posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to:
I would add to Hell Houses the Jesus Camps where they brainwash little kids (as seen in Jesus Camp) as well as the teen "rehab" centers that were the
focus of the documentary Kidnapped for Christ. The latter is of highly questionable legality as some of these kids are kept beyond their 18th birthday
against their will.
The indoctrination I had as a kid was fairly light compared to some of the abuses that go on. I can remember being a teenager and worrying incessantly
that every lustful thought, every dirty joke, every thought that I didn't take "Captive to the obedience of Christ" was going to come back to haunt me
when God returned and judged the world (which was always portrayed as imminent). Hell was very real, as were demons, and all you had to do was THINK
the wrong way and they could find their way inside. Demons were under every rock. They were behind the music and film industry, they were embedded in
games like Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, and the always insidious Dungeons and Dragons. Such is the paranoid delusional thinking of some sects of
fundamentalist Christianity.
It is my opinion that teaching children about a literal eternal hell and pumping up their fear and guilt about natural human experiences/states of
being (such as sex, masturbation, swearing, drinking, or being gay) is child abuse. Teachings kids that their thoughts can be sin (thought crime) and
that they are all born broken and worthy of eternal torment just for being descendants of Adam is immoral. I understand that many parents/churches
have really drunk the kool-aid so they actually think what they are doing is right in trying to keep kids out of Hell but hell houses and other
tactics really really cross the line.
Those Christians who genuinely believe in hope and love and who reject the literal idea of Hell need to denounce the "extremists" who are screwing up
the minds of millions of children around the world.
Let's say a parent sits their kid down and explains that if they do something wrong, anything, no matter how small, a celestial policeman is going to
come and light them on fire. He will melt the flesh from their bones until they are dead and then bring them back to life and do it all for
eternity... and you tell your kid that they deserve this eternal punishment just by virtue of being born a flawed human being. But thankfully there is
a way out, just ask the policeman to spare you and repent whenever you sin and you will not be punished. I think most people would denounce the idea
if it were couched in any other language other than if GOD is the one doing it, it is a powerful message of fear to those who already have some
semblance of belief.
Another example I give is what if we replaced burning in a Lake of Fire with an eternity of rape. People would immediately recoil in disgust and admit
that such a God CAN ONLY be evil. I think such a thing would even give the most deluded believers pause for thought. But suddenly when it is eternal
torment in a lake of fire it can be somehow excused as just.
Enough rambling, star and flag!!