posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 12:32 AM
It looks like its just been switched to B&W, and Maybe had the contrast adjusted... I wouldn't call that "enhanced" or "photoshopped". A lot of
photographers like to shoot things in B&W because it brings out certain features.
Blast those photographers for trying to fool us all with their photoshopped enhancements... Suuuure, Ansel Adams... you expect me to believe that's a
bridge, when its clearly a rock? Pshhhh...
We have no way to know the scale of this object. But statues are often smaller or larger than lifesize. And if its a Vesuvian style fossil, of a
martian humanoid, well, it would make sense that they would be a different size on Mars.
In a likelyhood, it is Probably not a statue or fossil. But some of the reasons given for why it must be "rocks" simply defy logic. I think its at the
Very least, interesting. Its not just a "face", but a whole torso, with breasts, and some kind of chair or throne with flat back and straight edge on
the side, creating the appearance of an arm rest. Pretty cool! The facial features are distinct, even on the original color version.