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How on earth is promoting violence, genocide and torture somehow socially acceptable?

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posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: Abysha

I have always felt that criminal justice should handle criminals with the motive of keeping society safe, not punishment. Punishment should come in the forms of fines or community service. Prison should be used for keeping dangerous people away from non-dangerous people.

This is exactly what it should be ...sadly the justice system is run like a business,when money is involved common sense goes out the window

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific

originally posted by: Shamrock6

originally posted by: nonspecific

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: nonspecific

Some people just need killing. To me, that's it. Some people can't be reasoned with. They can't be hugged better. Locking them away doesn't solve it all the time. The world would truly be a better place with some people taken from it. One can be as peace loving and love thy neighbor as one wants to be and that's great, but there are some people who will do nothing but take every advantage of that attitude they can.

But I think the overwhelming majority of people like to act like Billy Badass, especially online, because it makes them feel better. And it makes others feel better to see that somebody else said the same thing they did. Ergo, you get acceptance.

I think that your opening statement pretty much sums up my issue here.

"Some people just need killing"...

I kind of knew I should not have started this and your comment confirms my instincts. I really do not understand this.

You're right, you don't understand. As loathe as I am to introduce the Hitler argument, I can't see any reason to have kept him alive. Can you? He moved a nation to make global war in a matter of a few years. A person who is inherently evil has no reason to continue to be given the opportunity to be evil. Lock him up? Super, now he's inflicting his evil on guards and prisoners. How many of them should be killed or maimed before the problem is taken care of?

It doesn't matter though. You don't really want discussion or back and forth. You wanted to make your points and dismiss what doesn't line up with it. So yea, it is your issue. Meh.

You're right in that I do not understand your viewpoint yes.

So you have an opinion of what is wrong and those that are in your eyes wrong should be killed? As in wipe out those who do not fit in with your viewpoint?

What exactly makes your viewpoint right and anothers wrong, why does your opinion override that of another?

I find it interesting that you mentioned Hitler given that he had a very specific viewpoint as to who was right and also who should be killed.

I think I mentioned a pretty glaring example of somebody already. Two, if you count Hitler.

I do find the attempt to compare me to Hitler to be laughable and, frankly, pathetic.

Evil people exist. Nothing will change that, and nothing will change them. Inherent evil is inherent evil. Wishing it away doesn't work. Who decides who's evil? Not me, so I guess that blows your little jab about Hitler out of the water. Truly evil people make it pretty clear through their actions, which takes the guesswork right out of it.

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 07:18 PM
It could have something to do with humanity being so corrupted and all. When u learn about allot of the negative side of our ways, its bit hard to get back on the believe we are so darn intelligent and wonderful race. Then one might start to wonder if the only justice is to hope something similar towards these monsters and even those whom before believed they are very peaceful ppl might turn to be one of the brutal justice delivers towards these ppl and so on..

There most likely are allot of ways to solve these problems, doesnt even take the "most intelligent" ppl to figure out some of these ways but then we run to another brick wall, why nothing really changes but actually gets worse, to me it appears to be that it is all sort of designed like that, keep the power in very few hands by any means and this is how they do it, keep us fighting each other, playing the victim and abuser parts, so that the majority will keep them selfs as weak and easy targets.. Money is one key tool on all of this obviously.

I too struggle with thoughts of brutality as and justice towards these monsters but i also realize it does not solve anything, rather just fuels it, it is vicious cycle, not easy by any means to try and keep forgiving these things, at some point they will eat u alive.. My own last string of hope is the intervention of higher than human power but that is quite unlikely right..

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

I think the problem is a spiritual one, lack of forgiveness and acceptance is a cancer that is infecting most of the world.

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 08:07 PM
I had the displeasure of knowing a pedophile.
He raped most of the children in his family, his own sons included.
He was a Baptist minister and got off on telling the congregation how they were all sinners and going to burn in a lake of fire if they didn't do some sort of gobbledy gook.
I refrained from smashing his head in with a brick.
I took great pleasure in watching him die slowly and painfully of natural causes...despised and alone.
I have taken time out of my day to piss on his grave a few times.

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: skunkape23
I had the displeasure of knowing a pedophile.
He raped most of the children in his family, his own sons included.
He was a Baptist minister and got off on telling the congregation how they were all sinners and going to burn in a lake of fire if they didn't do some sort of gobbledy gook.
I refrained from smashing his head in with a brick.
I took great pleasure in watching him die slowly and painfully of natural causes...despised and alone.
I have taken time out of my day to piss on his grave a few times.

