posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 10:17 PM
Hey, I've been a long time lurker around this part of the board. Figured I'd share my views and what not on a few subjects, my first one of "
Nessie ". I know there are thousands upon thousands of them already but I found a couple of pictures over at
Cryptozoology.comwhich caught my eye. The
first showing Nessie grey scaled and it seems to be quite a good find. But
it could have been better if it wasn't so pixelated but we carn't blame the owner for it. Well, we can. But were not harsh people now are we?
second image being all grey scaled and what appers to be either
darkend or lightend. My guess is darkend, but it shows greater detale of Nessi, for fact that Nessi appears not to have any teeth. Unless those little
jagged things near its mouth are, but lets face it. Nessi can be up to 18-80 feet, I don't think it would have tiny teeth as it does there.
And so my final view on the pictures are, good shot. Could have been better if there weren't so pixelated, but again. We carn't blame the owner.
Also, the world would be a greather place if Photoshop was never invented. To think all the pictures ever taken could all be real. Which is also the
reason the pictures could be fixed, lets just pray not.
Tech N9ne.