Update on the strategy in the link I supplied.
Ran 6 heroic strikes, didn't use the 3 of coins until the 3rd and then on the 6th, finished each strike with a full fire-team and nothing
Ran 3 level 36 strikes from the strike playlist, didn't use 3 of coins until the 3rd and nothing dropped, finished each with a full fire-team as
Stayed in the playlist and did one more strike (was going to do 3 so a total of 6 but was getting tired) so I used another 3 of coins on the 4th
strike and exotic helmet engram dropped.
So the strategy seemed to fail for me, like others said it did on other discussion sites and in comments of articles. Some said it worked but not
My strategy which has paid off quite well for me is to use a 3 of coin when ever you are going do something, be it patrol ( as you have the taken show
up every now and then in patrols where you need to kill 3 captains and then an ultra boss shows up) a strike (where just about every strike has an
ultra at the end, some have 2 ultras, one during the strike another at the end, the only strike with out an ultra is the Dust Palace strike on Mars
where at the end you need to kill the 3 Psion Flaires.
The 3 of coins stays activated until you kill an Ultra ( a big boss) once I kill an ultra I immediately drop another 3 of coins.
A few times after getting an exotic to drop I would drop another 3 of coins, go to the tower to pick up my loot and log off.
When I log in the next day, I still have the 3 of coins buff activated and a few times on my next ultra kill I had another exotic engram drop, so that
is 2 in a row with a break in play time when logging of and coming back to the real world to eat sleep and go to work.
One friend has had 2 drop in a row in a single game play. I say its random as Bungie I believe have said that 3 of coins stack up, meaning if you
don't get an exotic after using one, your chances increase on the next and so on and so forth.
You can use more than one at a time, I used 5 at once a couple of times and once I think used 7 at once with nothing dropping, I personally have had
better luck with using one at a time, running strikes, doing patrol, doing missions with ultra bosses at the end to kill and they seem to drop at
about a ratio of 1 exotic every 5 coins.
I have read on the net that others aren't that lucky and are more closer to a 1 exotic to every 20 coins used, have a few friends that have had much
worse luck than me in getting exotics to drop.
Is it random? is there a special technique on when to use 3 of coins?
So my only suggestion is to use one at a time, next big boss you kill the 3 of coins buff should be gone so drop another.
Personally this has worked fine,
I enjoy playing the game , yes it does get frustrating when I am only playing to farm exotic engrams and they don't drop as often as I would expect
but I guess its designed that way to keep you playing.
Lately I have playing more so to farm exotic engrams, the least kind that have dropped for me are gauntlets and have had maybe none or one heavy
weapon engram.
I am trying to get a heavy weapon exotic drop and hope its at 310, if this happens I know it could happen again then I could level up even higher
without doing the raid.
Maybe Bungie do have some sort programming installed in their servers to make sure it doesn't happen and force players into certain things if they
want better gear.
Like some of the quests, require you to play both PvP and PvE, some force to to do a raid if you want to complete the quest.
Yes its pushes players into a variety of game play but for those that choose not to play crucible or not to do raids then I guess they miss out, which
bugs me a bit but at the same time see its purpose to push players to do all whats available if they want all the loot that's available.
No complaints from my end, one of the most addictive games ever in my opinion.
Awesome scenery, amazing gun play, interesting story once you realize there is one and most of it is available not in game but on the net (which is
stupidddddddd) in terms of ease of use but really clever in a marketing sense.
The game has massive potential to evolve the story into something really epic, which if one has read whats available seems like it will be, I never
really understood all the complaints about lack of story, its there and seems to be given in drips and drabs to keep you hooked.
I cant wait to see where it goes, maybe the traveler is not what we have been told or know so far.
Guardians might be fighting on the wrong side, the time traveling vex maybe trying to change the past because the present with us Guardians defending
the solar system is maybe not whats suppose to happen and only is due a manipulation by the traveler and those that follow every word of the
I do think there will be a big twist down the line, what ever it is, it will be worth the wait.
Although hopefully with all the DLC and sequels I hope it really worth it, I mean I have already spent about $200 AUD on the game with the DLCs
available along with some of the new silver currency to acquire some emotes which is not a necessity but simply an extra, I really wanted the Thriller
dance and the Carlton (from Fresh Prince) dance.
I hope if anyone uses my strategy they are as lucky as I have been if not luckier in getting exotics to drop