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Question? Are we ALL being " Radicalized " ?

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posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

I can't speak to the situation vis-a-vis the media and the situation in Europe and/or the UK because I'm too removed from it to make an assessment.

As the US is concerned, I'd suggest you consider that the MSM in the US is reporting and working against the back drop of an election cycle. And this election cycle is a bit different in several ways. First, the US President, in the last year and half of his term is all but a lame duck. Thus, there's a "feel" to this thing that there's practically "no one in charge"'; like there's no government leadership at all. And that's particularly acute this time because Obama is a rather mercurial figure who prefers to "lead from behind", i.e., not at all. So there's a serious power vacuum here.

Then there's the glaring issue of the election being about people who just aren't presenting very attractive personalities. The result of that is that but for perhaps Bernie Sanders, there's not a lot of interest in this election. Yea, Trump stirs some people, mostly geriatrics, up and gets a lot of air time for his outrageous hyperbole, but as the recent polls show, he's slipping because it becomes clearer that he's more a huckster than a seriously qualified candidate.

So....what's the MSM to do? As they present ever more vacuous debates between mental midgets, their ratings go down....i.e., fewer people are watching. As CNN goes all in for Hilary, filling hours a day with smarmy "Hilary" coverage and analysis of her campaign, ratings go down.

Therefore, in a rather lame attempt to stir up some interest in this election cycle and to keep people glued to the idiot box, they present scary images of would be terrorists, migrants climbing over fences, scenes of riots, scenes of bombings in Syria with the implication that "If YOU don't pay attention to the ELECTION" this could happen to YOU because the US MUST HAVE A STRONG LEADER!

Then of course, there's the radicalized ALT Media, and all four corners of it. SALON, "we're doomed by Right Wing Christian Nut Job Radicals"; World Net Daily, "We're doomed by the Globalists destroying US Culture by Open Borders",..........the list goes on. But all that's also 1) to generate clicks on the links, then 2) to promote one Candidate or another as THE MESSIAH LEADER who will save us from the crazies! a sense, you're right........there's a whole big gin up of make money and to promote one agenda or another, but what I see in the US is that as this ramps up.......its failing to gain much traction with the general population which has disappeared into their comfortable shell of NFL Football and the Baseball Playoffs and local High School Football "Friday Night Lights".

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

Thanks for the kind words.

I saw a study several years ago on perceived crime rates vs actual crime rates. Most folks overestimated their risk by a factor of 100 – 1,000 for any given crime event. Folks get hurt slipping in the shower or walking down the steps in their socks and taking a slide or in their cars or pool. Not bad people hurting other, just folks making mistakes and banging their heads.

Most people are nice to each other, and will help out a stranger in need. If you want to have some fun, help out a stranger. You'll feel good for longer than it took to do them a service!

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

Great post and I'll commend more later.

Regarding the "War on Terror" there is a terrific quote by Zbigniew Brzezinski that I always recall in this context and others as well. One of the most useful perspectives I've ever practiced.

And I'm unable to find online with the limited time I have (though it is in Oliver Stone's "The Untold History of the US") so I'll have to paraphase...

Terror is a tactic not a stragety and you can't win a war against a tactic. Poor paraphrase but perhaps you get the idea.

There is similar topic "" that is worth looking into as well.

Happy Monday

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Thank you for the reference.
Very logical and I am in agreement that terror = tactic, and a tactic used by all sides, some more successfully and more surreptitiously than others.

Happy Monday to you too !

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

I find it totally paradoxical that "terrorists" kill innocent peace loving citizens so that governments are forced to take freedoms away "to protect us" - real terrorists would target bankers, career government politicians, the super rich, media moguls and would protect innocents - but it's always the other way around and this should raise alarm bells - therefore, imo, the government (all governments) ARE the terrorists...keeping us in fear of the bogeyman that they create so that they can continue to erode freedoms until we are in a total surveillance state relying solely on government for food, water, shelter and everything else necessary to sustain a living on this god foresaken rock.

Indeed. I was looking at video of the Russian strikes. I kept thinking to myself, how is this helping the Syrian people or anyone else?

It is pure insanity. When are people going to wake up? All of this nonsense is total control and manipulation of the global masses. We have to stop being lemmings and look at what is really going on. We have to stop being fodder and pawns in their sick games.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: [post=19965401]NightSkyeB4Dawn
When are people going to wake up?

Unfortunately, I suspect not for a long time. A very long time. "They" know what they are doing and they are good at it.

You've got a huge amount of people that, by design, work long hours every day to keep a roof over their family's head, food on the table, etc. They don't always have the time to do in-depth research into things that "journalists" used to do at one time in history.

