no-one. It is this that makes them potentially dangerous."

Hans-George Maassen's above statement referred to home-grown fundamentalism. It is being reported that the migrants/refugees consist mainly of single 18-30 year old males. Do you think these males will settle down, integrate and lead productive lives in the EU or do you believe they will become disillusioned and maybe adopt Salifsm to provide them with a sense of belonging and purpose?

Soren Kern stated that European governments have been slow at implementing anti-radicalization programs due to politically correct policies of multiculturalism and to fears of offending Muslim sensibilities. He also said one counterterrorism expert interviewed by the French newspaper Le Parisien believed the plan was aimed primarily at reassuring the public, “but in terms of effectiveness in the fight against terrorism, the effect is zero.” Do you think this has any relevance (ie the slow government implementation) to current events?

Personally I believe in multiculturalism and that genuine refugees fleeing in terror should be given help/aid but the above is something completely different. If you think of the 'triangle of fire' I see these young single males potentially as the fuel, the PC liberal governments as the oxygen and Salifism as the heat which will inevitably ignite the fire.

What is Salafism and should we be worried by it?

The Development of British Salafism

Salafism in Germany: "Something Must Be Done Immediately"

Is the Islamic Salafist Movement the New Nazism in Germany

posted on Nov, 14 2015 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: deliberator


(sometimes a single line is enough)
edit on 14-11-2015 by DupontDeux because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2015 @ 08:43 AM
In the second link I gave Dr Ghayas Saddiqui from the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain stated that there is no moderation in the Salafi approach.

"It is a very strict interpretation of Islam, and their attitude to both non-Muslims and Muslims who are not with them is very harsh."

It is interesting to note that this contradicts the findings of who concluded that the Salafi Movement is not by Definition a Threat to Democracy.

"developments in the Dutch Salafi movement reveal that quietist and political Salafists distance themselves from coercion and violence in the European context and also respect democratic authority."

edit on 16-11-2015 by deliberator because: (no reason given)


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