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Beach Combers find Megaladon Teeth in N. Carolina

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posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: Bigburgh

You do understand about fossils, that minerals have replaced whatever living matter once was there. I don't have a link just now, but to make a fossil, you bury some animal or plant and as it decays, it leaves a hollow in the soil, Minerals leach in with water over time hardening to stone preserving the shape of the item in its original form. The cavity left behind is like a mold in metal making but its filled with liquid slowly, like stalagmites and stalactites form in caves, little bit at a time.

Rarely are bones and plants found preserved, usually in bogs where peat preserve more of the tissues or bone depending on age.

You probably know this, sorry for being redundant.

When I was a kid my grandma and grandpa sent me fossil sharks teeth from Florida, they walked the beaches and picked them up. I had a whole can of them all black, and didn't know they were fossilized. When I got older I traded them away for almost nothing, I was ignorant about their value…

sorry grandma.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: Bigburgh
Does it have a heavy weight to it like a stone?

Yes, like a heavy stone, it weighs 225 grams and has a density of 3.4.

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