posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to:
Well it's the same for them in my eyes. If you can't take care of yourself you SHOULD not take care of other people and for god sake not of kids!
Can you imagine how a kid would grow up with mentally disabled parents? Can you imagine how you would grew up if your parents were mentally
And then if you look at it broadly, what if all the people who are disabled would get kids and there is a big chance that the kid is also disabled and
it keeps going on for generations. What will happen then with mand kind ? Well I think that wars won't be a problem then anymore because we just dont
have enough time for it because of all the care we must deliver. So maybe it's the sollution hehhh? :O
Now the thing is why I think like this is because my sister is mentally disabled and she has more or less the most light version of it. Butttt she is
not capable of taking care of herself, and definatelyyy not for a kid! And I've seen the people where she is living with and I can tell you that if
those people will have kids they will get big problems. Not only the parents, not only the kid but especially the care takers of the parents! Because
they already have hands to short!
But hey that's just my view of it and who am I, just someone who grew up with a sister like that.
Soooo I might be totally wrong on this!