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I have flight 93 all figured out. New Theory. The right one.

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posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:41 AM
I dont think so Tommy. They dont deny at all that the order was out there. The openly state that Cheney had given the order shoot them down if needed. Why would they make that statement and the DENY that they did it? They need a reason to deny it. If there was no call from that Todd guy and it was clearly assumed that the terrorists still had 100% control over that plane AND they shot it down, they would happily report they shot it down. After all, shooting down a plane DESTINED to crash into something causing massive death and the possible disruption of the Government would be looked at as a POSITIVE thing. Yup, they shot it down and wont tell us because there would be to many questions.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 06:53 PM
Remember that after the shoot down, they were already denying it BEFORE they would have been able to establish for sure whether or not the passengers had gained control of the plane.

Therefore, they were always intending to cover it up from the start regardless of whether or not the passengers had regained control.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 04:17 PM
hi all

i am a new member and i agree with this theory but have something to add.

flight 93 was shot down i agree. The reason for this i believe is because a) people talk and b) because the hijackers identity would have been revealed leading to the perpetrators of the crime. ie not really muslims at all.

the thing no one mentioned is how is it that flight 93 was reported to land safely but crash aswell. I noticed a few of you gys said it was to load up the plane. i dont agree with this. My theory is that the flight 93 which landed was really flight 77 which was the flight which we were told hit the pentagon but its nearly obvious it wasnt flight 77 which hit the pentagon so flight 77 had to go somewhere. so befiore it all happened it was marked as flight 93 and landed at a airport secretly. I also believe those 60 sumthing passengers on flight 77 were murdered

what do you guys think

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 05:31 PM
When the first plane hit a wt tower, I thought .."ok wow thats out of the ordinary...", then I watched the second plane hit on tv and I thought.."this is not coincidence!.....", then the news broke about the Pentegon,... and I realized "....Damn, were being attacked!!!" (and it was quite a personal revelation to experience that moment of realization) ...

..... but at that moment, I, as I would hope the feds, would become very reactionary. The third plane hitting was well within the time frame of considering an act of war was upon us, and identifying another potential attack still in progress, would require the shooting down of the plane IMO. A good defense is a strong offense. It is a horrible shame that people were killed in that particular flight, even if it were successfully taken back by the passenger's, but in the short few hours the whole event took place in, we were attacked on three fronts, with one weapon still in the air. It had to be done, and done then, IMO. It was too risky to do anything else or just let it fly. It was too risky to assume that anybody really knew that the passengers really had taken back the plane. The option of minimal risk and minimizing of potential damage, WAS to shoot it down.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 12:57 AM
I am not following the theory posed by some that the hijackers were not muslim. I dont doubt for a second that our government would have done it. my sticking point is who would they get to do it? I can understand maybe a religious nut case thinking he would be rewarded but what government agent is willing to die and what is his reward? maybe I just value my life more than some?

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:08 AM
There were no planes dude...thats why THIS THREAD WAS SHOT DOWN by banshee the SUPERmoder@or.


[edit on 1-2-2005 by artbishop2020]

[edit on 1-2-2005 by artbishop2020]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:11 AM
dont knwo why the link above wont klink...what am i not doing right?∂=1&vc=1&t=-1

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:16 AM
i guess this flash presentation says it all...

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 05:29 PM
I do not beleive that they were able to get into the cockpit at all. The plane went nose first into the ground, and If my memory serves me correct, I thought I came across something that indicated the nose cone was found away from the aircraft. If thats the case, then the nosecone itself
contains all of the clues we would need.

But keep in mind. Do we want to know the gruesome details? Remember Alaska Air? I didnt need to be reminded of 20 plus morbid minutes of terrow which unfortunately many people watch as though its a football game.

In thinking about truth in tragedys, somethings I could possible accept a fabrication as long as I was able to access the truth should I desire too. Does that make sense? Some things are better left unsaid.

Flight 93 is one of them. American tragedy.

[edit on 1-2-2005 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 03:41 AM
American tragedy....?

America IS a tragedy.

The BIGGER you are ...the HARDER you fall.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 04:30 AM
One of the engines was found a mile away from the impact site, reporters got to it and it made the news (very briefly) and the reporters were arrested who took the footage were arrested after being warned to stay away. Seems they did not want publicity on what was found, where it was found (ditance from impact sight) and from where it came.

This adds credibility to the shoot down theory. Not to mention Rumsfeld's bleep a couple of weeks ago regarding the demise of flight 93.


posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 04:32 AM
One of the engines was found a mile away from the impact site, reporters got to it and it made the news (very briefly) and the reporters were arrested who took the footage were arrested after being warned to stay away. Seems they did not want publicity on what was found, where it was found (distance from impact sight) and from where it came.

This adds credibility to the shoot down theory. Not to mention Rumsfeld's bleep a couple of weeks ago regarding the demise of flight 93.


posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 04:44 AM
It was shot down I had the proof on a VHS I recorded that day from the news where there is a reporter on top of a building near the Capital after a plane supposly hit the Pentagon, saying that their was a report of another Plane flying over Pennsavania and that its probably heading towars Washignton the next thing you know he hears Jets zooming by and saids "That these were jets scrambling toward the Flight" well about 20 minutes later he was back on reporting that a plane was down in Pennsavania and then they change from his location to a live scene of the wreckage.

Then they the news had claimes of some passenegers talking about that" Lets roll " scenerio, that instant I knew that something was wrong since they never did mention anything about the srambling JETS!!!!!

The truth is on those live broadcast from CNN and ABC,CBS,NBC if anyone can get their hands on entire brocast you should research them you'll see what I mean...

[edit on 25-2-2005 by 2ndSEED]

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 01:39 PM
The following from a recent article found by INFOWARS. When I first read this article I clicked over to the orginal link and found the article, today it's 404ed.

Canada's apparent decision to stay out of a North American missile-defence system has dumbfounded Americans as an unnecessary giveaway of sovereignty, Washington's envoy to Ottawa said Wednesday.

Cellucci compared the situation to one that occurred during the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. He noted that it was a Canadian general at Norad who scrambled military jets under orders from Bush to shoot down a hijacked commercial aircraft headed for Washington.

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