What a POS. Perv and a minister

Good story. Glad he is gone.

edit on 24-10-2015 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 08:30 PM
I tend to think that it is reptilian portion of our brains taking over when such statements are made.
My mother, a saintly woman if one ever existed, believed in the Christian doctrine of forgive, turn the other cheek, etc. The idea was that we could rise above our baser instincts because violence only begets more of the same.
My father on the other hand, believed that a man who would do violence to a woman or child didn't deserve to keep breathing God's air.
While I strive to keep the reptilian part of my brain in check, when it comes to violence against the helpless, I come down on the side of removing the threat permanently. That reptilian part of the brain is after all, the part that has allowed us to survive as a species in my opinion. To completely disregard it could be a very serious mistake.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: diggindirt
I tend to think that it is reptilian portion of our brains taking over when such statements are made.
My mother, a saintly woman if one ever existed, believed in the Christian doctrine of forgive, turn the other cheek, etc. The idea was that we could rise above our baser instincts because violence only begets more of the same.
My father on the other hand, believed that a man who would do violence to a woman or child didn't deserve to keep breathing God's air.
While I strive to keep the reptilian part of my brain in check, when it comes to violence against the helpless, I come down on the side of removing the threat permanently. That reptilian part of the brain is after all, the part that has allowed us to survive as a species in my opinion. To completely disregard it could be a very serious mistake.

DO you understand what"turn the other cheek is about exactly?" VERBAL INSULTS is all thats it is actually about. If you are being beaten to death do you turn the other cheek? no. But there are some who would do so misguidedly. It was said Jesus had people traveling with him armed with swords to defend themselves if need be from BODILY HARM. SOmetimes you have to kill. for everything there is a season or a reason. ANd defending someone from harm or yourself i s one of those times.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

I will appologise about my earlier comment, as you rightly say it was uncalled for. To be honest I was so taken aback by the sincerity and conviction in your post that I assumed you were baiting me, I realise after sleeping this is not the case and it is actually your opinion.

As I said in the OP I genuinly do not comprehend how someone could think this way, to me it seems as aboherent to call for murder or torture as it does that someone would commit the kind of act that others seem these punishments deserve.

This is not a moral stance or political ideal I simply do not understand how someone can think this is an acceptable viewpoint and it is that which troubles me.

I hope we can agree to disagree on this.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: nonspecificHow on earth is promoting violence, genocide and torture somehow socially acceptable?

Follow the money trail!
See; Republikkkans
See; military industry
See; super rich and their 'investments'.
See; corruption
See; the Cirque du Freaque of government and the jobs and income and psychological manipulations of the public possible with fear and war!

It is certainly easy to point the finger, but not so easy to look in the mirror and ask that same question!

How am 'I' the answer that I seek 'out there'?

"Be the change that you want to see!"
That cuts bone deep, unfortunately!

"Perhaps it is the curvature of space that, like a funhouse mirror distorting our own reflection, we imagine strangers." - Mythopoeicon
edit on 25-10-2015 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 02:09 AM
I don't know how "socially acceptable" it is.

I know that on the web, we find a lot of different age groups (from a lot of different places) all interacting and communicating in ways they usually wouldn't be in real life.

I would not spend any time listening to a group of adolescents talk to each other usually, and they would not talk in the same way if I was present, as they would when just amongst each other.

You get ridiculous boasting and exaggerated remarks. That's youth. The more outrageous the statement, the more inappropriate, the more likely I am to just write them off as young and inexperienced in life.

They'll see soon enough that with a mouth like that, they can pretty much get used to the idea that they'll be working low paying and unpleasant jobs forever.
Or living off mom, in her basement, forever.
As long as they never end up in responsible positions, where they'd have to make choices which have a large impact on the society and others.

There's also this- there is the way verbalizing thought, emotions and drives releases them, and actually de-fuses them.
The ones that talk the most , do the least. Has some basis in fact and human behavior. Acknowledging these things and letting them go that way, can sometimes clear us of them.
That's one of the reasons we see extreme cases of hypocrisy.
You can't control what you don't own.

Aggression and hostility are part of normal human behaviors and drives, in everyone. The more you try to believe you never have them as part of your make up, the more you put yourself at risk for being subconsciously motivated by them.

Passive aggressivity is an example of that. Sometimes I see people doing passive aggressive stuff, and (if I don't know them well) I don't call them out on it. Because I know from experience that the day they realize they are doing that will be horrible. They really do think they are nothing but nice all the time, and the revelation will be painful.
But everyone comes around when they are ready, and not before.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

My issue is that to me it is becoming more socially aceptable to voice these kind of opinions in what would normally be deemed polite conversation. The kind of person voicing these opinions are not ignorant youths but fully grown adults with children and I see this both oline and in real life more and more lately.

