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Unexplained artifacts

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posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Harte

Oh, dear Harte, it must be nice to be so sure... I, alas, am not.

However, if I ever dig up something, firsthand, that shouldn't exist, then I'll parade it back to this thread and win the internet.

Until then, it's all yours, baby.


posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Right play both side's, have you ever heard of the tungston nano fillements in the Urals I am not here to debate just to play both sides and let you make up your own mind, why are these not making great headlines.

Under 3 to 12 meters of soil in the Ural mountains and dated back to before 20.000 BC and possible even as long as 100.000 bc, these are not natural forming artifacts and the closest similar item we produced until the advent of energy saving light bults was tungston light bulb fillament's.

Now remember that during the cold war this was a no go zone for the west and the Soviet union had massive industrial and military projects throughout the vastness of Russia and Siberia with the Ural mountains being one site in which they conducted many projects so it is plausible that they may originate at a much younger age and the dating is wrong but what project would have produced and then discarded so much small scale metallic waste that could have been repurposed and resmelted as after all tungston is expensive to refine.

Alternatively it could be the remains of a much more ancient and hitherto unknown advanced cultures waste dump.

All we have are pieces of a jigsaw and a jigsaw with nearly 999 of the 1000 pieces missing.

What is the truth.
edit on 27-10-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 10:21 PM
As for the city off cuba I believe it is real, there are a number of mechanisms that could have pushed it down deeper than the ESTIMATED sea rise of the end of the ice age.

This story I typed for a gaming site which I frequent is fiction but based on solid hypothesis if a little dramatic as it is a story after all.


Just a story, but not as implausible as you may think.

Not saying it really happened though, but what if?.
The crust is a little like the skin on a bowl of gruel, push down a little with the spoon on one part and the fluid breaks out at another, maybe the soft layer under the crust did just this, when the ice pushed down on the northern hemisphere it pushed the equatorial region of crust upward a little and when that ice was gone the equator sank back down again as the place were the ice had been rose back up, if this hypothesis is true then even without the cataclysmic scenario I put in this story the coastal regions near the equator could be hundreds of feet deeper than the two to three hundred plus foot sea rise that the ice melting caused for if this is the case then some equatorial land's also subsided and sank lower due to this removal of subcrustal pressure.

(and remember there was less water in the ocean as it was all in the ice so the weight of the ocean at the equator would also have been substantially lower meaning that the downward pressure of the water was far less and the ocean crust would have been lighter as a consequence to the underlying sub crustal magma layer)

This put a fox amongst the pidgeons of the archeological community and the historical view of the history of mankind as if it is what it definitely look's like then history has to be rewritten at least for this part of the world.

The land trembled as she looked at the bowl of soup on the table sloshing about, it had happened all her life but was getting ever more powerful with each passing year.

Her people had long ago learned how to make structures that could stand up to this constant shaking of the ground though with huge stones of various sizes cut to different sizes and polished so neatly that they fitted together so tightly even water would not pass between them creating a kind of jig saw like appearance and another method used metal poured molten into special joints between the stones that would bind them together as it cooled and shrank forming solid metal pin's drawing the stone together so tightly it became almost one piece.

Lanessa stood and walked over to the window opening the wooden shuttter and looking out at mount Harnass in the distance, smoke billowed from it and she knew that it would pour liquid red fire again soon, no matter what the priest offered the spirit's were not appeased.

Lanessa though like so many of the rest of the people of the land had no idea what was going to happen, already entire city's and entire country's had been lost to the sea over the generation's, the great land had split into two seperate lands to the south but soon it was going to get worse and it was not going to take generations this time as the final death of the land came.

The ice that had covered the land's of the north for thousands of years had began to melt and in just a few years the sea had risen from the water pouring into it alone breaking over the old coastline and in places coming hundred of miles inshore, the old coast was now a hundred feet under water but it was not just the ice for beneath the crust the pressure of the magma was now dropping as it flowed back under the northern contient's because they now weighed less since there icy tomb had started to melt.

As the ice had melted the continental crust to the north had risen hundred's of feet with it's own shaking of the ground as two to four miles of ice, almost another continent made of ice that lay on top of the northern continent's melted away, though as hard as iron under this pressure the heavy iron rich magma beneath the crust flow's like liquid and it soon pushed up the lighter continent releaving pressure to the south nearer to the equator of the planet, there a vast crack were the crust was pushed apart as new crust formed lay in the middle of the ocean to the west of Lanessa's homeland and to the east of another great continent.

