posted on May, 23 2016 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to:
Here is cecrops
Its the english version and it does recall Aktaios King. In english is Actaeus.
As for Promytheus and Athena, it is all over ancient books with creation. Cydonia is reffered as the place of creation. We do have cydonias in Hellas
today, but they all formed the last 3000 years - They dont apply with Prometheus.
Athena was with Promitheus and helped in the creation. But also Athena is referred in the great war and fall of Medussa, Zeus trusted the weapon of
Medussa to Athena.
Medussa represents minions of reptiles, even black magick today uses Persefonh or Medussa, its the same thing. Persefonh is Medussa (the victim of
few years ago they found a scroll of black magick in israel i think. It speaks about persephone and they send in the underworld god Ermhs to bring
Persephone into this world and punish the victim, along with persophone they name some babylonian demons...
Perseus + fonos (murder) = Persefone, who Perseus murdered? = Medusa and in black magick they recall persephone and the name of the dead reptile they
wish to summon.
Everything is infront of the readers eyes, its so easy to find it out. Here is a dictionary of the word "murder" in greek
Perseus and Medusa represents the fall of reptiles. It represents a war long long ago - also real Athena is involved. The reptiles fall into hades,
hades is not a GOD as many think, but a place. Ploutonas is the god of afterlife (elysium fields in Lyra and hades on earth). Thats why cern thingy is
a very tricky and evil experiment to open portals into other dimensions lol. Because if reptiles are trapped here on earth, who they thing they will
find... I am sure they allready know.
edit on 23-5-2016 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)