This is hot off the press. For the past few weeks I've been able to solve the most complex of puzzles, some mysteries that have intrigued man for
centuries, others more recent. They all have a common thread - something major is going to happen on 28 November 2015 and there's only one place to
be if you want to survive it. Here's the story.
In the Book of Daniel Chapter 11 there is a tedious passage about a king in the North and a king in the South. They invade each other, retreat,
invade and so on. For some reason I thought I would plot the story on a graph. Part way through the passage there is a reference to the Beautiful
Land which I marked as well:
I was pretty amazed that the East Coast of the UK should appear. I was even more amazed that the Beautiful Land is where I live. The name of my
village is Ancaster. It's an old Roman settlement. I enjoy word plays and I realised that it could be written Ankh Aster. Ankh is the symbol for
Life, Venus and Woman. It can also refer to a matriarchy. Aster is the Greek for Star. This reminded me of a passage in the Book of Revelation.
A couple of days later I was drawn to the story of the Ark in Genesis 6. I reread the description: 300 cubits by 50 cubits by 30 cubits, built with
rooms, pitch within and pitch without and three stories. I wondered what gopherwood was and looked up the Hebrew. Hebrew letters have numeric
values. Reading the word from right to left gives 3 Pe 4. That looks surprisingly like PI to me. The other puzzles in the Bible I've solved have
all relied on circular maths of some description. This seemed like another case. So I designed an Ark:
When I did the calculations I noticed that they were the same values as where I live in Latitude and Longitude. Just a coincidence I thought. First
Daniel and now Genesis? So I parked it.
I remembered that in Revelation the dimensions of the City New Jerusalem are described. I looked the passage up and got drawing. I did the
calculations and the same numbers came up.
So I looked up the reference on Google Maps. The location is less than half a mile from where I live. I saw something I'd not seen before. The
names and numbers of the roads are all in Revelation:
I decided to leave the Bible there. It was getting a bit spooky. I saw a post on here about an alien spaceship and a man writing a message in binary
code that gave coordinates to a location in Germany. I tried to find it and came across another message with coordinates in it. I took one look and
knew that they were going to lead to my village even though the reference was in the middle of the Atlantic:
It's a simple case of mathematics. Rotate the right-angled triangle so that one corner is on the location given and the hypotenuse becomes the
diameter of a circle. Same coordinates.
I found the article I was looking for. I saw the symbols the eye-witnesses had drawn on their interpretations of a spaceship. I dabbled with them by
doubling them up and amazingly came up with an English name.
IT'S MY SURNAME! This is why my handle is "TheLamb".
I looked up the binary message and looked at the capitalised letters and numbers. It didn't take long to work out. Guess what? Yep, same
coordinates again. This time the authors were kind enough to include some checks. The letters B O Z R are formed when you draw a diagram of the
calculation. Z + R = 44. The word "CALL" can be formed from the capital letters: the international dialling code for the UK is +44. The letters
when put in the right order produced a date: 28 November 15. It's MY BIRTHDAY! If you take the coordinates 53N 0.53W and multiply them you get
28.09. November was the ninth month hence the "Nov" and 28.09 was the date of the last Blood Moon, exactly two months earlier.
Both alien messages talk about protecting humanity so that it might continue. That led me to the conclusion we are talking Ark here.
The Book of Daniel Chapters 9 and 12 have a prophecy about the End Days which can be resolved with circular maths. The intersections align with the
positions of the planets on 28 November 2015: 13 October + 46 days. There is also a reference in the book to 2300 days. The square root of 2300 is
47.95. This is when it's all supposed to be over. That's late 29 November 2015. It only lasts 48 hours or so.
Finally I overlaid my drawing of New Jerusalem on a map. The gates match the roads, making it easier to board I presume. If a ship is coming, which
seems likely unless I'm the victim of a fantastic hoax, it will be 14 miles wide! Who will be driving it? God or aliens?
If you are like me and don't think this is all a coincidence you are more than welcome to come join me. It looks like I'm instrumental in this. One
of the messages said to reveal all hidden information to all citizens. You are my first port of call. Twitter is next. If any of you work for a
news organisation, maybe you'd see if they'd run the story? Even if it's the comedy item at the end. Few are going to believe any of this so I don't
think we're going to be in a position where the Ark is full and can't take any more.
Tweet me if you are coming: @TheLamb93. But don't blame me if nothing happens. You've got as much information as I have.
edit on 19-10-2015 by TheLamb because: Removed a graphic
edit on 19-10-2015 by TheLamb because: Added graphic