Suddenly without warning the Crustal fissure dropped deeper into the ocean and a vast part of the ocean crust to either side of it fell downward with it as a great gas filled under ground cavity that had been left by the dropping magma collapsed, it's gases escaping into the sea through the fissure's in the rock and the whole crust rapidly dropped down to a new much deeper altitude over a vast area until it came to a stop resting on top of the new magma level thus leaving the great continent to the west ready to tip down on it's eastern side and this was made even more likely as it's western side was already riding over thicker and older ocean crustal techtonic plates but for Lanessa's land it was even worse since her land sat almost on top of this great rift in the planet and as the crust dropped in altitude so did her homeland until it was now deep below sea level.

Like many thing's geological it happened a little at a time and began with an earthquake, the largest earthqukake you could ever imagine then all of a sudden as the land cracked and great fissures opened up, as mountains crumbled and valleys were obliterated, as the volcano's erupted spewing there lava not from the subcrustal magma but from the techtonic magma that is produced as rock slides over rock and that is heated and liquified by this friction.

It happened as all at once the broken land fell downward and even in this people survived but as they stood or sat in the rubble and ruin's of there homeland, as they looked on in shock saw a great wall of water approaching them so fast but at first it looked just like great dark cloud's or like dark mountain's on the horizon until it got ever closer blotting out the day light with the shadow it cast and in that darkness a horrible roaring sound like nothing ever heard before, this was there end as they screamed in terror but there was no escape as it consumed them and there entire land beneath miles of angry ocean entombing them and homeland in it's icy grip were now they lie on the bed of the ocean for ever.

Continued below.

edit on 27-10-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 10:21 PM
To the west of them the great continent and land that would one day be called South America gave suddenly to this massive geological change and tilted very fast thrusting up ancient city's there stones thrown apart like childrens building blocks as it did so and the already impressive mountains with there once sea side fjord's and harbour's of what would become known as the Andes were thrust up even higher into the sky on it's western sea board leaving them isolated from the sea, the largest deepest bay now called lake Titikaka became an inland sea and on the eastern side of South America it dropped much of the land beneath the water's of the atlantic, now many of it's great rivers reversed course and flowed east were they had once flowed into lakes and inland sea's to the west but further, back to the western side what had once been the sea bed near the coast that had lined the majestic seaward mountains now formed a great swath of new land were it had risen lifted out of the sea by this tilting forming new planes and coastal land's, as the sea raced back it came over the now lower level of the eastern south American continent and washed back inland as far as the Andes eastern sloped before retreating back to it's new coastline, a coastline that had once been hundreds of miles into the interior of the continent, all that stood in the waters path, man, city and culture had been purged from the earth.

It was almost as if the whole land had acted like a giang child's sea-saw as the entire continent as it tilted pitching it's eastern side deep beneath the ocean and it's western side upward into the sky making it's already imposing crustal crumple zone mountains, the andes even higher by thousands of feet and turning this once mighty coastal buttress into the spine of the land.

This was not the end of the cataclysm for most in the world though for it was just the beginning and as this happend to these land's it had triggered an event that was to spread across the entire world as two gigantic tidal wave's raced around the globe birthed by these event's, as the eastern side of continent's of south america fell into the atlantic and it's western side ripped upward out of the pacific ocean it had sent many mile high tidal waves across the ocean's which both washed over entire continent's racing thousands of mile into africa and europe in the east of south america and over africa and asia in the west of south america before racing back like water sloshing in a bath only to flow back over the tilted continent obliterating all in there path in the process and washing away city's, cultures, peoples and even animal's as far north as siberia were bone islands that still exist today made of great piles of animal bones all jumbled together are still to be found today, all civilzation and all nations were wiped from the earth, there traces litterally scrubbed away leaving only a handful of survivors, mostly of those whom had lived far in land and very high up to come back and rebuild the world thousand's of years later with no knowledge of what had been before.

Lanessa's home now lay entombed and crushed by the ocean deep under the water near to a place that later became known as the Azores, her home and many other land's that died at the same time forever remembered in the legend of a thousand people's but made famous in the modern age in the legend of Atlantis.

The small bird had been lanessa's pet, a small iridescant bird of paradise as small as a finch it had been released by her, the bird's had all gone years before with the constant quakes but a few captive pet's like the little Ory remained.

