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Black Woman's Racist Rant On A London Bus

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posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: Prezbo369

I see this as ironic and just weird as when a white American tells immigrants of any kind to get out of the US....

I don't think it's the same thing. Sure we're immigrants as well, but the difference is that most Americans have many generations of family that have poured their hearts, souls and blood (especially blood) to build this country from scratch. We've suffered, starved and toiled on this land for hundreds of years without leaving during the tough times, so yeah, it's not the same. My Dad's family had to eat plain Lard to survive. Personally, I would take every person who came along, as long as they did it the right way. I guess we don't particularly care to have our borders invaded. JMO. LOVE to ALL

I'm sure the natives would've liked to have had the option to 'take every person who came along, as long as they did it the right way' and they 'don't particularly care to have our borders invaded' before the blankets and the holocaust....but the invading immigrants didn't allow them that luxury.

But to mention suffering is of particularly bad taste in this context.

At th e time there were no laws regulating Immigration though. Also most of the deaths on indians occurred BEFORE a US nation existed. ALso There is evidence they ar e not so native as they would have you believe. Look up were th eamrican indians first to North america. and then did th enative americans wipe out another tribe that was here before them?

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 01:16 PM
Is there an unbleeped version? I seriously cannot listen to that.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: Prezbo369

I see this as ironic and just weird as when a white American tells immigrants of any kind to get out of the US....

I don't think it's the same thing. Sure we're immigrants as well, but the difference is that most Americans have many generations of family that have poured their hearts, souls and blood (especially blood) to build this country from scratch. We've suffered, starved and toiled on this land for hundreds of years without leaving during the tough times, so yeah, it's not the same. My Dad's family had to eat plain Lard to survive. Personally, I would take every person who came along, as long as they did it the right way. I guess we don't particularly care to have our borders invaded. JMO. LOVE to ALL

I'm sure the natives would've liked to have had the option to 'take every person who came along, as long as they did it the right way' and they 'don't particularly care to have our borders invaded' before the blankets and the holocaust....but the invading immigrants didn't allow them that luxury.

But to mention suffering is of particularly bad taste in this context.

This is such an ignorant argument.

Comparing modern day immigration, both legal and illegal, to hundreds of years ago in an area with no immigration laws is just a fail out of the gate. I know it's hipster cool to pretend that all whites in America are born of illegal immigrants, but we aren't. Pretending the Native Americans had immigration laws that were trampled on is just plain fantasy.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
Comparing modern day immigration, both legal and illegal, to hundreds of years ago in an area with no immigration laws is just a fail out of the gate.

If we're talking about both legal and illegal immigration (for some unknown reason), why would discussing the immigration into land without any such laws be a fail?....

I know it's hipster cool to pretend that all whites in America are born of illegal immigrants, but we aren't. Pretending the Native Americans had immigration laws that were trampled on is just plain fantasy.

Nobody has mentioned the legality of the immigration and subsequent holocaust by the white immigrants, because it's irrelevant. What is relevant is the morality or lack thereof on display as well as the naivety and ignorance of white Americans that complain about immigration.....

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
At th e time there were no laws regulating Immigration though.

And the European immigrants would've taken notice of any such laws?

Does the lack of any such laws justify the conquering and slaughter on a historic scale of the natives?

Also most of the deaths on indians occurred BEFORE a US nation existed.

What difference does that make?

ALso There is evidence they ar e not so native as they would have you believe. Look up were th eamrican indians first to North america. and then did th enative americans wipe out another tribe that was here before them?

They were there for 10,000 years, not the 3-4 hundred years that white Americans have lived on that land mass....

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Prezbo369

But to mention suffering is of particularly bad taste in this context.

Your perception is in bad taste. There was nothing here except trees. WE did the rest.

On a personal note: I've done plenty of suffering as well. You see, protecting this country, with his life, was my Father. I never knew my Father. He was too busy protecting for 20 years. So don't tell me or mine about "bad taste," for mine is just one of untold millions of suffering stories. The Native Americans aren't the only to suffer. BTW, where are you from sport? Who did your people get their land from, huh?
edit on 10 27 2013 by donktheclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: Shamrock6
Comparing modern day immigration, both legal and illegal, to hundreds of years ago in an area with no immigration laws is just a fail out of the gate.

If we're talking about both legal and illegal immigration (for some unknown reason), why would discussing the immigration into land without any such laws be a fail?....

I know it's hipster cool to pretend that all whites in America are born of illegal immigrants, but we aren't. Pretending the Native Americans had immigration laws that were trampled on is just plain fantasy.

Nobody has mentioned the legality of the immigration and subsequent holocaust by the white immigrants, because it's irrelevant. What is relevant is the morality or lack thereof on display as well as the naivety and ignorance of white Americans that complain about immigration.....

If you meant to say that nobody has mentioned it other than you, you would be correct. As to why you felt the need to bring up something that is by your own admission completely irrelevant, I can't answer for you.

