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The hate fest continues...

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posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 04:22 AM
At first I was somewhat shocked by the extreme opinions on that subject here.
Either they are way far left or way far right- super duper bleeding heart, or super duper "nuke 'em all".

I am starting to get used to it I think. Or it doesn't shock me anymore.

It does bring a sigh from me sometimes, because I observe that the more rational opinions are drowned out or warped because of this.

Any attempt at rational analysis of the situation gets both of those extremes rising up, which I think is terribly non-constructive.

But you know what? This is just the current crisis in the media.... there is always a current issue on which the people are being very divisive on. This is not a new phenomenon (on ATS or elsewhere).

The fact that the majority of the posters are american in origin has an impact, IMO. I may be more critical of my own country, but I have done experiments to see the different cultural mentalities concerning being "mediocre", "Intermediate", "medial", "average", "mediocre", - and I continually find that our american culture has some real strong de-valuations of those concepts. Everyone prefers to be exceptional, distinguishable, remarkable, extraordinary.

I just think it is part of our values on individualism.

But I think it increases polarization of issues in general.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

I live in Australia....people in Europe have every right to be concerned,i am NOT down playing the serious threat that is heading to Europe i am ranting about the comments from members here and some of the complete vile rubbish that is being spewed out by some members...

There are plenty of comments coming from a biased view,many of the comments being made are being made by people who know nothing of the situation other than what see in the news and read online and they are the ones calling for death ....

I would really like to hear from people who are on the ground actually in these areas that are being discussed so we can get a more realistic view of whats happening...the media circus is not a well rounded source of information.....i mentioned my family in Europe because talking to them at this point they are not at all being affected,they naturally have concerns but only through the media that they are privy too.....

Thx for you input ...

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

Thats great input thankyou...

I always enjoy your veiws they are very balanced and to the point,i really have nothing to add but carry on

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 04:55 AM
There are some posters on here who are being directly affected. Some from Germany and some from Sweden and a couple from Croatia. Even when you read their comments though you won't get the same view. Some say terrible things are happening, some say everything is fine. As I said on another post yesterday it depends on the area you live in within a Country. Some people will live in towns and villages where there are few immigrants so everything will seem fine, however, some will live in towns where a lot of the immigrants are being sent to so will have a completely different outlook.

I really don't think this subject is about far left or far right either. If anything, I have always been to the centre left in my thinking on most subjects and I have always took people as they are regardless of colour, ethnicity, I've either liked them as a person or not. I certainly wouldn't consider myself far right either. Far right to me is usually the people who speak about immigrants in derogatory terms and wish them harm. I am however really concerned at the apparent lack of leadership and the inability of leaders to listen to the voices of their people. I know many people in the UK, like myself, who are feeling like they never thought they would. I am intelligent enough to look around and see something far more dangerous taking shape, I've read some comments on some forums (not on here) and the language being used reminds me of the language that was used about the Jews in the lead up to the Second World War, labels like "rats" etc. This does disturb me. It should disturb our governments as well when normal rational people like myself are beginning to feel such resentment and there are many British people who feel the same which is why UKIP got 4 million votes in the GE. Rather than the MP's taking notice of these 4 million voters they seem to have just shrugged it off. All over Europe more and more of these right wing parties are becoming popular. So why aren't the Governments listening. Now there lies the conspiracy, why are our Governments allowing this? All the immigrants keep saying "they were told". Who told them? I know the immigrants in Calais said a few weeks ago "but Britain want us"! They really believed and meant that, so I would like to know who is telling the immigrants they are wanted so much and for what purpose? Same with the large dinghies that are being sent over the Med to Greece. These are expensive boats, I don't believe for one moment our Governments don't know where these boats are setting sail from. Where are these boats going to when they reach Greece? By now there should be hundreds of thousands of boats stacked up somewhere, but are they? Or are they being sent back? Many, many questions need to be answered, this is what is frightening the intelligent amongst us there is something more going on than meets the eye. Same with the Eastern Countries they close their borders then as if they are ordered to do so they re-open them. Who is trying to stop the media from reporting from these Countries because someone is, very little is getting out?a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Boundaries are being encroached upon, space invaded and new cultures who don't fit into the west are being forced upon us...

But the discussion on ATS is loaded with propaganda, xenophobia and aggressive undertones. As a place to deny ignorance I would have said these threads are out of place and more welcome on the Liveleak boards. I would expect to see unbiased assessments of the situation. Not so.