It settled on a piece of floating debris in exhaustion as it's precarious perch bobbod on the choppy water's of the sea over two mile's above were the home it had always known now lay, the little bird never saw land again as it died not long after it's little heart giving out from the fright though some of the shattered mountains that had once reared high above the lost land still poked from the water, there once permanent snow cap's now melting from them as they were now but islands and so much lower than they had been and were that snow had not been shaken from them against all the odd's a few survivors settled there but there civilization and culture never returned to even a shadow of what they had lost and humanity forgot it's past.

Thousands of years later historians and archeologists thought that because of the few find's they had made in what then had been the barren and icy hinterlands far from the sea that there ancestors had all lived in caves when in truth there city's and the fertile warmer low lying land's they had really cultivated now lay beneath the water in the lost coastal areas of the world.

The dark sea slowly forgot those it had swallowed as did the remnant of humanity that had survived the sudden and terrible catastrophy that had poured the sea over the land and consumed all in it's path, so much of that land would never again to see the light of the sun for now the shape of the world had changed.

Now only the canary island's and the azores remained of one of the mightiest and most populace empire's of it's time on earth though it's empire had long crumbled even before this final death blow fell upon it, her land had been killed by sinking as pressure beneath dropped and her land settled downward while at the same time the sea's rose but it had not happened slowly, no it happened very, very fast and it was not only her land that was destroyed.

So could a Tidal wave of this size caused by a cataclysm of this scale have destroyed ancient civilization at about the end of the last ice age, maybe but were is the evidence.

Time erodes and men recycle what they can no longer make, metal is easier to re use than to refine from ore and pots get used again and again, rubbish soon become's valuable when it contains things you simply took for granted in the easier past.

But surely there would be ruin's or sign's that survived it.

Maybe there is.
If this had been in europe or india it would have been recognized as a probably man made artifact but discriminatory attitudes often blind as do deep seated idea's of what a people are capable of.


This is far from the only potential artifact from that period but it get's a double wammy from it's opponant's, it is not in a known civilzation or part of the world they want to accept could have hosted such a civilization and it is too old for there current world view.

Here is some work from a controversial figure called Klaus Dona, take his work with a pinch of salt as he is more of a von danikan type character but that does not mean the evidence he presents or his hypothesis are not worth looking at, god forbid they are worth looking at and opening your mind outside the box.
Remember they persecuted Galileo and said he was mad, risked his life even simply because he said the world moved around the sun and not the other way around.

edit on 27-10-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: Harte
There are no real "OOPArts."

If that's what the 'authorities' are telling us, I'm going with exactly the opposite.

The mainstream apparatus is no longer a credible source.

Just like the MSM, Scientism essentially serves as a primary tool for social conditioning.

Mass media is probably the most powerful mind-control tool used by the ruling class.

Mainstream 'education', Science and academia probably ranks a close second.

Michael Ellner says it best: "Everything is backwards..."

In U.S. Army Intelligence, I was trained that the truth most often lies in the exact opposite direction of the public rhetoric. You must learn this technique if you are to successfully glean the truth from news reports.


posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: Murgatroid

originally posted by: Harte
There are no real "OOPArts."

If that's what the 'authorities' are telling us, I'm going with exactly the opposite.

Feel free.

Just let us know if you come across one that can't be explained as modern or a hoax.


posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 01:18 AM
Authorities do not know more than we do, but they have more real artifacts (Smithson).Sometimes they throw away information.
Moon - Palace of cold, where is all knowledges of previous civilizations.
Time Capsules in the Earth largely destroyed and looted.

posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Yes, Labtech... I DO play both sides because I tend to keep doors open and the "nay" side has some heft and expertise behind it... and the side I tend to fall on, with you, the "yay" side who thinks our history is more mind-blowing than consensus allows, lacks the same attention to detail, broad education and cross-correlation necessary to make a convincing case... or "we" would be mainstream, right?

And thanks for that reminder about the bits of almost "nano-tech" found in the Urals... but all those finds can be argued against pretty convincingly... and are.

My own opinion about past tech peaks and troughs comes from the dna knowledge that tells us modern humans have been around for a quarter million to a million and a half years... and thinking that's a long, long time to stay at a stone-age level.

Couple that to the nearly worldwide folktales about a distant "golden age" and a few smart occultists I know who say there's an oral tradition of secret knowledge about our collective amnesia and past high tech, along with the 'maybe' finds... and I think there's a good possibility of a hidden past... a past that includes some higher civ/tech than suspected, that is, as most (good) mainstream archaeologists and historians will admit we only have the barest fraction of an idea of what happened prior to 5000 bp.

And the recent Mars argument for prior civilization due to the isotopes of Thorium only seen from artificial nuclear explosions... along with the strange topography seen there, too.

