I often times contemplate the problems with society.
When I do so I also try to imagine myself as a benevolent dictator and determine what I would do differently. I feel if you can't propose a change you
have little right to complain.
This is something I do for myself but I thought I would post this idea for feedback. Here is my proposal for job ready education, child welfare and
adult unemployment.
1. Birth to 2nd birthday
Mother receives 1 year paid leave
Daycare provided through school system for children age 1 as needed.
2. Age 2 - 5 Preschool
Interpersonal skills, primary education in math and english introduced through music and the arts.
3. Ages 6 - 14 Primary School (no homework)
7 class schedule with rotating teachers like high school. Middle school eliminated. Less changes to environment while going through puberty and cut
overall cost.
1. Reading continue CBT AR program
2. Math start CBT program similar to AR program
By putting math and reading on CBT tablets these programs become self-pased. Placement in teacher led classes only for students who are falling
behind. The genius stays with his/her social groups but isn't held back.
3. English/Writing
Placement based on aptitude with no regard to age, hands on teaching. We can't hold back genius and one class per day with awkward social interaction
will be fine.
4. Applied Sciences - Hands on Chemistry, Biology and Physics
5. History Heros - The positive role models of history
6. Arts quarterly classes
---stage performance
7. Physical Education - Age appropriate
Ages 15 - 17 High School reduced to 3 year program. (Limited homework for AP students)
Eliminate most forced classes from required curriculum. Have students take job placement/aptitude test so they can structure their education towards
desired careers where they posses a high likelihood of success.
1. Math, English, Reading
Placement based on Aptitude testing. 1st year required, additional requirements based on minimum standard testing. Elective based after 1st year.
2. Science
1st year Human Anatomy. Advanced sciences elective based
3. Applied Law
Introduce Applied Law as a mandatory 1st year class. If a student can pass Law aptitude they earn the right to vote before 18th birthday. Student must
pass before graduation.
4. History/Geography
Conceptual based history. If you don't learn from past you will repeat it. Less focus on names and dates, more focused on how history shaped our
1 year world history, 1 year US history. Advanced history elective based
5. Physical Education
Separate Athletics from General PE All quarterly sports classes open regardless of aptitude. Required 3 years
6. Arts
Elective based with minimum requirements for well rounded education
Age 18-19 Associates Degree
2 years advanced education with focus on career path and electives. Earn placement for advanced education.
Age 20-21 Advanced Education
Placement based on aptitude, except military. Primary focus of Advanced Education is career training, no elective requirements.
---Athletics (acceptance based)
---Arts (acceptance based)
---Trade School
22 and up
Advanced Education will move to OJT. Example Medical Field
Everyone starts as nurse. Employers are responsible for training doctors and specialists based on needs and ability. Same concept for all specialist
OJT training is more productive and ensures highest quality candidates are placed in highest demand roles. No more paying your way to the top.
This is my recommendation for a fully funded basic education system that will train our children to be job ready and job placed by age 22.
Private and home schooling remain as parental options.
Aditional Notes on Education
Military and Athletes will be granted 2 additional years for BS or Trade Schools. Military for obvious reasons. Athletes because they essentially pay
for the additional education through revenue generated by collegiate sports.
After 22 adults may return to college and change careers at any point in life, but there will be a cost associated with obtaining a second skill and
taking general classes for personal development.
All schools will be year round January - December
(We are no longer an agrarian socity)
Child Welfare
1. Low income Infant care for diapers, food and formula will be based on vouchers similar to WIC.
2. Clothing
All schools will keep a supply of donated clothes (not uniforms). All children are eligible for the used clothing program, ages birth to 22. If a
school runs out of clothing for your child a voucher system will be used.
3. Food
All students will receive 2 meals a day.
Low income children are free to take a dinner home. Weekend meals programs will be provided to children of low income families.
4. From Welfare to Unemployment
Non working able bodied adults will no longer receive welfare. If there is no employment available able adults will who wish to work will enter into a
job placement database and will either be placed when a job is available or they may choose to find a job before placement. Until job placement they
will receive unemployment benefits.
No additional money will be allocated for children as the majority of the basic monitary needs have been met as part of the education program.
Additional monitary needs will be paid by the parents through work, disability or unemployment income.
Would you vote yes for these proposed changes to education and welfare. If not how what would you do differently?
edit on 18-10-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)