posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 09:33 AM
I first started noticing there were strange contrails in the sky around the year 2000.
Being brought up in the 80's, I can't recollect ANY childhood memories, of the skies being painted as it is today.
Mind you, I live in an industrious and densely populated area near Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
Sure, I would see airplanes, high up in the sky, sometimes leaving a short white trail, which would dissipate after a few minutes.
In those days, it was even special, if a helicopter flew nearby, nowadays they circle the neighbourhood many times a day (apart from the trauma
heli's, used in severe accidents).
I know this is a controversial subject around the internet, especially in other media, but I do know this:
Even with increased air traffic it makes absolutely no sense, when on a clear summer day with blue skies, you could play checkers in the sky with all
the "contrails" sprayed there.
Most of the work I do is outside based, so I usually have a clear view all day of what's happening up there.
On a good day, with clear skies and no upcoming weatherfronts, I personally observe how lines are being sprayed, one after another, until can you
clearly discern aforementioned checkerboard.
These lines not only fail to dissipate after a while, they spread out into a fine mist, which fills the entire sky. Only a few hours later, you can't
see a clear patch of sky anymore and can even feel less heat on your skin from the sun, which I think is the overall purpose of doing this in the
first place.
(If it is, why not come clean and explain this to the general public, on motives of preventing global warming for example)
You can tell me all about condensation occurring with hot jet engines in cold air at high altitudes...
I was NOT born out of an egg, as we say here in Holland, cause I'm aware of basic physics and warmer airpockets and such, however scientific twist
you give this, the skypainting I see today, is NOT normal, not in the past and not in the future.
I've even spotted planes, one laying "thick contrails", the other higher up in the sky, leaving nothing on the same flight path. (Yes, you can see
different , albeit not exact, altitudes)
What I can't do, is give an explanation of what exact purpose is intended by spraying the skies, I'll leave that open to speculation, but I do know
what I see and seeing is believing.
So to all the "educated" folks out their, who will probably jump out to call me crazy or a conspiracy theorist (here we go again, another one....),
waving their scientific logic, and providing socalled evidence, that it is normal we now live in checkerboard skies, I will say this:
It's all a matter of simple observation.
If I point out grass in a field and say it's green, you may yell all day long, that it's blue, however I still know it's green and don't care to
remind you of it.
I'll now end this, what has turned out to be more of a rant.