originally posted by: EchoesInTime
Welcome to ATS. Very interesting intro.
Can you elaborate on what you mean by negative polarity?
I can elaborate on what I mean by negative polarity.
Negative polarity is:
Service to self as separate from other selves, the crystallization of self and the path of conquest.
Crystallization is required in order for self to advance past third dimensional frequencies. The process of crystallization requires knowledge of True
Self and True Will.
True Self:
The True Self is what some sources refer to as a
soul. This
soul contains the accumulated knowledge and experience of past
True Will:
The True Will is the utmost desire of the True Self. It is also connected to the actions of the True Self filtered through the third dimensional self.
True Will is the reason for third dimensional incarnation.
Without knowing True Self and True Will, polarization to negative or positive beyond the third dimension is impossible.
A process of distilling is not exclusive to either polarity. it is required of both. Distilling occurs when the True Self and True Will is known. Both
are then compared to the mind/body/spirit of the third dimensional self. In the negative polarity, anything which is not accepted as part of the
resulting self is removed. Once a workable model is formed, it can continuously be solidified through third dimensional experiences.
Conquest for Self Definition:
The role of conquest in the negative polarity is vital. Conquest defines one self from another.The mechanism of conquest is subjugation. By the self
subjugating another self, that self is defined as separate from the other self. The other self is subordinate, weak and its potential is fed to the
Emotion plays an ever decreasing role as a negatively polarized self advances in negative frequency. This is because emotion is third dimensional.
Although it is felt one frequency graduation above the third dimension, it is no longer felt beyond. This is true of both polarities.
Negative Polarization:
The process of polarizing to negative is not easy. For that matter, neither is polarization to positive. First, self must be consciously aware of
itself and its action of its will. By aware, the self must commit the action in accordance with its True Will. If it is not aware in this fashion, the
action provides no polarization potential.
On the Nature of Positive and Negative Infinite
The State of The Positive Infinite:
Self is everything and everything is self. Every animal, every insect, plant and micro-organism, everything conscious, everything which vibrates with
the force of life. All creation is an infinite expression of self, infinite because creation exists in a never ending cycle.
As the Positive Infinite looks to everything within itself, there is no separation. It looks on the other frequencies and its sees itself reflected
into its own perception. When it looks on the finite negative, its perception does not change. It sees the finite negative as itself, as it sees all
as part of itself and itself as part of all, regardless of how separate finite negatives have made themselves. What it can not perceive is the
separation. It only perceives in its own light. It is as an infinitely bright space looking in on itself. It can not see darkness because its own
perception blinds it. If it could see a moment of darkness, it would not readily recognize the small black space at the furthest point in its
perception. The Negative Infinite is that dark space.
The eternal state of Positive Infinite is peace, stillness and infinite brilliance. Its expression is an out flowing of itself. This is why Infinite
Positive is both creator and creation. When creation ceases to exist, Infinite Positive out flows, refurnishing the resulting emptiness with itself.
The cycle begins again.
The State of the Negative Infinite:
Self is self. Everything else is separate of self. Self has defined itself separate. It looks on other frequencies and it perceives something to be
subjugated to its volition or consumed. Self consumes, endlessly, seeking further definition as separate.
The Negative Infinite does not realize it is infinite. When creation is there to perceive, the Negative Infinite further defines itself by
manipulating finite negatives. It perceives the interplay between finite negative and positive, seeing itself as absolute. When creation can not be
perceived or does not exist for a moment, Infinite Negative perceives its infinite state without knowing it is infinite. It searches through its own
expanse, perceiving something it perceives as separate from itself. Perhaps it perceives a moment of brilliance from Infinite Positive and perhaps
not. Regardless of the cause of its change in perception and whether or not creation exists at that moment, Infinite Negative strives to consume that
brilliance. Infinite Negative has become Ouroboros,
"he who eats the tail".
The eternal state of Negative Infinite is conflict, hunger and infinite void. Its expression is an in flowing into itself. When and if Negative
Infinite again perceives creation, it will seek to further define itself by it. This is why Negative Infinite is all consuming, even of itself when
creation is not visible. Since infinite can not consume infinite, it is forever
"he who eats the tail".