Oh, and then there's the info from former ats member, Astr0, regarding ufo high tech originating from ancient humans, not aliens... and that info is wild, but holds up under what little scrutiny can be leveled at it...

But all-in-all, it's pretty thin... although I still think it's likely!

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

Could you point us to any of Astr0's thread, I like that and it fit's something I would have thought a far more likely scenario than aliens whom probably have there own problems at home to deal with coming to see us.

But I certainly don't rule aliens out, just think it far more likely (my religious belief set aside for this one) to be something that originated here or is still here but maybe not in this dimension.

As for our DNA I actually don't think it as reliable as we think and have after reading theorys about Virus causing spontaneous mutations in species and considering a Virus can become infected by it's host every bit as much as it's host is infected by it though this would obviously be more rare and given that not all pathogentic virus are lethal and can infect and spread without killing there host, such as the flu virus, I consider that transfer of DNA between species can and does occur by this method.

If that is true and I have no scientific method by which to discount it as a possibility and indeed probability then it would seem logical that a virus would change/evolve to use this trait in order to homogenise the hosts it can infect making them more biologicaly similar and compatible and therefore more easily infected for it's own reproduction in an almost parasitic/symbiotic action.

Remember we still use base 12 in our calender and our time base, what if a race of humans existed that had six digits on each limb, what if they were not from this dimension or even world and what if they lost those traits under the influence of viral infections causing mutations in there own chromosones.

(Maybe our world is under biological quarantine as a result, how would a bio-compatible ecology on an alien world respond to OUR presence if we tried to colonise it and in order to survive what genetic mutations would we have to undergo).

If that is even potentially the case then all the currently non modern human anthropological finds that are portrayed as our direct ancestors may actually not even be related to us in any linear fashion at all though indeed virus transferrance of Host DNA between Host Species could have delivered some of the DNA of these species into our ancestors own DNA and caused some of there physical traits to then appear in the succeeding generations while causing some of our ancestral physical traits to be lost or geneticaly deactivated perhaps even leading to a war between these genetically divergant races leading to the final extinction of the already virologically beleaguered original ancestral strain.

It is only hypothetical of course but when the jigsaw is missing so many pieces we have to recognise that we do not see the true past and only have the conjecture of those whom already follow a pre meditated philosophical beilief and view which they call a valid science, when in fact evolution is a theory not a science in and of itself though scientific method and conjecture are often used along with a healthy dose of pure imaginative speculation by Evolutionary and Anthroplogical devotee's and so what if there pre meditated view or belief/theory is actually totally wrong at least in so far as what they are trying to suggest we are related to in a direct linear genetic fashion.

But by the viral transfer at least some of our traits, maybe a hell of a lot of them could be related to these species of primates but in a non direct and non ancestral fashion but that is more evolutionary convergance caused by viral transferance of dna between disparate species than evolutionary ascension from a species as they portray it.

What if our real linear ancestors were six fingered giants whom lived a thousand years and had brains that were far more advanced than us and what if that 90 percent of our higher facultys we can not access was usable to them.

What could they have achieved even with a smaller population base if that was the case.

edit on 30-10-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: LABTECH767

My own opinion about past tech peaks and troughs comes from the dna knowledge that tells us modern humans have been around for a quarter million to a million and a half years... and thinking that's a long, long time to stay at a stone-age level.

No DNA evidence points to anything like that.

Perhaps you're referring to the term "humans," which includes every species of the Genus Homo.


posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: Harte

Oh, dear Harte, it must be nice to be so sure... I, alas, am not.

However, if I ever dig up something, firsthand, that shouldn't exist, then I'll parade it back to this thread and win the internet.

Until then, it's all yours, baby.


LOL... well could they exist ... just maybe ,

as evidence in the great English channel show evidence that there were villages , over 10,000 years ago ..
and for Cuba being only 90 miles from the Mainland of North America ... who to say .. these underwater structures
dont exist ,, hell there just recently discovery a Ancient Egyptian city that is underwater that was only in legends was discovered within the decade



Britain's Atlantis' found at bottom of North sea - a huge undersea world swallowed by the sea in 6500BC

Divers have found traces of ancient land swallowed by waves 8500 years ago
Doggerland once stretched from Scotland to Denmark
Rivers seen underwater by seismic scans
Britain was not an island - and area under North Sea was roamed by mammoths and other giant animals
Described as the 'real heartland' of Europe
Had population of tens of thousands - but devastated by sea level rises

