posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 03:05 AM
I feel so badly for your loss. I love dogs too, but nothing beats the instinctual behavior of cats when you're in need of the quiet, gentle love of
your best mate. .You don't even have to ask for cat, Sweety, was and still is the greatest emotional help to me, especially when I lost my
middle son in April. He's never been a lap cat but when I didn't even know which way to turn in my came Sweety...he curled up in my
lap, reached his paw out and touched my face. It was like he was saying, "It's okay mom, Michael is safe and will be waiting for you, just like I will
be too." He's given me more than I could ever give him. Little bugger doesn't like people food, or it would be syeak and chicken all the time for
him!! I know you miss Rimsky, but he is safe and lives on in your heart. He'll be there to greet you in due time. So just tuck him safely in your
heart and memories...he lives on....