posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 07:07 PM
I just finished playing through the campaign, and it's definitely not bad at all. I haven't played online yet, or coop, but the story is interesting
and it leads to a lot of possibilities. The campaign is definitely a story-driven one to help lift successive titles higher, which isn't a bad thing,
it just means that there's a lot of plot needed to lift wherever it is their going to.
The combat system has been tweaked mildly, and in my personal opinion, they did a very good job in it.
The Campaign, for those who don't know, have 3 AI plus you (unless you do coop with up to 3 other players), and the AI definitely needs to be smarter.
They aren't total idiots, but they do like to run out of cover in the middle of a firefight, take your vehicle and drive you around when you just want
to sit there in the warthog turret in a great position, or do absolutely nothing when you tell them to sit at a specific spot in a firefight to keep
them from getting blown away so easily.
There's this REQ system that they introduced that's interesting, but also flawed. In previous titles you unlocked armor, or other aesthetics based on
skill alone, in this REQ system you gain REQ points and can buy a bundle of unlockable stuff which has a chance of unlocking various things. Which, in
my opinion is both great, and absolutely horrible. It means that anyone, even the worst players, have the chance of getting the most sought after
aesthetics there are if their lucky, and theirs little point to doing specific things to become the best of the best, the drive just isn't there for
these kind of unlockables.
Some of the previous titles used the campaign to unlock specific thing, for instance if you were to beat the campaign by yourself on legendary, you
would unlock an armor set, but now it only gives you Achievement points, but it isn't a big WOW factor as it used to.
In the end, it's still worth it, and it brings a different feel to the franchise, whilst still being the same thing.