Read more: tFUA00
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


In Cuban Depths, Atlantis or Anomaly?
Images of Massive Stones 2,000 Feet Below Surface Fuel Scientific Speculation

Ohh Look....

god dammit National Geographic are Liars! ( Satire )

New Underwater Finds Raise Questions About Flood Myths
Brian Handwerk
for National Geographic News
May 28, 2002

Cuba's Sunken City Deep in the waters of Cabo de San Antonio, off Cuba's coast, researchers are exploring unusual formations of smooth blocks, crests, and geometric shapes. The Canadian exploration company that discovered the formations, Advanced Digital Communications, has suggested that they could be the buildings and monuments of an early, unknown American civilization. Many scientists are skeptical of any theory that might tempt people to draw a parallel with the fabled lost city of Atlantis. Geologist Manuel Iturralde, however, has stressed the need for an open mind while investigations of the site continue. "These are extremely peculiar structures, and they have captured our imagination," said Iturralde, who is director of research at Cuba's Natural History Museum. Iturralde has studied countless underwater formations over the years, but said, "If I had to explain this geologically, I would have a hard time."

(badarchaeology) Skeptic's

An underwater city west of Cuba

( think Modern Man been on the planet for 250,000 years !!! )

Sunday, April 28, 2013
National Geographic to explore underwater city
Did civilization exist in Central America 40,000 years ago? If so, it rewrites some anthropology:


Friday, 7 December, 2001, 10:01 GMT
'Lost city' found beneath Cuban waters

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz
From your badarchaeology link:

After the initial flurry of excitement, once scientists began to look critically at the data, especially the sonar images, the story could be seen to be nothing more than hype. For anyone outside the small band of “alternative researchers” and New Age true believers, the story simply died for lack of evidence. But when did a lack of evidence ever stop woo-woos making unsupported claims?

So, how do you counter that?

Note the dates on the other sources you used.

NatGeo went to the site. They decided it wasn't worth another trip.

Your sources predate NatGeo going there.

Your blog source is quoting a story from 2009, which is itself quoting a story from 2005 (and lying about it.)

How do you counter that?


posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: Harte
a reply to: Wolfenz
From your badarchaeology link:

After the initial flurry of excitement, once scientists began to look critically at the data, especially the sonar images, the story could be seen to be nothing more than hype. For anyone outside the small band of “alternative researchers” and New Age true believers, the story simply died for lack of evidence. But when did a lack of evidence ever stop woo-woos making unsupported claims?

So, how do you counter that?

Note the dates on the other sources you used.

NatGeo went to the site. They decided it wasn't worth another trip.

Your sources predate NatGeo going there.

Your blog source is quoting a story from 2009, which is itself quoting a story from 2005 (and lying about it.)

How do you counter that?


so we are to believe a few scientist that there's nothing there of the supposed ancient underwater city's
yet they ones that claims there isn't anything there , on sonar images to the public

2005 2009 and > ? is there evidence from an early date , mind you i posted a date from 2013
and as you said NAT- GEO claims it not worth the trip.. as to why..

as i like to point out HARTE ! Keyword COULD.

( the story could be seen to be nothing more than hype)

Simply died for the Lack of Evidence..

show the reports and Images of the claimed location lat.. and long.. points would help
just maybe they were looking in the wrong location..

they found something .. what ever it is ..

Sorry Harte ... not going to let it be ignored until there's some legit truthful explanation..

you may want to but i am not ..

or did you ever thought that the American/Cuban government wants a hush hush ..
and having those scientist saying there nothing there ?

ohh yeah you forgot the other part of discovered underwater artifacts.. around cuba
that claims to be evidence of villages !

In Cuban Depths, Atlantis or Anomaly?
Images of Massive Stones 2,000 Feet Below Surface Fuel Scientific Speculation

By Kevin Sullivan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, October 10, 2002; Page A25

we may have to ASK Paul Weinzweig,

of Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), a Canadian company that is mapping the ocean bottom of Cuba's territorial waters under contract with the government of President Fidel Castro.

we may have to question of his findings ...

Some quotes: that ol ... Paul Weinzzweig has said ..

"Nature couldn't have built anything so symmetrical," Weinzweig said, running his finger over sonar printouts aboard his ship, tied up at a wharf in Havana harbor. "This isn't natural, but we don't know what it is."

why was Paul there in the first place...

The company's main mission is to hunt for shipwrecks filled with gold and jewels, and to locate potentially lucrative oil and natural gas reserves in deep water that Cuba does not have the means to explore.

So that being Said Harte .. I think ol Paul W. knows what he looking at...

