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Sweden Close to Collapse

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posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

You been apart of Sweden not the other way around.. Remember that

posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Robert Reynolds

You have a brain, do you? Your agenda is obvious; your posts irrelevant and largely unread. You are a failure.

You dont have to send private emails,

My agenda is what?

Keeping Sweden from crashing? Learn what a Swede is, dont use fantasies about Elves, in fact, you want to use fantasies Tolkien portrayed about Elves, then there is another side to it also..
Dont use fantasies about what Vikings are, they enslaved the Christian traditions of Europe, slaughtered and pillaged and practiced trade with the Muslims and exchange of knowledge..You know what the mythology about the dragon truly is?

So whenever you cocktail a horse # of homogenous ideals and calling it anything but racism.. You will be sure a Swede will tell you; In life you are given choices if you can make the right ones, if not, the winter kills you.. The winter is a parable, just like most theology and mythology is..

The Culture is Barbaric and Savage, and it has worked for us for thousands of years..
We know the meaning of being a Human and its ideals of humanity, but we know we are nothing more than a monkey on this earth also..

So your welcome..

posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 02:40 PM
I actually meet some syrians the other day. Part of the ones who have come to the UK legaly through proper channels.

Honnestly they are not like the neo barbarians from saudi arabia.

They are rather nice down to earth freindly people and surprisingly secular , I think they will make a fine contribution to Sweden.

I hope Britain takes in some more. But our houseing and infrastructure crisis will sadly limit that. But for the nations in need of workers I think they are fine people.

posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 04:02 PM
Sweden closing border; at 165k

posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: Hyperia

You know nothing of the Elves, the Aesir or the Vanir. How dare you! Such frivolous insolence from a surface human clueless about his ancestry..

Funny how you seem to imagine the most self-righteous, most bleeding heart liberal country in the World is barbaric and savage. Ha, there aren't hardly any men left in Sweden at that.. keep imagining you speak for all Swedes too, but I've never heard your bizarre sentiments being voiced ever before. And yeah, the winter would kill the majority of these modern hipster Swedes.. they're clueless, you're clueless.

And please, do tell me about the meaning of the mythology of the dragon please? I very much doubt you know anything about dragons.

Oi vey.. these modern hipster Swedes with their vain tattoos and their narcissistic conformity to hipster retro trends. I wish they would immolate themselves instead of polluting the environment with their tired clichés. Perhaps it was only natural that the machismo culture of Islam would subjugate and supplant the culture where the men are like little girls.. maybe it's the way of things. It's certainly ironic though, with the Swedes nauseous obsession and pretension of being tolerant to a fault, and the Muslim's obsession with being intolerant to... uhm, genocide and such things.

I think all of Stockholm went and got Stockholm's syndrome with these foreigners.. it's like some ridiculously slanted narcissistic relationship of sadomasochism but on a national level.

I remain perplexed about these narcissistic and paradoxically also self hating tendencies. Maybe Swedes will flip or fall even heavier from "grace" because of this. All this love and tolerance.. when will it turn to hate?

posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

It might work in the world of Warcraft, but in the real world, rules are different..

posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: AcerM

One of the main differences between Sweden and us Finland is, you just can't walk over our people. Some have tried.

I thought the Swedes pretty much invented Finland. Wasn't it originally demarcated as a Swedish Grand Duchy in the sixteenth century? And after the Swedes came the Russians. Still, I guess their control over the region was never more than partial. It's rough country, isn't it? Difficult to stamp out uprisings and bring locals to heel in rough country.

posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: Hyperia
a reply to: babybunnies

You make this into a biased opinion against religion..

85% of Swedes dont believe in a Abraham religion, cause it dictates the culture.
95% of Swedes pay church tax, willingly.. You can choose not to
80% of Swedes believes in a "higher" power
70% of Swedes thinks when you die, you are dead.
92% of Swedes voted in the last election
40% of Swedes thinks voting makes a difference
80% of Sweds who gets married does it in Church.
50% of Sweden gets baptized.

I think the problem you are doing is asserting to the KJV

Would love to see your sources for all these "facts".

Im also a swede that lives in Sweden and I assume you havent read the newspapers at all the last weeks, cus in every paper the are rly questioning the goverment how we will be able to deal with all these people, which we alredy have proved we cant, not even a 1/10 of whats coming. Most these ppl are traumatized och messed up so they will leech on the taxpayers their whole life here, free housing, 1.500 us dollars a month, free health care etc...

Dont act like you speak for all the swedes. U seem to be left wing, and left wing ppl in Sweden are waaaay out the more, pretty much communists. I would be considered very left in the whole world but in Sweden Im considerd right wing.

Our incompetent prime minister just says we can do this as long as we are positive and keep our heads up... So yea, we are going to be able to finance all this if we smile enough... as retarded as the come. Too bad left wing is so extreme in Sweden, they bury their head in the sand and fantasize about their dream world with infinite money in the state to finance everything. As a swede, Im very scared how we will be able to survive. And most I talk to are as well...

If you are gonna state things as "facts", provide a source, otherwise you can just have made it up. And I dont beleive in one second in those stats you were showing. I have seen very different statistics that show pretty much the opposite of what you show here...

posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: jontar

Show me yours and ill show you mine.. Was it a problem to survive the last time? No it wasnt, socialist nation.. You want the capitalism, ill bet you the USA is welcoming any swede with open arms..

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: Hyperia
a reply to: jontar

Show me yours and ill show you mine.. Was it a problem to survive the last time? No it wasnt, socialist nation.. You want the capitalism, ill bet you the USA is welcoming any swede with open arms..

Show what? I'm not posting statistics, you are.

I hope your rly not that dumb that you cant see the difference in our posts, instead I hope that you just simply avoid my request for sources cus you don't have any. Otherwise I feel really sorry for you. But as I assumed, those statistics you post are only in your head as wishful thinking. There is a reason why SD (a political party that's mostly just aimed at fixing our immigration) is at 25% now in the polls and I haven't checked but would be the second biggest or the biggest political party if there was an election today. There you have my statistics, and those you will be able to find anywhere. Yours tho, despite searching for them, haven't found anything remotely close to those "statistics".

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: Hyperia

Lol, the fact that you have "The truth is out there and it hurts" under your name is making me roflmao. You talking about truth, lol. Honestly have tears in my eyes from laughing.

Best joke ever!
edit on 7-11-2015 by jontar because: Best joke ever!

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