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Women are 'either bisexual or gay but NEVER straight' - New study finds

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posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

I know.

Personally, my biggest freakeshness in sexual terms and porn, is that I find it rather erotic to watch men together.
(turning red, I can't believe I just exposed that). I actually find that more of a turn on than woman on woman...

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

You have every right to say that and not be embarrassed at all. It is totally natural and very normal. How many men have said here they found that two women together aroused them sexually? You are just the same as that from a female perspective.

Don't feel red faced at all about saying how you really feel. Many women are still very under the thumb and being their own jailer because they are worried what the world will think of them. I wish people would not worry so much. We are all having the same stuff happening to us emotionally. There is no longer any normal to live up to. We are free if we did but know it and no one is allowed to attack us for who we are. Life style is protected as long as it breaks no laws.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: Bluesma
a reply to: Nyiah

I know.

Personally, my biggest freakeshness in sexual terms and porn, is that I find it rather erotic to watch men together.
(turning red, I can't believe I just exposed that). I actually find that more of a turn on than woman on woman...

Lol, I get the feeling. I actually wondered if my post was a little too frank even keeping the OP in mind. What's the point of discussing something like this if no one's honest? One person's erotic turn-on is another's turn-off, so be it.

For whatever it's worth, it's the Real Deal versus Factory-Made Reproductions that make all the difference for me. A strap-on or dildo is just not a turn-on to look at, not getting my engine revved. A penis of flesh on the other hand, that's a turn-on. It matters not which gender's on the receiving end to me, real genitalia is hot. Substitutes/toys aren't. That's basically all it boils down to for me, and renders most lesbian porn "meh"to me.

And yet, I still like the nude female form. I like the female body in general, really. If I see a rockin' rack, or nice butt, I'm gonna look & go "Ooh, sweet Jesus!" Same goes for men, I'm going ogle an attractive dude butt, too. My better half finds it funny that we can people watch together and point out this kind of stuff to each other with impunity. It's a "look, but don't touch" thing, and it's kinda sexy in a way to openly appreciate the human forms together

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 04:29 AM
Kind of BS study if you ask me.
As an artist I do appreciate the beauty of female body but I was never attracted sexually to a woman. Talking about this with my life partner I explained to him that I wouldn't know what to do with a woman, she just doesn't have the right gear. The idea to touch another woman breasts or her intimate parts is kind of gross to me.

Straight from head to toe, and I don't need a study to tell me that.
I think people confuse the idea of sexual arousment with sexual tendency.

LOL and I bet that study was done by men...
edit on 8-11-2015 by WhiteHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 04:50 AM
I am reading a book about Victorian sexuality and in it, it describes how Marie Stopes got into the business of sex education. Six months after getting married she suspected that something was wrong, intelligent, well educated woman that she was, she sought the answer by visiting the British Museum. Having myself carefully scrutinised the collection from India, I can safely assume the answers she found there which led to her subsequently filing for divorce on the grounds of virgo intacta.

Hadn't even known enough to know that she hadn't done it. Yet she had a PhD. Imagine?

Knowing too much is far preferable to knowing too little. Women were denied so many human sensual pleasures associated with sex, and that made for generations of very unhappy, unsatisfied women raising girls to be equally expectant of a lack of satifaction and a sense of obligation associated with sex. And boys too who expected that of their sexual partners.

We're having to undo a lot of the wrongs that have been attached to female sexuality, not least of all in our own minds. Contraception set us free of the superstitions and folk lore that kept our legs fearfully crossed to ensure that paternity and inheritance as a social institution were preserved.

We are allowed to choose our own partners now too, so there is a purpose to our having our own minds engaged in the process too and experimentation, curiousity and exploration are very much a part of that.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: ghostrager

This is rather frank. Aren't we all bisexual anyway? We perform sexual acts on ourselves in terms of masturbation so there must be an element of sexual interest and arousal in the anatomy of our own sex.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:40 AM
As a woman, I don't agree with this at all, so that takes awaay the "never" premise. Lesbian porn does absolutely nothing for me but make we want to change the channel, and I've never been attracted to another woman that way. Not even close.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
This is just more garbage to get people to associate normality to the immoral gay life style.
That is ALL that this garbage is.

That ^^^ and just another man telling women who we "really" are... sheesh! That sure seems to be happening alot lately. He can believe what he wants, but there's plenty of us women who KNOW better.

