We also have a prophecy from greek monks who had the "charisma" and I will firstly explain what prophecies means to me and create a paragraph noted as
: Prophecy, in order for you to read what the prophecy is about.
some knowledge
Prophecies are actually plans/geopolitical to achieve a goal. A total domination of the planet, extermination of human populations, be able for them
to rob the planet and get away. My belief actually involved alien thing, because from our ancient books we are aware since Atlantis/Poseidonia that
the planet invaded by draconian forces, they created with genetics what we called in ancient years "satyrs", false genetically species, with strange
looks non humanoid, but was not successful in the long term, so they after created a race of humanoids (hybrids), more human looks, with our dna and
draconian dna. The reason was be able to corrupt, exterminate populations and act as their slaves after, in order to suck the planet resources. After
the destruction of Atlantis and Aigiida (plus middle earth/ today known as Mediterranean seas) a part of that race survived in the surface of earth
and caused many genocides from 5000-6000bc and after. But the actual invaders/criminals most of them are shielded in a kind of ultradimensional prison
or many fled under the crust of the earth in order to survive, or other satellites of our local solar system. Then they forced/promoted the system we
live on today, democracy, etc, they used mind control, to manipulate all the earth/humans priests/priestesses and mediums/prophets, with their
geopolitical plans, as prophecies. You have to consider how many genocides and wars these mediums caused in ancient years. The imprisoned criminals
promoted themselves as gods with relligions and after as angels/demons/satan - modern relligions. So people can fear and accept their plans, as a
human fate/non reversible. They manipulated titles and symbols for their goals, such as the word DEMON was a honorable title, equal to "fate", the
cross which is the original symbol of "Father of all gods" - including humans.
my opinion
so prophecies actually are plans they've made in the past, with some paranormal essence, promoted by their followers (race they created, mediums,
witches and wizards) as witchcraft is also a part of their culture. Be able to create fear and overwealming feelings to humans. While its so obvious,
that most of the events, if not all of it, are technical. Since its technical, its fake. Thats what prophecies means to me and if people knew how to
understand prophecies, we could avoid most of it. Not to allow our self's into it.
Someone may ask, where is GOD to all of it and where is good guys. According to our knowledge, during the destruction, a part of the local armies of
the free earth, fled to report the invasion. another part shielded and guards the solar system, not to allow the invaders and rebels to flee and
another part of the army resided in a higher dimension, inside earth (hollow earth). The definition of "under the crust of earth" and "hollow earth"
is a different manner and thing. The first is under the external crust of earth (caves), the second is, what we call the core of earth. Waiting the
right moment and time to retake earth back. So the good guys actually are around us and beneath us, all these according to books.
Anyway, now I will share the prophecy that turns to be almost completed. " In a very short period of time, my country (Hellas) will change 5
governments and then the great events, with big catastrophes and ww3/their fake western one world government/the fall of one world government and
thereafter the total extermination of humans, by Chinese (200 million army they say in prophetic books, is it? China is the only race who can afford
it today), in order for them to fulfill their agenda. (some may survive maintained in the ghost towns China builts today and its strange to watch
huge cities like ghosts and why)
this prophecy is interesting (and again technical) because we already changed in 5 years 5 government and soon this government falls as well! That
means the next one, will be the flag of the whole party.
reading my opinion and knowledge, comparing it with the prophecy, we know what comes is it? The only thing we dont know is what Father will do, nobody
knows his plans, we only know their plans, because they are not such a big deal after all.
As for Russia, they will fall, because indeed they have the potential of taking over, but chinese (their today allies), will turn against them, the
right momment...when russia thinks they are succesfull and scattered all over the place, China will invade Russia.
it is interesting geopolitical stuff and many things will begin during 2016... It already started, but its a kind of preparation stage.
I will close this message with a good example, just to open you eyes a bit wider and look around. The prophetic books (created by Judaism) say that
the abomination races will come out from the earth, they will eat insects and strange things with such a pleasure... Well hold on, we already have
these races on earth, which they cook and eat insects and strange things with such a pleasure... lol (you see how their prophecies are made? their
image reversed against their enemy, us).
This prophecy actually is taken from a Sybille, but she referred to that race, not from an enemy within the core of earth. This prophecy is reversed
and manipulated in Judaism. Read the news today, animalistic humanoids destroying, killing, even eating human parts along with insects, trying to
take over, in the name of a bloodthirsty "god" who actually is a copy paste from judaism... So open your eyes.
edit on 20-11-2015 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)