posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 06:45 AM
With the smaller craft beer industry gaining steam as the mega-breweries see constant slippage in sales, there had to be counter-offensive. It was
just a matter of time and waiting to see what the giants would toss out into the arena.
That time has now arrived.
On the shelf starting on or around Thanksgiving in the US, the major beer branders will be testing the consumer's eyes and taste buds with some of
the most unusual mixes & brews imaginable...
Toenail-gar-Rita, is the next of a growing line of brew variations to the old Margarita cocktail. This one will be based on the flavor of
fallen/discarded toenails found in most all of San Francisco's city parks. It is indeed challenging but the maker is betting that their targeted
customer base, Millennials, will love the radical concept and clip the shelves dry.
O'Possum's Pur'ee, will be coming from the same state that did some controversial legalization but will actually be aimed at the aging and
oft-crotchety Boomer generation by combining a culturally familiar road-kill marsupial with an Irish rendering in the specie's name. The contents
will contain authentic dead possum hair and the label's image will show a rotting carcass holding an empty beer bottle in one paw. It is believed
that old rednecks will flock to the flavor concept.
Labor Pain Ale -or- LPA, takes the name of the basic due-date terminology and twizzles it up with the currently popular IPA type to attract a
more liberal, feministic audience. It's a milder, amber/red ale that contains less body but more alcohol than a sanitizing, post-birth swabbing.
Guys, you'd better hold her hand tight... even while she curses your very existence!
There's a lot more coming this way and we'll be covering their arrival by the bottle and by the chug so... stay tuned!