However - it is the same few members who are displaying the behaviour and they have unfortunately taken their ATS personas to a low level. It's a shame too because some of these hate spreaders were bastions of our forums - not so anymore.

BTW I'm not a sympathiser - I understand the governments have allowed an influx of people - which will have a very negative effect on our societies if we cannot enact change. However if I want to rant and rave about it I'll go to a less prestigious forum.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: Tindalos2013
If these extraordinarily powerful images of a dead Syrian child washed up on a beach don't change Europe's attitude to refugees, what will?

My personal hate .... children being used to tug at the emotions of people

to fulfil any agenda required.

The proportion of adults drowned in those situations is probably far higher

than that of children, and sad as that maybe, those images are shown to

garner the greatest impact! and create emotional turmoil.

As a parent I would not put my child in danger in a dingy in the

sea from the safety of the country I was taking refuge in (Turkey)

Children have been used to show the plight of hunger in Africa for over

40years charities have been using the same shots of starving babies for

all that time. Surely the money that has been given over that time has done

some good? But they are still using the children for maximum emotional appeal.

^^^^ are the sad cases .... The other end of the scale is the commercial

side children are used in 'cutie' adverts to maximise sales for almost anything!!

STOP the use of images of children for maximum emotional appeal.
edit on 4-11-2015 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 05:29 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Well, for a start we can stop voting for politicians who have ambitions beyond our borders, interests in business, or backers who are members of the oil industry or the military industrial complex. We can also produce citizen journalism and local actions to reduce the amount of power being wielded over us, and increase the amount wielded BY us.

But most importantly, we can refuse to be lead around by the nose, refuse to generalise when dealing with members of demographics different to our own, refuse to hate a person based on their origins, their culture, their creed or social status, or their sexuality or gender. We can agree to treat each and every human being that we encounter as a brother or sister, until they show themselves individually to be our enemies, rather than automatically distrusting them and creating the enemies we fear by so doing.

Why do I suggest this? Because it is the division of people in a nation against one another, which makes it possible for governments to get away with ever more draconian control policies. We see it with undercover police setting up protestors and acting as agent provocateurs, their actions, not those of genuine protestors, being used as an excuse to send in the riot squad. This is the same thing. Our governments only gain power over us, when we allow the unwitting pawns they have put in place, to affect our decorum and our manner of being. When we express inchoate and incoherent rage, it gives the government power, creates headlines which will be bought up in parliament, and will appear as if they need addressing. This results in more things being considered extremism, more people being on watch lists, less liberty for everyone, and more and more surveillance, arrest, and detention power being used by the government, in the face of apparent chaos.

It is not necessary to burn anything or anyone, it is not necessary to kill anyone, it is not necessary to hurt anyone. All that need happen, for the governments of the western world to fail to control their populations, is for those populations to be sophisticated enough in their understanding of events, that they see the wood for the trees, and refuse to be controlled into hating their fellow human beings.

I for one would like to see Britain, the whole of it, come together and assist the recent arrivals at our border, to hold them up, embrace them as brothers and sisters, and love them and support them. I would like to see this because first of all, if everyone came together and made them welcome, that act would reduce the tension built up in those arrivals since their departure from whatever war torn hellhole they have managed to escape. But it would also create an immediate link between being cared for and supported, and the people doing that caring and supporting, in the minds of new arrivals, while at the same time exposing local persons to the realities, the effects of the things that drove the refugees away from their homes.

Thus united, the population of this country would be harder to control, and the government would have failed to give themselves excuses to ramp up their anti-liberty policies and agenda, which can only benefit the nation, not harm it. Further to that, a united people can lobby parliament in such number that refusal would be tantamount to treason, in order to have any foreign affairs policy which creates more tension, danger, and death to innocent people than it solves, entirely eradicated and stopped in their tracks. This would include, arming rebels, drone operations, bombing runs, supporting governments of nations which either overtly or covertly fund terrorist elements, supporting governments which are in fact terrorist by their nature, and so on and so forth. All of those examples are things we could get stopped, if we were UNITED in purpose, as well as being the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

But we cannot do these things while involved in hatred, mistrust, dislike and spreading disunity. In order to achieve these things, we must look past the weapon being wielded against us, and instead focus our attention on our assailant, our own government.

No other reaction will actually achieve anything positive for the people of Britain, or any nation affected by the refugee crisis, and it certainly will not solve anything for the refugees!

