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Former cop has videos teaching how to hide drugs! Stands off with FOX news.

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posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 06:34 PM
You're right.
He's more like Martin Luther King to me.
Same message, quit treating mj users as criminals.
Same message; equality for us non violent users of the ancient and sacred herb.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 06:36 PM
double doobie post
edit on 4-11-2015 by NowWhat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 08:55 PM
Some people are followers ... they will bask in the electronic glow of Faux News, nodding with approval and false righteousness.

And some people will fight the greatest tyranny and injustice of our time.

Looking back to when I was young, I'd have to agree with a colleague that "the future is stupid."

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: NowWhat

I challenge you to show me and everyone else how I'm against pot.

How did you get that out of what I said?

I'm not sure where some of you come from by claiming that he is a hero when all he is doing is telling people how to stash drugs but what you guys forget is that the cops themselves will read these tips too and guess what they will look in those very spots.

Oh just so you know I'm all for it just google my mood.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: thesaneone

As you have replied to this post I would be surprised somewhat if you had not read my post and decided to ignore it? Ironically I think we both lean towards the same ideals and principles on this subject yet I am troubled by the fact you feel comfortable making your statement without answering a simple question, It seems like lately everyone on here is too concerned to stand behind their opinions and explain them because they have been too trigger happy with their keys.

Is this yet another long term member who does the same? I hope not.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 08:06 AM
link's my 2 cents worth on the videos. First of all I will say that I applaud Barry for doing what he did, it took a lot of courage for him to do it . As I see it the videos that he created are primarily ( if not completely ) for users and not dealers. As such I think it is great for him to give tips on how to keep from getting busted for something that any reasonable person realizes should not be illegal ( Any naturally occurring plant ).

I think his heart is in the right place judging from the personal video further along in the thread. I will not say that he didn't intend to make some money off of the endeavor but I don't believe it was his primary goal. And there is nothing wrong with him making some money ( he certainly wouldn't be able to work in his previous line of work ). Also even the bible says that a workman is worth his labor ( referring to ministers and such being compensated for their efforts ). So I certainly think it is reasonable and fair for him to receive compensation for his efforts...especially in light of the hardships caused by his endeavor.

Now for those concerned that he is tipping the cops as well as the users..yes I agree but short of using mental telepathy to convey his info..I see no other way for him to disseminate the information without making it available to the opposing side. Having said that..I think the user needs to use the tips as such and try to think of their own creative ways to hide there stash ( again the key was very small amounts ).

Now for a little bit of critique of his encounters with the news teams. The first video was ok and I felt he did a reasonably good job of defending his position. The second one...I felt that he needed to give the opposing side time to respond without interrupting and remain more cool headed (knowing that he is right and it can easily be shown to be so). Patience and composure go a long way toward lending credibility. If you have logical and reasonable points....having them presented in a calm and confident manner goes along way to having them gain entrance into the listener's ears. Which is ultimately what we want to accomplish.

All in all I think Barry is a great guy with a great heart and I wish him peace and prosperity in his future endeavors.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: HarryJoy

Very nicely written and agree!

Now for those concerned that he is tipping the cops as well as the users..yes I agree but short of using mental telepathy to convey his info..I see no other way for him to disseminate the information without making it available to the opposing side. Having said that..I think the user needs to use the tips as such and try to think of their own creative ways to hide there stash ( again the key was very small amounts ).

Yeah so don't go hiding your stash under the dash, that was just a creative example to get viewers thinking.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 02:42 PM
Is this recent? I saw these videos way back.

That being said he is doing the best he can to help. A war is not fought on only one front and win easily. And the guy has really basic common sense advice that he gets from being a police officer. Like no cop wants to pull people over in the rain. Or that you can't fool a dog but you can fool a handler. How is that knowledge telling cops something they didn't already know.

That being said. The man has used some colorful tactics in his war on war on drugs :

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: Sillyosaurus

No, not recent. From 2007 and 2010, I posted his recent blog video too, what a turn of events haha.

Yeah the fake raid was genius!!

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