He took a nose dive in growing medical marijuana and any other kind, and as such IOU's are mounting. Anyone that has been harmed by this policies, ie
fined, in jail, deprived of their right to grow their own feminized, organic, non GMO, non citrus destroyed medicine, or anything else, is a crime
against them. He owes them and will be accounting at the end of life. IOU, he owes all he has harmed.
He has taken Canada, joined to Obama, Windsor's and Rothchild's hips, to the ME, to fund ISIL and murder, behead, rape, kill babies, impale children,
the horrific stuff isn't even mentionable on line, by the hundreds of thousands.
He did this.
There is no washing it away, pretending it didn't happen. He needs, along with those mentioned, and far more than those mentioned, lifelong prison in
a dungeon pit.
Canada is still a good country. He didn't ruin it on the surface of things, however, price controls in a world where it now takes 3 or 4 paychecks to
pay the rent or morgage on one place too small for 3 or 4 families, well....
I'm sorry.
He needs to go down on bended knees and plead mercy.
I don't even know if they're human anymore, maybe they're chippped or borgs because how could humans do the stuff these guys do, and as was reported
in the past, laugh, over someone's death via tainted food, and then apologize.
Really, we're way over their heads. Anyone, homeless, would be better suited to right this country. Real people, not them. They need justice and
prison, here and anywhere else they dominate and enslave and murder others for profit and power.
And how is it he is running for the 4th term?
I'm sorry, that isn't just a tradition, and he's not allowed to break it.
Those who aren't selfish asshats, who haven't sold out children for careers and fast track, and left the majority on the wayside while patting their
greedy little backs in self respect while looking down on the ones who have made the right choices, and suffered lack of food and resources on a
planet that needs to run in eutopia fashion, ARE THE WITNESSES. We CARRY THE RECORD.
Not only is this Prime Minister going to face what he's done and who's he's hurt, but everyone who votes for this world as is, will also have IOU's
edit on 16-10-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)