Signing nations on to binding international trade agreements which are contrived in secret and not made public until after the contracts are signed,
is insurrection level invidious.
Here is another scary aspect of this bill. Foreign companies can now bring their own workforce with them. Say a Chinese company wins a bid to build a
dam in the US (this is just hyperbole). The company will be able to bring their own Chinese workforce over to build the dam. This will undermine local
workforces in a major way. If you want to research this aspect more just look for changes to "guest worker quotas". I have even heard claims that
they wont have to abide by things like OSHA standards.
If the US raises minimum wage a foreign company could lobby here and sue in the ISDS with arbitration taking place in US courts. However if the US
were to attempt to sue say China for using cheap labor and undercutting US companies it would be done in a Chinese court which would be totally
impartial .