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Maybe i should have consulted you for a bit of advice before i authored this are indeed a wise man ....

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 06:28 AM
Your point about welcoming the refugees and straightaway creating a link so they are not as likely to turn against us is a noble one. However, it doesn't work does it? Look at how many young people have left the UK in the past couple of years to go and fight with ISIS. They were born in Britain. They were educated and had everything that other children in Britain have had and yet they have still been radicalised. Jihad John (sorry for the label but I can never remember his real name) he is one of the most wanted and yet he is as British as you or me. He comes from a normal British family. If it was as easy as making people welcome when they come to this Country then we shouldn't really have any problems whatsoever because we have always been a welcoming nation and have muddled along quite nicely until recent years.

I think part of the problem has been that for way too many years we have been too liberal in this Country. We have allowed people to come to this Country and there are many who still don't speak any English or even attempt to. They bring their strict religious culture with them and don't want to assimilate or integrate. They choose to be surrounded with people who they feel safe with, people from their own culture. That is natural, but it should have been nipped in the bud a long time ago. These new refugees who are coming will be treated no differently. Already I am hearing that Oldham and Rochdale just a few miles from me are going to be taking a large bulk of the 20,000 who are coming. These areas already have a huge population who are immigrants. So once again the Government is doing exactly the same as it always has, the Government is allowing these people who are coming here to segregate themselves from British culture. Their children will no doubt go to a mainly muslim school and will very rarely mix with British school children. So in my opinion all the welcoming in the world is not going to change things. The children of these new arrivals should be put into schools where they will be a minority but will mix with other British children, so then at least the next generation will be more integrated etc.

There are exceptions to the rule. At my child's school one of his closest friends is a muslim. His mum and dad are from Somalia and they deliberately took their child out of a muslim school because they wanted him to mix with British children of different faiths. They are strict muslims in so far as he is not allowed to take part in Christmas celebrations and other things that are against his faith but apart from that he is fully integrated with his friends. He comes out for days out with us and my child goes to his house. He and his siblings are all on the footballs teams etc. This is where the integration needs to start at schools. His parents mix with other parents because they go and watch him play football etc and then get talking to other parents. Rather encouragingly there have been more children of mixed rate starting at my child's school so hopefully some are beginning to see that for their children to really feel a sense of belonging it needs to start from a young age. reply to: TrueBrit

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: anxiouswens

I think part of the problem has been that for way too many years we have been too liberal in this Country. We have allowed people to come to this Country and there are many who still don't speak any English or even attempt to. They bring their strict religious culture with them and don't want to assimilate or integrate. They choose to be surrounded with people who they feel safe with, people from their own culture. That is natural, but it should have been nipped in the bud a long time ago.

THat's exactly the problem in France - too much emphasis was placed on leaving them their freedom to retain their culture and cling to it.
And I do not mean that it should have been the other way around - forcing them to reject it!

But something that is always counselled to english speaking expats (from various sources, including when they talk to each other) is the importance of NOT searching out and hiding within the comfort of other expats from the same country. To force one self to move amongst, live with and interact with the natives here, being forced to learn their language and understand their customs (whether you adopt them or not, you must gain a respectful sense of them).

What I was always told, and what I tell other new american expats I come across now, is fight that urge to cling to what you know - it is a trap that will box you in and make you life miserable in the long run, even if it more comforting in the immediate.

No one did this amongst this population. There are perhaps various reasons.

But I wonder if we couldn't embrace and welcome the newcomers, but also place them in apartments which are not grouped together, but instead spread about into different neighborhoods, to encourage the integration?

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: anxiouswens

They were born in Britain. They were educated and had everything that other children in Britain have had and yet they have still been radicalised. Jihad John (sorry for the label but I can never remember his real name) he is one of the most wanted and yet he is as British as you or me. He comes from a normal British family.

Makes you wonder ...

Is it nature or is it nuture?? and how deeply ingrained is the culture/religion?

They take the opportunity to live among, and enjoy the advantages of a

people who they believe are going to hell as unbelievers and infidels.

Already I am hearing that Oldham and Rochdale just a few miles from me are going to be taking a large bulk of the 20,000 who are coming. These areas already have a huge population who are immigrants. So once again the Government is doing exactly the same as it always has, the Government is allowing these people who are coming here to segregate themselves from British culture. Their children will no doubt go to a mainly muslim school and will very rarely mix with British school children. So in my opinion all the welcoming in the world is not going to change things. The children of these new arrivals should be put into schools where they will be a minority but will mix with other British children, so then at least the next generation will be more integrated etc.