In a real converstion a while ago a middle aged lady who will repremand you for profanity stated in a public conversation that sex offenders should be castrated and set on fire in such a way that it was perfectly normal and was met with resounding agreement.

In thread here on ats the other day someone said that the best thing to do regarding an incident in Saudi Arabia was to "NUKE the whole damn place back into the dark ages"

My point is that this kind of comment is becoming more and more socially aceptable and it is deeply disturbing to me.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

I don't take those as literal though.
I think it is a need to express really strong emotional repulsion. The strong images provoked by such words find a resonance in the others present, which allows for them all to have a bonding moment of empathy with each other.

A lot of things that are said between people, especially when they are of an extreme or emotional nature, are actually voiced with a desire to have an emotional connection with others.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Great point there Bluesma!

I remember seeing a thread on a parenting forum discussing a woman who had allowed her child to be abused by her partner. Some of the calls for torture and violence against her were sickening, but the majority on that thread went along with it. It seemed to me like it was some sort of group show of being 'good mothers' that was strengthened by attacking the 'bad mother'.

Personally I find this kind of expression quite disturbing and I would rather focus my energy and thoughts on rehabilitation and prevention, but don't get me wrong, I do believe if someone is a threat to the public then they need to be kept away for as long as they pose a threat.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 04:55 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs

Lol you imply what is inhumane and then advocate for locking people in cages...

Western brainwashing at its finest.

Nice one on brainwashing.

Humanity is not brainwashing. Capital punishment is a violent act. Depriving someone of their liberty in a gaol is only inhumane if it's the type of prison prevalent in countries where life's cheap. Any society that thinks capital punishment, or religious punishment (like sharia) does any good is harking back to a medieval mind-set of revenge and spectacle.
edit on 25/10/2015 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: nonspecific
Yeah....some people are just to weak to deal with reality....100years ago 70% of you would have just died out because you are to weak to handle the realities of life...Pedo do deserve to be skinned alive the spit and slow roasted over a fire. As for Muslims? Um...maybe if they would quit randomly killing and blowing up history people wouldnt have such a problem with them. We sure are lucky that todays America isnt fighting Hitlers Nazis....we would get our azzes handed to us

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: odinsway
a reply to: nonspecific
Yeah....some people are just to weak to deal with reality....100years ago 70% of you would have just died out because you are to weak to handle the realities of life...Pedo do deserve to be skinned alive the spit and slow roasted over a fire. As for Muslims? Um...maybe if they would quit randomly killing and blowing up history people wouldnt have such a problem with them. We sure are lucky that todays America isnt fighting Hitlers Nazis....we would get our azzes handed to us

Your comments here prove my point perfectly, ATS is a heavily moderated site where even bad language is not tollerated. I had an avatar removed a little while ago as it showed me giving the middle finger to the camera(I have no real issue with this as did fall under violation of T&C'). What I fail to understand is how something as trivial as a gesture or word can still be deemed inapropriate in everyday society yet comments like these and others on this thread alone including the one where a member openly admits that they gain pleasure from reading about tourture inflicted on others is perfectly acceptable?

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
Maybe one day I'll be less hatefilled towards them.

The hatred and anger I once felt (and carried around in my life) was only bogging me down. If I thought it could hurt them (there were a few sexual predators in my life) I would have held onto it. But why continue to carry the burden that they gave to me? I just had to lay it down. For my own good.

Hugs to you, Charlie...

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:54 AM
The only people who dont think pedos should be put to death are either pedos themselves or have pedo inclinations. I was molested when I was 5, ruined my childhood and most of my adult life. Yes I want him dead.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 09:11 AM

well eventually he will die. We all do right? Now we should make their life uncomfortable a s possible. We should only try to rehab the Criminals who actually can be rehabilitated by removing the ones who cannot and disposing of them. Pedophiles are mentally disturbed and just need to be locked up forever.(not th eteens who get slapped with th echarge who traded nude pics of themselves) i mean hardcore pedos who cant change and who have preyed on children.

OP you may see this as unfathomable but sometimes the solution is as simple as a bullet in a firing chamber. Not because of hatred or malice but to prevent anyone else from sufferring at their hands(even fellow prisoners) The uncomfy truth is some people are better off dead.

You live in a time when violence i s on the rise and a s such people will talk more liberally about it and if done for th e right reason acceptance. Its not the world who needs to change its outlook.
edit on 15000000ppam by yuppa because: quote tag didnt work

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