As to his conclusions, well, I love ice cream... I can almost guarantee that if I see someone eating an ice cream cone, I'm gonna want one too... but not necessarily the same flavor.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:17 AM
The only thing I question is how they got their research subjects. If you advertise sex studies, it'll attract a certain kind of individual who might not be representative of an entire society. But I'm sure the researchers have thought of that, would like to hear more about that. Although I doubt it'll change my mind. In my experience only a small percentage of women I've known were attracted to the same gender. And it's not like women are suddenly going at it en masse.

originally posted by: Abysha
Just like the scientists who dug up all those gay bones Satan buried to trick us into thinking that homosexuality has been common since recorded history. Freakin' agenda.

A lot of things have existed since recorded history. Age doesn't justify anything necessarily. It opens up many different kind of arguments like how people who had opposed homosexuality all these centuries might have had a point, after all they've opposed it since time immemorial. The Church would also have some point since it's been around for two thousand years. Diseases have also been around since the dawn of man. Does that mean those things are all good things?
edit on 8-11-2015 by johnnyjoe1979 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:35 AM
I did a little work in a womens prison, and I believe this study has something to it. What you have to take away from it though, is that the hypothesis now is that women are "flexible" in their desires. It may be easier for women to find themselves attracted to a person of the same sex if in the right situation.
edit on 8-11-2015 by Atsbhct because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:45 AM

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: ghostrager

Nope. Straight.

Women do not sell to me. I hate shopping for beauty stuff. Seeing beautiful women sell it doesn't make hate it less or want to buy it more. Of course advertising in general is mostly a dead thing as far as I'm concerned.

As far as sex? It's all men for me. Even if I'm doing for myself, my mind is on men to make it work.

I can appreciate standards of attractiveness for both genders, but they don't get me hot and bothered just because I can look and say this is good looking and that is not.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: ghostrager

I think these results are skewed.

1) I think men and women have some amount of arousal for the same sex in pornography, but men are less likely to admit it, even if answered anonymously.

2) Men and women admit different things more readily. More men complain that anti depressants cause anorgasmia than women. I think the numbers are the same, but women have historically been uncomfortable complaining about that issue.

3) I think that one can be aroused by the same gender and even have a couple of intimate encounters in life of that nature without being bi sexual. Bi sexual implies an orientation towards both sexes almost evenly and possibly the capability to have an emotional relationship with either sex to some degree. I can't imagine that all women could be bi-sexual if that is the definition in general.

I do believe in the Kinsey scale, though. I think that is true for both men and women. Everyone falls somewhere on it.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: Bluesma
a reply to: Nyiah

I know.

Personally, my biggest freakeshness in sexual terms and porn, is that I find it rather erotic to watch men together.
(turning red, I can't believe I just exposed that). I actually find that more of a turn on than woman on woman...

You are not the only one. There is a huge romance/erotic novel market of just that geared and marketed towards women.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 07:56 AM
So sayeth the LBGT propaganda? Some creative social engineering going on?

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: HUMBLEONE
So sayeth the LBGT propaganda? Some creative social engineering going on?

Studies like this have gone on for decades. It is no new LGBT propaganda of any sort.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: reldra

There is, but just enjoying it is no sign one is bi. When you read those scenes are you reading the scene and picturing the heroine and the hero and getting off or are you picturing yourself and the hero or yourself and your SO?

Did they even ask that? When you read, you aren't be force-fed the imagery in your head. You're creating that. It's a bit different than watching porn. I can read a romance precisely because I control the imagery and whose in it, but watching porn never did it because I can't control that and don't enjoy watching complete strangers get off. I guess it has to be somewhat more ... personal for me, and reading gives me the latitude to make it go to those places.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:43 AM
my wife has NO desire to be with a women.. trust me I have tried only to fail.
Study is a HOAX!

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:50 AM
Isn't this Dr the same guy that did a "Study" that proved that there are no bi men. This guy makes a lot of sensational broad statements. I glanced over the study and he says he found 74 % were attracted to the female figure. 26 % missing . How is this guy being taken seriously?
edit on 8-11-2015 by abigredneck because: Grammer

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:51 AM
I think the study is flawed in methodology, human bodies doing sexual things is erotic, especially those that are in what we consider optimal sexiness if a man is aroused watching hetero porn, half of that equation is male.

I wouldn't be surprised though that a more scientific study would conclude the same thing. Personally I've never fantasized about being with a woman and while capable of acknowledging beauty or sexiness in other women, I've never seen or known a woman that made me think that I would like to have sex with her. It wouldn't really freak me out or shock me if I did someday happen to find a woman sexually attractive. Maybe I'm just way choosier about women than men? lol

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