posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:54 PM
Ah come on, get control of your emotions and reactions, people. Regardless of what anyone may MERELY have to SAY, ultimately it is up to each of US
whether we allow ourselves to get all bent out of shape about something said or not. I like to think I have 100% control over myself and my emotions
and reactions and nothing anyone can say will upset me if I don't feel like being upset. Ultimately, it is us, ourselves, that decide how we think
and react to what we read and what others say. There are too many people today with thin skin and an inability to control themselves and their own
reactions. Heck, any one of us could be considered a troll just for saying "what a great day it was today." Eventually someone will come along
and take offense because they might have lost their job today and will want to know why YOU think THAT makes it such a great day today, ha. Seems
lately anyone that posts a dissenting or disagreeing viewpoint is being called a troll, or a monster, or branded inconsiderate, or whatever. Seems
like everyone wants everyone else to think like they think these days, and that's not only just wrong, but wishful thinking. Take control of your
emotions and don't let others get to you so easily. Sorry, but sometimes it can be irresistible to stick your tongue out at someone just to watch
then start to cry like a baby, ha. Yeah, I know, doing so may not be the right thing to do, but come on, it is kind of funny to see a grown "adult"
react like a child over something so silly such as mere words.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Really, it's a good motto to live by.