posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 05:42 PM
My name is Joe Austin. I am an Applications Engineer at a Data Acquisition company in the state of Massachusetts. I just found this site while
searching for information on the Majestic 12.
There was another web site that I had found many interesting topics on that I shared here. Unfortunately, a Moderator mistakenly deleted my post,
thinking it was Spam. I re-sent the link to him through U2U to examine since he deleted the post without even looking into it.
Once the link has been cleared by this person, I will post it again. I expect that the Warning I received will be revoked too.
I really don't want to start a flame war. That is not my intent, but I thought if anywhere, ignorance would be minimal here. I was wrong. It exists
at the very top.
I apologize if I sound harsh, I am a bit disappointed by the whole thing.
I do hope to stay in this community and to keep an open mind like most of you do, but if that is how a Newbie is treated, I won't stay long.
Thank you
[Edited on 6-11-2003 by JHAustin]