I think ALL religion should be kept out of education. It should be the same

curriculum and subjects for all schools whether private or public, and no

religious denominations.

Religious education if required should be given at home or church after

edit on 4-11-2015 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Revolution9
a reply to: nonspecific

Well that is pretty hateful, saying your fellow is just an "expendable pawn" because they feel a certain way. You are just trying to shut people up, just as much as the system does, because they do not see things your way. You can not MAKE people conform to your standards of behaviour.

If I want to love something I will love it. If I want to HATE it I will hate it. It is up to me. It is my FREEDOM. Who are you or ANYONE else to say what I am allowed to love or hate? Are you God? No you are not. You are just another "expendable pawn" like me, though who is trying to shut people up because you do not like what they are saying and do not agree with it. That is why we have debate, so we all have a voice. You just want to take your opposition's voice away; low tactic.

I do not understand were you are going with this if I am honest, you seem to take great offence at anyone offereing an alternate viewpoint and become angry at people while saying that it everybodys right to voice there own opinion.

If I think you are a pawn in a game and are so caught up in the moment you cannot take the time to stand back and evaluate the full situation then surely that is my right?

I would go as far as saying that if anone is using low tactics it is you. If we disagree why does it have to be you that is right simply because your you?

You are getting heated here, you are accusing people

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Judging by the stars and flags that the hate threads get, it's looking like a large part of ATS membership share the hateful sentiment mentioned in your OP.

I see around 5 hate threads a day, many make it to the front page fairly quickly.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 11:48 AM
Are the newest slur to be put onto the public by the liberal lefties is they are 'haters'

Haters, the newest insult and undermining label to anyone who doesn't toe the influx of unchecked refugees flooding our countries.

Its funny how name calling from the play ground suddenly gets into this game but its also propaganda to label and this heading for this thread is exactly that.

I am sorry for anyone who is so stupid and naive to think this is personally about the men, women and children trying to gate crash Europe and other countries for a better life. If Syria hadn't kicked off these huge numbers of people would actually have had pretty little excuse to try gate crashing the West - that's the long and the short of it, they are coming because they think the huge numbers give them a better chance of getting in.

Europeans have a right to be very wary about this because we don't have the jobs, spare housing and social services etc we also don't have the financial stability to take these people empty handed and provide every damn thing for them and their numbers are a threat to the stability to our society. Little mention is made of the medical cost of all this because certainly some are medically motivated. (yes you can't blame people, but it has to be funded to look after them and where is the extra money going to home from)?

However the biggest elephant in the room is Islamic fundamentalism. Muslims do not integrate and for a number of years in the UK we have been seeing the Saudi influence on muslims. They do not have regard for the values of the West, especially woman's rights. Many in the UK have never learned the language, live in Muslim only areas, social interaction, unless through the work is not on many's agenda.

People objecting to their coming is nothing to do with hatred its also not to do with assimilation, its a future fear of being outbred and taken over, again I say it has nothing to do with hating. Its more common sense, which in fact many who are welcoming these hoards are risking all our cultures and values, which we have fought hard over. People have a right to disagree with their government's stand on this because its government policy or a lack of it, that is the problem here - not people's attitudes. Were the world in flush financial times with everything necessary to spare e.g. jobs, money in budgets, spare housing and medical, educational facilities going begging - different world - not todays though.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 01:42 PM
You have said rather eloquently everything I feel and have said. There has always been immigration in the UK, but the immigrants years ago used to learn the language and want to be part of British culture whilst still following their own beliefs and religions and keeping part of their original culture and integrating it into British Society. That's why we have glorious things like Notting Hill Carnival etc. The immigrants these days move to areas where there are many more of the same culture, so in towns like Bradford they have created their own society within the UK. In their small societies they mix with other muslims, hardly speak any English but speak in their own native tongue and their children go to muslim schools and so don't mix with British school children.