Why is it a fail? Well, sort of the very definition of apples and oranges isn't it? On the one hand you have people taking land from other people who took land from other people who probably took it from other people. On the other hand you have people moving from one recognized country to another recognized country, legally or illegally is immaterial.

There's no comparison. No matter how hard you try to reach on it.

Though I doubt any of that matters, as your repeated references to "white americans" is pretty indicative of your bias and agenda.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 02:24 PM
OK, this article doesn't have a transcript, although it tells a lot more of what was said.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: gortex

If you look past the rant she is saying to the other woman what white people used to say to Afro Caribbean people decades ago , "go back to your own country", racism is coulor blind , the fact she is a black woman verbally abusing an Muslim women is relevant.

Muslim isn't a race.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: gortex

Sorry for breaking in............
But in case someone wants to hear the colored lady's "proper" English and how she fully takes advantage of her freedom of speech/1st admendment rights.... THOU HAST BEEN WARNED!!!

I give up here is the youtube LINK. hope that works......................

edit on 10162015 by BobbyRock because: (no reason given)

edit on 10162015 by BobbyRock because: (no reason given)

edit on 10162015 by BobbyRock because: (no reason given)

edit on 10162015 by BobbyRock because: (no reason given)

edit on 10162015 by BobbyRock because: spelling

edit on 10162015 by BobbyRock because: can't get that effing vidlink to work

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: gortex

I thought British people were polite?

"I'll donkey kick you"

Racism isn't a crime, well not here in the USofA anyway, but she could be detained for making violent threats, disturbing the peace, I'm sure they can come up with anything. I bet she would resist arrest too. You guys go that charge there right, resisting arrest? It's a go to move by US police. I once got arrested for resisting arrest, that's it, no other charges. What the hell was I resisting? Funny thing too, I was totally calm and compliant the whole time.
edit on 16-10-2015 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 04:55 PM
Maybe she’s Ben Carson’s niece

What an ignorant woman

I think it was last year they had a crazy white woman on a London Bus bugging out and doing something similar to this fool

Charlie should find this woman and tell her to come to the US and move to Mississippi

The Klan would lover her

edit on 16-10-2015 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 05:05 PM
edit on 16-10-2015 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Prezbo369

You didnt read th e post correct huh? i said th e indians were not there first. National gepgraphic had th e article at one time. There were also remains with native american arrowheads leading to believe they were murdered. In effect they stole the land from another tribe.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Muslim isn't a race.

Thank you for your insightful contribution , I am fully aware that Muslim is not a race.

We don't know where in the world the woman on the receiving end came from but we can deduce from the content of the rant that she's a Muslim.

a reply to: Swills

Racism isn't a crime, well not here in the USofA anyway

Racism is a criminal offence here in the UK.

Parliament has passed legislation aimed at outlawing crime where the offender is motivated by hostility or hatred towards the victim's race or religious beliefs (actual or perceived).

a reply to: BobbyRock
Thanks for finding the unedited version.

edit on 17-10-2015 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: Revolution9
a reply to: gortex

I question your motives for putting this video here. NO it is not your England. It is England for who ever is living here.

I'll be looking out for you. I would rather live with both those ladies than someone like you.

I would not question the OP's motives, unless he is one of the trollers, I question anyones motives for filming it and putting it online since nothing really happened besides an argument.

Not sure if it was you or someone else who commented on what transpired prior to the video starting and will not speculate on that BUT obviously it didnt start when the video started. And that is the problem with these videos and also many of the police videos. It gets people excited when they are only getting part of the story.

The larger issue is these video cameras in the hands of people who are not responsible. I knew everyone armed with a camera was going to be bad enough but video cameras...and then played for people who are prone to get excited is not good. The general public lacks the sophistication to think beyond the few minutes captured and this is why any person wanting to carry video equipment should pass an exam and have a license or some type of certification.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 06:41 AM
The woman has now been identified and arrested on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence.

A 36-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence at her home in Willesden Green on Friday, the Met said.
She was taken into custody at a north London police station, the force said.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: gortex

You're welcome. Personally, and slightly off-topic (sorry for that), I just hate the effing bleeping...........

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: Harvin

this is why any person wanting to carry video equipment should pass an exam and have a license or some type of certification.

Nearly every mobile phone comes with video recording abilities

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: Prezbo369

Your perception is in bad taste. There was nothing here except trees. WE did the rest.

By 'the rest' do you mean the worst genocide in human history?

On a personal note: I've done plenty of suffering as well. You see, protecting this country, with his life, was my Father. I never knew my Father. He was too busy protecting for 20 years. So don't tell me or mine about "bad taste," for mine is just one of untold millions of suffering stories. The Native Americans aren't the only to suffer. BTW, where are you from sport? Who did your people get their land from, huh?

Are you really comparing your father issues to the indigenous American genocide? yeah you're a real victim...

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