Good. I have no love for the KKK whatsoever. Klansmen killed 2 of my great great uncles, chopping them up in their own yards. Their sister (my great
grandmother) was the only surviving sibling. This was in Southern Alabama right after the Reconstruction Era ended. Of course, no one was ever
prosecuted (they were sharecroppers and the Klan had warned them to abandon the land "or else").
Klansmen were the major political, judicial, and economic forces that kept the Racial Segregation period intact. At their peak, they claimed to
control roughly half of all State legislatures in the US. Klansmen terrorized my grandfather when he came home from serving in a segregated unit in
WWII. Klansmen harassed & terrorized my grandmother, my Mom & her siblings when African Americans were first allowed to vote. My grandmother literally
took them to watch her vote (they were still kids), specifically so they would remember how hard some people would fight to keep them from being equal
members of society.
Klansmen harassed the protesters & marchers during the Civil Rights Movement. They fought tooth & nail against any racial integration because they
firmly believe in the separation of the races. And their members, sympathizers, and ideological allies are
still trying to reverse every major
piece of Civil Rights legislation.
They've actively killed & terrorized Americans for 150 years. And it's not just African Americans they target; they also targeted white, Hispanic, and
Jewish people who tried to fight against racial segregation too. Their terrorist members routinely attacked African American churches, including the
16th Street Baptist Church bombing in 1963 that inspired the movie "4
Little girls". They even worked with the FBI during COINTELPRO to kill
Viola Liuzzo, a white
female activist.
So in short, ___ those cowards. I hope every single one of them is exposed. I eagerly suggest every single person reading this take 30min of your time
& Google "KKK Alabama branch" (you can look up branches for any State or city of your choosing). Then read those branches websites. You'll hear their
words from their own mouths so you won't have to worry about their sympathizers claiming they were taken out of context.
I guarantee you you'll
recognize their words both from political leaders & on this very forum. You should especially look into their party platforms, which you'll
definitely recognize. (Note: each branch is a separate entity or "cell", which is why you should look at multiple branches.) Of course, not everyone
who agrees with their points is in the Klan; but at least you'll know where the ideas came from.