Weinzweig said they have mapped several large oil and gas deposits and about 20 shipwrecks sitting beneath ancient shipping lanes where hundreds of old wrecks are believed to be resting. The most historically important so far has been the USS Maine, which exploded and sank in Havana harbor in 1898, an event that ignited the Spanish-American War.

another one to ask is Manuel Iturralde:

Manuel Iturralde, one of Cuba's leading geologists, said it was too soon to know what the images prove. He has examined the evidence and concluded that, "It's strange, it's weird; we've never seen something like this before, and we don't have an explanation for it."

to continue....

edit on 02015SundayfAmerica/Chicago11304 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 04:12 PM
Continue all you want, but I'd recommend that you stop citing the same story over and over, albeit sometimes written by different authors in different publications at the same time.

Everything you've mentioned comes from the original sidescan sonar "find."


posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: Harte

what does wiki have to say ! LOL

Cuban underwater city

Well Robert Ballard aint saying # ! until he sees more data

After studying the images, National Geographic senior editor John Echave said "They are interesting anomalies, but that's as much as anyone can say right now, but I'm no expert on sonar and until we are able to actually go down there and see, it will be difficult to characterize them." Professor of Oceanography Robert Ballard was quoted as saying "That's too deep, I'd be surprised if it was human. You have to ask yourself, how did it get there? I've looked at a lot of sonar images in my life, and it can be sort of like looking at an ink blot -- people can sometimes see what they want to see. I'll just wait for a bit more data."

Back with Manuel Iturralde

Marine Geologist Manuel Iturralde called for more samples before drawing conclusions about the site, saying "We have some figures which are extremely unusual but nature is much richer than we think." Estimating that it would have taken 50,000 years for such structures to have sunken to the depth at which they were said to be found, he said "50,000 years ago there wasn't the architectural capacity in any of the cultures we know of to build complex buildings."

( no Name ? )
A specialist in underwater archaeology at Florida State University added "It would be cool if they were right, but it would be real advanced for anything we would see in the New World for that time frame. The structures are out of time and out of place."[4]

a Definite OOP Part..

as Manuel said :: said "50,000 years ago there wasn't the architectural capacity in any of the cultures we know of to build complex buildings."

( We Know Of )


Göbekli Tepe - is like close to 12,000 year old .. and advanced stone carving
as the Ruins Shows Not done by a cave man...

as I like to Point Out Modern man has been on this planet for well over 250,000 years

and if the Cuban underwater City does exist with evidence...

it would be the Biggest OOP Part Finding Ever Known Man .

ohh Harte what the Deal with Zelitski ???

His Little Robot Malfunction! is that the Fact.. ?
how obvious ...

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: Harte
Continue all you want, but I'd recommend that you stop citing the same story over and over, albeit sometimes written by different authors in different publications at the same time.

Everything you've mentioned comes from the original sidescan sonar "find."


well where is the other story's beyond 2006 and Nat Geo 2013 ?

so we are supose to shut it . just because a few scientist say that no evidence ?

where is those Side Scans or better yet where is the other scans
Photos from Deep water Robots ? where are they ?
at the Location that is claimed! Please Do show me .. the Sites , Articles etc...
and Legit Updates.. that's if you know ... if not stop Bitching ..

More Likely locked up in Cuba or the US of the Legit Photos ,,

all the OOP Parts in the World Would be Minor Compare to this Discovery.

Come on Harte ..

thats all we can go by is the older Articles as that all what the Media is allowed to show..

those article came from many legit sites back in 2002 to 2006
and they all have been Squelched !

well Answer .. from the last Post..
have you Spoken to or o Email
Paul Weinzweig


Manuel Iturralde
[email protected]

Secretary Tel. No.: 537-860 0197

OPPS i guess you did NOT see this site HARTE...

The Morien institute : Interview with DR Paul Weinsweig

Here are some images ," target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">The SideScan from The Owners of ADC

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 07:03 PM
Dude, I read every page available at Morien years ago.

They have a lot on yonaguni and the sphinx, that's what brought me there originally.

I think a little critical thinking is in order here.

Why do you suppose NatGeo backed away from this expedition?

If it was to "keep our past secret," then how do you explain all the revelations we've had over the last century or so?

There wasn't a hint of evidence for Sumer, for example. But once it was evidenced, people were all over it.

What about the Denisovians? Homo Floresiensis?

Norse in Canada?

PreClovis cultures?

Trade from Asia to what is today Alaska?

Why didn't they "hide" that too?

