posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 11:42 AM
Have you ever seen a man who drives to the parking-lot, comes out of the car and gives the first-comer all the money that were on him -€ 75? It's
me, hi!
Yesterday: I 'm in a hurry to meet my friend Tamara. I drive to the appointed place - shopping-mall, park into the only free space nearly driving
into the group of women in colorful clothes. Went out and walk resolutely to the place where I just saw Tamara. Covered the distance in 20 steps and
hear a voice behind me: "Hey, handsome - you left your bag...
I understand that I really don't feel my bag strap on my shoulder. I turn back to the car, take bag, shut the door. Bang! Blackout...
The next scene:
Tamara's voice: "Hey Robert! I'm here!" I'm going to the voice, unzipping the bag. Walk up to Tamara:
-Hello, Toma.
- I saw you go back to your car - lost anything?
- I've just given to Roma all the money I had..
- Bummer...