But leaving the above to one side, the crux of the matter is our Country is struggling. Yes the economy is doing well we are told but that isn't benefiting the normal British people, it is just benefiting the wealthy at the top of the ladder. People outside of the UK don't realise how bad things have got with our infrastructure and public services. There are literally hundreds of thousands waiting for social housing, some have been waiting 10 years or more. When immigrants come in they go to the front of the queue for these houses so pushing British people further to the back. Then schools, hardly any new schools have been built for years and yet every year we have hundreds of thousands of people coming here. Their children need school places and their children are given priority with school places, so some British children get turned away because their school of choice is full and they then have to travel sometimes miles to get to the nearest school. When the immigrants children start school a lot can't speak English so the extra expense of bringing in Teaching Assistants to work with these children individually, so much time is spent on these children that British children are being pushed to the back. Then GP/doctors services. My GP's waiting list has been closed now for 12 months. They can't take any more patients and they have hundreds on a waiting list. When immigrants come into the Country they are signed up with a GP. If I want to make an appointment to see a GP now the best I can hope for is a phone call, failing that I have to book 3 weeks in advance because they have too many patients. Dentists are more or less like gold dust now. It took me 3 years to get a dentist when I came back to the UK after working away. If someone comes into the Country they are given a dentist. Hospitals are struggling and running at a deficit and yet millions are wasted on translators for people who have been here years but still don't speak any English. This at a time when waiting lists for serious operations are being postponed and drugs for people with cancer are being refused because of the cost. We then don't feel protected any more by the Police. The Police services have been cut so much that it is virtually impossible to get a police officer to come out urgently unless a murder has taken place. Then our armed forces again are being cut at a time when the world is far more unsafe and sometimes our soldiers don't have the correct gear they need such as when they were out in Afghanistan families were having to send things to them that they needed. Legal Aid has become more or less non-existent over the years and so it is very difficult for a normal person to bring a case to Court if they don't have the financial means and yet we have asylum seekers and immigrants offered legal aid to bring cases against us and to bring up human rights. We have hundreds of thousands homeless on our streets but then when illegal immigrants enter our country from Calais they are put up in hotels. Kent Social Services just said last week that they are receiving more and more immigrants from Calais who are coming through without parents and so they have to find foster homes etc for these children but they said this is putting the safeguarding of British children already in the system at risk. We then have disabled people losing independent living fund which helped them to have alterations to their homes, we have a bedroom tax to bring in more revenue and people are being forced back to work even when they have terminal illnesses. Anyone wanting to travel more than 100 miles needs to give themselves 4 or 5 hours because our motorways are at a standstill there is so much traffic on the roads. This is reality in the UK. This is why logically we can't keep taking the world in.

In my opinion we could do with having a complete clean up. There are an estimated million illegal immigrant who are working here on the black market, a lot are people who have had their asylum cases turned down and then are free to blend into society. Our government could do with getting rid of these people first before taking any more people in. We then need to deal with the ridiculous situation we find ourselves in where people are allowed to claim child benefit and child tax credits for children who don't even live in this Country. We need to sort out our infrastructure, build more houses, build more schools, sort out the NHS, stop cutting Police etc. When all these things have been dealt with then start looking at who we can help. We should be bringing people into the Country who can benefit Britain such as doctors, nurses etc. A lot who come here don't have anything to offer as they can't even speak English. Now you can call me a hater for stating all of the above but I just call it being a realist and the people I am really angry with are our MP's for allowing this to happen and making British people feel like second class citiziens within their own country and before anyone starts on about racism when I say British people I mean white British, Black British, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese and every other creed and colour who have been born here and consider themselves first and foremost British. a reply to: Shiloh7

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Shiloh7

Are the newest slur to be put onto the public by the liberal lefties is they are 'haters'

Haters, the newest insult and undermining label to anyone who doesn't toe the influx of unchecked refugees flooding our countries.

Its funny how name calling from the play ground suddenly gets into this game but its also propaganda to label and this heading for this thread is exactly that.

IF you had actually read through the thread you may have realized this OP is not about labeling people .....the thread is not about the refugees heading to Europe,the thread is about blanket statements that are generalizing at times an entire nation with violence an example i used is when a member says something like "we need to nuke them all before they get here and affect our way of life" before you ask that is not a direct quote,and its not just the refugee threads that garner hate speech there are a few....

We seem to be having a comprehension issue so let me clarify once more......the refugees heading to Europe is an ugly situation and will get worse,i am in no way down playing the threat,yes there will be clashes,yes natives will be displaced,yes it is going to affect many lives,the potential for Europian countries to be thrown into chaos is high,we have all read the threats from ISIS....

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
Are the newest slur to be put onto the public by the liberal lefties is they are 'haters'

Haters, the newest insult and undermining label to anyone who doesn't toe the influx of unchecked refugees flooding our countries.

