a reply to:
There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim when you look at the Key Tenets of Sharia - which is something all muslims wish to have installed in the
Islam governs, like Judaism (from which Islam evolved and has some quietly kept but similar teachings) one's whole way of life and belief including
also one's politics.
I hope people read this and see the huge chasm between Western life and islamic life they are totally incompatible because there is no middle ground.
This is what Muslims - moderate - but still muslims believe in:
Abrogation (Al-mansukh wa al-nasikh)- chronologically the earlier verses are more moderate but importantly the later ones which now apply allow for a
far more violent attitude to be acceptable.
Adultery (Zina) - punishable by lashing or stoning to death.
Apostasy (Irtidad or Ridda)- establishes that apostates - any muslim who rejects their religion or leaves it, are to be killed wherever they are
Democracy (big one this) Any system of man-made law is considered illicit under Islamic Law Sharia and democracy can never co-exist in harmony.
Female Genital Mutilation
Gender inequality - e.g. women are inferior to men which affects their testimony in law, inheritance, they may be beaten, marital rape is fine. A
woman may not travel outside the house without permission of a male and must be accompanied if she does. If she is raped she must provide 4
witnesses. If she doesn't she is considered to have had illicit sex (stoning if married)
Rape is only considered a 'damage' even if it takes a girl's virginity so a fixed little sum has to be paid and there is no punishment - unless the
rapist is broke.
A Woman gives up her children from her first marriage if she divorces
Honour killings OK No legal charge for killing his child or grandchild.
Hudud Punishments - methods of execution - crucifixion, amputation, flogging and stoning for: adultery, homosexualty, killing (without right), theft
and spreading mischief in the land are all OK.
Islamic supremacy - Islam is superior to every other culture, faith, government and society and Allah says to conquer and dominate the lot.
Lying is permissible for a muslim especially to non-muslims to safeguard himself personally and islam.
Charity (Zakat) - (there is a list of recipients and may only be given to muslims never to non muslims) However worth mentioning is *** this
includes a mandatory tax which they are required pay in order to be given to those engaged in Jihadists who are among the authorized recipients ***
something most in the west didn't know I suspect.
Underage marriage is permitted to prepubescent girls and its and consummation may take place when the girl is aged 8 or 9.
I will not put any more because this whole subject makes me feel sick and disgusted. But all muslims have to carry out Sharia - those that are
getting away without doing so are only fine till along comes the mosque bullies and these people will follow sharia because they are muslim.
There is no such thing as a moderate muslim - you are either muslim and you believe it and live its way or you are not - again if you leave you can be
The thing that is slyly hidden so well is that its OK to lie to non muslims and the support to jihadists - something easy to lie about I suspect as
well as claiming the terrorist is 'such a good boy" along with the insincere hand-wringing once you get to know more about islam and how it works.
We have been pathetically kept by our government in the dark over this especially in the West.