You've got a huge amount of people that, by design, are guided to care more about and pay greater attention to "real" housewives or what some harlot wore to some awards show.

You've got a huge amount of people that, by design, have already been indoctrinated to say Democrats good! Republicans bad! or vice-versa.

A lot of people don't "wake up" until their personal lives get drastically affected. By then, it is typically too late.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 01:40 PM
You are completely right with regard to ISIS. We HAVE got many here in the UK already, as well as in Europe. We are told daily in the UK about how many plots have been stopped. The last big one was a plot of kill the Queen and the guy who bought the ricin that could have killed thousands. With the refugees its not just about the terror aspect its about the fact that we already have enormous problems in the UK and lots of British people are struggling to make ends meet. That's not the refugees fault and my anger isn't directed at them but our bloody Government. They keep cutting the poorest in society but giving tax breaks to the multi-millionaires.

Nor am I heartless. I would have no problem with taking all the families coming into Europe and picking them up in Greece and moving them further on to Germany. Its just the young, fit, men I have a problem with, if only for the fact that they are taking the place of people who are more vulnerable such as children, sick, elderly and I think these people should be given priority.

The problem we have in Europe is the open borders policy. This wouldn't be allowed to happen in any other Country in the world because all other countries have borders. At the end of the day human beings are part of the animal kingdom. Chimpanzees our closest cousins, form groups and have an hierarchy and protect their territory so they have enough food and resources for the group. It goes against every part of this natural instinct. Why does any Country have borders? As well as protecting resources they also have borders to keep their community safe, so I don't see why it should be so difficult to see this is a security risk as well.a reply to: cosmickat

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: anxiouswens

The problem we have in Europe is the open borders policy. This wouldn't be allowed to happen in any other Country in the world because all other countries have borders.

All other countries except the United States.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: cosmickat

With the technology that is being developed to monitor and control people through psycotronics it is inevitable they will or are modulating the G.P.S satellites with mind altering waves to pit one group against another.This eliminates many millions of people by remote proxy. Imagine the intelligence community that is able to pit black against white, multiple Muslim groups against all other Muslims with out sending the army or firing a shot.That has been possible since the 1970s and it appears to me that is exactly whats going on.I have cured 17 people with an electronic screeching sound in there ears that destroyed there lives, I did it with a sound similar to the screeching that interferes with the biorelevant feed back loop used to latch on to the brain waves of the target victims.We are in the middle of a psycotronic war with Russia and china .

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

There is one goal that the aforementioned entities all share - a profound desire to ensure humanity does not unite lest we become truly free of tyranny and destroy that which they have spent hundreds of years setting the foundations of.

The global elite bloodlines want a New World Order where they, the 0.1% totally control every facet of the existence of the 99.9% where they can live a life of unfathomable luxury whilst the rest of us fight over (and provide the labour for) the crumbs they spill on the floor.

So how would humanity unite without a governing body? Are you implying that all of humanity would just unite under some libertarian/anarcho-capitalist utopia?
edit on 26-10-2015 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: cosmickat

Yes, but (for me) not in a way that you think. You see, I have an extreme view where I do not wish harm upon any peace loving person.

My attention and focus is anti-establishment, anti-big government, anti-alphabet agencies, anti-banksters, anti-corporate oligarchies, anti-dynastic political and elitist bloodlines, anti-United Nations and anti-propaganda.

Because they cause all wars, mass deaths, hatreds and divisions among peace loving folks - pitting us against each other because a divided community is easy to manipulate and control. There is one goal that the aformentioned entities all share - a profound desire to ensure humanity does not unite lest we become truly free of tyranny and destroy that which they have spent hundreds of years setting the foundations of.

The global elite bloodlines want a New World Order where they, the 0.1% totally control every facet of the existence of the 99.9% where they can live a life of unfathomable luxury whilst the rest of us fight over (and provide the labour for) the crumbs they spill on the floor.

I find it totally paradoxical that "terrorists" kill innocent peace loving citizens so that governments are forced to take freedoms away "to protect us" - real terrorists would target bankers, career government politicians, the super rich, media moguls and would protect innocents - but it's always the other way around and this should raise alarm bells - therefore, imo, the government (all governments) ARE the terrorists...keeping us in fear of the bogeyman that they create so that they can continue to erode freedoms until we are in a total surveillance state relying solely on government for food, water, shelter and everything else necessary to sustain a living on this god foresaken rock.

Bra-Vo!! From beginning to end, great thoughts. I think they are the exact thoughts a good percentage of folks have, or would have if they would allow their true thoughts to shine through. Unfortunately, the fear buries what people would otherwise conciously know as the truth, but the fear and marketing machines are really, really good at what they do.

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