This past week, I discovered that our very own Department of Defense has been funneling millions and millions of taxpayer dollars to pro-sports teams
in order to bankroll patriotism. And it's just not sitting well with me at the moment. In this exclusive clip, I reveal how the DoD paid off at
least 50 sports teams to salute America's military. Agree or disagree with the me?
Would this be comparable to the money paid for television commercials recruiting soldiers?
There have been flyover events for years to, that can't be cheep.
Paid advertising.
I would like to compare the costs.
I really do not see how this is any different than a paid television commercial. Honestly, the government should not be using taxpayer money on these
events; but, then again, these events cost money and the sports teams should not have to shoulder the cost of recruiting for Uncle Sam.
The revelation about the Department of Defense funding pro-sports teams for patriotic displays raises concerns about the use of taxpayer money;
whether one agrees or disagrees depends on their stance on government spending priorities and the ethical implications of such sponsorships.