posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to:
When you say Socialism it means something quite different to many people to what it does here in the UK, in the US it is seen as Liberalism but in
Russia they think the National Socialism that is not the same thing as Socialism and so regard it in the same breath as Nazism (National
Of course in the UK, France and other countrys that have enjoyed TRUE socialism it is a democratic institution that is nothing like either Communism
or "National Socialism" and indeed is merely a form of governed state intervention into the captalist system with a small percentage of overall wealth
redistribution to balance the economy and try to remedy poverty but not a peace meal state take over or theft of all private franchise as in
communism, limited state ownership was always and still is a good idea in the interest of everyone and state owned petrochemical industrys as we used
to have in the UK it could be used to control the price at the pump ensuring that goods could be moved more cheaply as did state owned transport,
power, telecommunication's and mail.
But Capitalism is about one thing GREED and that is obviously bad except for those that Hog it all, in a purely capitalist system there is no room
for humanity only profit and monopolisation, state is for sale to the highest bidder and all politicians are cronies of there financial backers.
Of course in the words of a certain Nazi criminal the state is a lie and so you have to keep the masses hoodwinked for the state to survive, this was
not the case under a socialist system but it was under communism and is under pure capitalist system's.
The other difference is a socialist system is not about everything being owned by the state though ownership of the Infrastructure, health care etc
is ESSENTIAL but allowing private alternatives to those whom choose to pay (which is no one when the highest quality is available for free to the
citizens whom see it as being paid for by there tax's), it is about making sure the wealth is more fairly distributed where as in Communism there is
always a ruling elite, a single party and absolutly No democratic process, the party therefore become the ruling imperial family of any communist
state and the people are owned by the state rather than the other way around as it is in a socialist state based on a more a enlightened and up to
date approach to Marxist theory but to a capitalist both are seen as bad, under socialism he may not get quite as rich having to give back a slice of
there profit in taxation (when they actually want to pay no tax at all) and under communism he will lose everything the same as the poorest.
When Communism fell in eastern europe and russia the global Capitalists first breathed a sigh of relief and then turned on the socialism that had
flowered while they were distracted elsewhere, under the impetus of the Bilderbergs they set about destroying Socialism in it's true heartland's, the
Nordic countrys and England as well as giving is a good go in France by the same method they always operate, Dirty trick's, fraud and lies and corrupt
criminal politicians.
edit on 30-10-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)