posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 04:28 AM
rememeber, these companies have spent millions studying us inside out. They call people in to run tests to help with marketing, but are often testing
for something to different to what the subject is told.
they use naked women to sell to women and naked men to sell to men sometime. I know this sounds backwards, but they know what works for the
They had the naked woman silouhette (bad spelling i know) on the DIET coke can in a subliminal sorta imprint even tho diet coke is marketed at
On the other hand, they had the topless male in the tv adds for diet coke.
They've used naked women imprinted on ice cubes for the close up shot of certain drinks at the end of the advert where they show a glass with the ice
cubes in it.
Also, in the shadows of adverts in magasines, they are meant to have written certain profane words in however, this wont stand up in court, because
they would say that its the arguers subconcious that is projecting there "words" into the shadows of the AD.
They even lay out the shelves of a supermarket so that people will be more likely to buy the more expensive products since they have studies how
people shop, left to right, up to down or vice versa etc.
I would hate to see whats been implanted into my subconsious.
When you watch tv, your mind goes into an alpha state, and is highly suggestable, so while ur watching the adverts, not really paying attention, with
the left side of your brain switched off, the adverts speak straight to ur right hand side of brain and also are stored in the subconcious.
Why do most people buy brand goods when they dont even taste mmuch better than non brand goods?
Why do people value sony notebook or other good "brands" when its prob full of toshiba, qsi, etc parts of the same make and model number of other
"non brand" notebooks?
read no logo
and branded
one was by naomi klein, can remeber who wrote the other, read it a couple yrs+ back.
branded is newer