Its funny how name calling from the play ground suddenly gets into this game but its also propaganda to label and this heading for this thread is exactly that.

I am sorry for anyone who is so stupid and naive to think this is personally about the men, women and children trying to gate crash Europe and other countries for a better life. If Syria hadn't kicked off these huge numbers of people would actually have had pretty little excuse to try gate crashing the West - that's the long and the short of it, they are coming because they think the huge numbers give them a better chance of getting in.

Europeans have a right to be very wary about this because we don't have the jobs, spare housing and social services etc we also don't have the financial stability to take these people empty handed and provide every damn thing for them and their numbers are a threat to the stability to our society. Little mention is made of the medical cost of all this because certainly some are medically motivated. (yes you can't blame people, but it has to be funded to look after them and where is the extra money going to home from)?

However the biggest elephant in the room is Islamic fundamentalism. Muslims do not integrate and for a number of years in the UK we have been seeing the Saudi influence on muslims. They do not have regard for the values of the West, especially woman's rights. Many in the UK have never learned the language, live in Muslim only areas, social interaction, unless through the work is not on many's agenda.

People objecting to their coming is nothing to do with hatred its also not to do with assimilation, its a future fear of being outbred and taken over, again I say it has nothing to do with hating. Its more common sense, which in fact many who are welcoming these hoards are risking all our cultures and values, which we have fought hard over. People have a right to disagree with their government's stand on this because its government policy or a lack of it, that is the problem here - not people's attitudes. Were the world in flush financial times with everything necessary to spare e.g. jobs, money in budgets, spare housing and medical, educational facilities going begging - different world - not todays though.

I got about 4 lines into your post about "liberal lefties" and name calling...

So liberal leftie is acceptable but other slurs are somehow not?

Crack on sunshine.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
To me ATS seems to be splitting into two distinct groups.

We have a right wing conservative group and on the other side we have a much more progressive group and the two groups are clashing on just about everything. I do not know when it happened, i think it was a gradual thing but ATS is not a conspiracy forum any more rather it is more of a political forum.

I personally think that the Mods need to make some serious changes around here.

It's been that way for a while. The difference is, the conservative side has been exponentially more vocal about "KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL!" lately.

That's where people are going wrong. This is ATS, not Stormfront, You want to rant about wiping out the dirty sand people? Go do it ON STORMFRONT where that drivel belongs, among the rest of the knuckledraggers. I know full well there's no sign pointing our directing stating, "Stormfront, right over here!" It's time to quit emulating it.


Syllabification: xen·o·pho·bi·a
Pronunciation: /ˌzenəˈfōbēə/
Definition of xenophobia in English:
Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

ATS is supposed to be above that kind of BS. I agree that the staff needs to take a good, long hard look at what this site stands for, and figure out of this xenophobic route meshes. If not, it's time to buckle down & reaffirm what ATS originally set out to do. Discussion is one thing, cheering on death, abuse & hate is a cop-out for the weak & cowardly. This is not a platform for that crap, it's an alternative discussion forum.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

Greetings and thx for your input.....i just wanted to add that your avatar is quite fitting for the conversation.....

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
To me ATS seems to be splitting into two distinct groups.

We have a right wing conservative group and on the other side we have a much more progressive group and the two groups are clashing on just about everything. I do not know when it happened, i think it was a gradual thing but ATS is not a conspiracy forum any more rather it is more of a political forum.

I personally think that the Mods need to make some serious changes around here.

It's been that way for a while. The difference is, the conservative side has been exponentially more vocal about "KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL!" lately.

That's where people are going wrong. This is ATS, not Stormfront, You want to rant about wiping out the dirty sand people? Go do it ON STORMFRONT where that drivel belongs, among the rest of the knuckledraggers. I know full well there's no sign pointing our directing stating, "Stormfront, right over here!" It's time to quit emulating it.


Syllabification: xen·o·pho·bi·a
Pronunciation: /ˌzenəˈfōbēə/
Definition of xenophobia in English:
Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

ATS is supposed to be above that kind of BS. I agree that the staff needs to take a good, long hard look at what this site stands for, and figure out of this xenophobic route meshes. If not, it's time to buckle down & reaffirm what ATS originally set out to do. Discussion is one thing, cheering on death, abuse & hate is a cop-out for the weak & cowardly. This is not a platform for that crap, it's an alternative discussion forum.

I would give you applause for that post if i could....

Thank you for your input and i whole heartedly agree....

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