There are plenty of threads on this Cuban sonar scan here at ATS. If you search around, I'm pretty sure you'll find a post linking to a geological explanation I read years ago. It might even be my post from three computers ago (bookmarks long gone.) Since you seem to need some sort of explanation, that is.

Also, who, exactly is covering this up? Cuba? I mean, the mean ole USA doesn't control Cuban waters.

Why would Cuba cover it up? They already have enough money?

Third, this site is just off Cuba. Why no such ruins on Cuba?

edit on 11/1/2015 by Harte because: of the wonderful things he does!

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: Harte
Dude, I read every page available at Morien years ago.

They have a lot on yonaguni and the sphinx, that's what brought me there originally.

I think a little critical thinking is in order here.

Why do you suppose NatGeo backed away from this expedition?

If it was to "keep our past secret," then how do you explain all the revelations we've had over the last century or so?

There wasn't a hint of evidence for Sumer, for example. But once it was evidenced, people were all over it.

What about the Denisovians? Homo Floresiensis?

Norse in Canada?

PreClovis cultures?

Trade from Asia to what is today Alaska?

Why didn't they "hide" that too?

There are plenty of threads on this Cuban sonar scan here at ATS. If you search around, I'm pretty sure you'll find a post linking to a geological explanation I read years ago. It might even be my post from three computers ago (bookmarks long gone.) Since you seem to need some sort of explanation, that is.

Also, who, exactly is covering this up? Cuba? I mean, the mean ole USA doesn't control Cuban waters.

Why would Cuba cover it up? They already have enough money?

Third, this site is just off Cuba. Why no such ruins on Cuba?


NAT- GEO : as to why ... Funding ... Fight for the discovery ..
not sure what the the Real Reason is .. may have to Dig in asking the real reason..

What about the Denisovians? Homo Floresiensis?

well at first Scientist were trying to debunk it and its DNA proved them Wrong
the Pygmy like Humanoid the walked the Earth with Modern Man
that only developed in Indonesia..
Pygmy like Elephants existed in the Same location .

( Norse in Canada )

LOL ...

that's my Territory !

Hard Evidence of Norse Villages in
Halifax & Newfoundland
and all along the St Lawrence Seaway!
of Rock Mounds and etched Runes and Metal Arrowheads.
let alone Iroquois Mohawk Long houses same structure of
Vikings .. Main Halls & Compounds..


I posted this long ago

the Link

Who Were the Ancient Megalithic Builders?

( PreClovis cultures? )

Dude: it goes way farther than 12,000 years ago

say like 250,000 years ago with the discovery of Spear Heads.

and the woman that discovered this and dated this was discredited..

Ever heard of Virgina Steen-McIntyre ? and her findings in Hueyatlaco ?
and it ruined her Life & Black Listed Her Occupational Career as no one believed her ...

yet i discussed this on ats

YET!! there' s Claimed evidence of 400,000 thousand year old
Spear heads found in Israel. and No one Bats an Eye about it !! Recently..

and this too ..

Why IMO. Science wants to claim about the Bearing Strait Theory..
and 250,000 years for Modern man to be in the Area of the New World
is a Major OOP Part..

(( Trade from Asia to what is today Alaska? ))
ahhh ever seen
Indigenous nomadic People of Russia & Mongolia and Northern China photos from the 19th century ?
Same Culture same People as in Inuit .. aka Eskimo to some ...

The Culture of the Arctic Circle , Tepees, Cradle Boards , Dress Culture, Hunting Gathering similarity's
Spiritual Nomadic similarity's

why didn't they hide that too ?
not much of a OOP Part ... more of common sense
just confirmed evidence ..

but what was widely known is the Antikythera mechanism
a device way ahead of its time like 700 years ahead..
from the first geared clock ancient Greece ..

Its like finding a 747 before the wright brothers ever flew! literately

of Course, I Need explanation Harte ..

I question everything...
I keep things on the Back Burner on the low setting till
hard evidence comes along ...
even my ancestors ( Iroquois Mohawk / Northern CREE ) where the hell they come from
Bering Strait or across from Norway or from the Land what we know is Russia
or they were just Here... as that what the Elders have said ..

why no such ruins in Cuba??

Pre-historic Cubans practised agriculture much earlier than commonly assumed
Posted on April 5, 2015

The Museum of Archaeology is a science museum.
If you visit Havana, we recommend you the Museum of Archaeology.

well this is interesting Harte..

some more different images of different side scans i haven't seen before
of the claim sunken Cuba city

even there's a photo with Manuel Iturralde & Paulina Zelitsky
looking at the Side Scan blow up.. of the Area location

Have a Look..

Part 1 - Update On Deep Water Megalithic Stones
and Structures Near Western Cuba

edit on 02015SundayfAmerica/Chicago11304 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 02015SundayfAmerica/Chicago11304 by Wolfenz because: god DAM Grammar!

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 04:52 AM
A quick search would have told you I know all about Steen-MacIntyre and the bogus claim about why she became a failure.

Her findings were published, she wasn't blacklisted for her claims.

Several of her peers have also published about it and weren't blacklisted.

She has published papers about the site at least five times since then.

No, Steen-MacIntyre lost her career when she jumped her boss Cynthia Irwin-Williams with her publication.

It was Irwin-Williams site. Steen-MacIntyre was brought in with a group from the USGS when she was not yet a PhD - still a student. She decided to publish the findings before the actual archaeological team in charge published theirs.

Irwin-Williams published the same dates for the find, along with a plethora of other material. Why wasn't she blacklisted if the early dates caused Steen-MacIntyre's woes?


posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Harte
A quick search would have told you I know all about Steen-MacIntyre and the bogus claim about why she became a failure.

Her findings were published, she wasn't blacklisted for her claims.

Several of her peers have also published about it and weren't blacklisted.

She has published papers about the site at least five times since then.

No, Steen-MacIntyre lost her career when she jumped her boss Cynthia Irwin-Williams with her publication.

It was Irwin-Williams site. Steen-MacIntyre was brought in with a group from the USGS when she was not yet a PhD - still a student. She decided to publish the findings before the actual archaeological team in charge published theirs.

Irwin-Williams published the same dates for the find, along with a plethora of other material. Why wasn't she blacklisted if the early dates caused Steen-MacIntyre's woes?



you do realize Virgina Steen - McIntyre was at the same spot in different time frames right ?
her first encounter at the site was when she was a Student ..
so dont make it look like she was only there once ..

I suggest you see the the Documentary ,
called : The Mysterious origin of man about her speaking about the site
and her being discredited .

she wasn't black listed ? well in this documentary
she claims that her Career was Ruined because of it

See 7:20 Mark

for those of yous that have not seen this documentary
watch it if you like OOP Arts .. but be Open Minded and Skeptical.
not all is accurate..

ok let place some link's about Virgina Steen McIntyre
for the rest of ATS Members , except Harte. as he will say i know this LOL..

Hueyatlaco Site--"Extreme Dating Controversy"


Skeptical Analysis

Tag Archives: Virginia Steen-McIntyre
NBC’s Mysterious Origins of Man

Virginia Steen-McIntyre

Tephrochronologist, PhD (Specialist in volcanic ash studies)

Anatomy of an Anomaly

"Geologic Evidence for Age Deposits at Hueyatlaco Archaeological Site Valsequillo Mexico"

V Steen Mcintyre Quat. Research
( Geological Evidenced for age of deposits of Hueyatlaco Archaeological Site Valsequillo, Mexico ) 1981

hmm Nice ..

Micropaleontology Jul 2005 : Volume , 51 Issue 2
Published by: Micropaleontology Press

Corroboration of Sangamonian age of artifacts from the Valsequillo region, Puebla, Mexico by means of diatom biostratigraphy
No Access

Sam L. VanLandingham

1205 West Washington, Midland, Texas, 79701 USA, [email protected]

mportant artifacts have been found in situ (i.e., not redeposited) within lacustrine deposits in the Valsequillo region. These deposits contain many diatoms which indicate an age corresponding to the Sangamonian Interglacial sensu lato (80,000 to ca. 220,000yr BP). Two of the four samples in this study are associated with the Dorenberg skull or with stratigraphic units which contain bifacial tools. The remaining two samples are from diatomaceous deposits which are also Sangamonian and stratigraphically above the artifact units. These four diatomaceous samples yielded 30 extinct and 143 extant diatom taxa. The ages of the four samples correspond to other diatomaceous samples (some of which are associated with artifacts) from nearby Valsequillo localities. A post-Sangamonian age for these four diatom-bearing samples is discounted by the presence of Navicula bronislaae and N. dorenbergi, both of which have short stratigraphic ranges and are known only from the Sangamonian (or its equivalents), and by 13 diatoms which evidently have known long stratigraphic ranges and extinctions before the end of the Sangamonian.

She Lost it, because she didn't Keep Silent a hush hush..
is more like it.

and others like her, in her occupational field ,
are afraid of the same reason of a discredited ruined career.

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