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UN: Brazil's Police Kill Kids to "Clean Streets" for Olympics

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posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Thorsen

This Amnesty International article is pretty scathing.

nearly 16% of the total homicides registered in the city in the last five years took place at the hands of on-duty police officers – 1,519 in total. Only in the favela of Acari, in the north of the city, Amnesty International found evidence that strongly suggests the occurrence of extrajudicial executions in at least 9 out of 10 killings committed by the military police in 2014....

...By listing police killings as the result of a confrontation, even when there was never one, the authorities effectively blame the victims for their own deaths....

...Amnesty International also found that crime scenes are frequently altered - police officers remove the body without due diligence and place weapons or other “evidence” next to the body...

Any truth to that or the rest of the article, or is it all a myth? I'm not sure what to make of the related material I'm finding. Is there a seed of truth?

I'm not being accusatory but just asking. I know most of the accusations against law enforcement here are fabricated nonsense. I'm wondering if the same kind of false information is in play with this?

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 05:39 PM
These stories really highlight the disconnect between the ruling class and the people on the streets.....Move the filth we have games to play......just ugh

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: Thorsen

This Amnesty International article is pretty scathing.

nearly 16% of the total homicides registered in the city in the last five years took place at the hands of on-duty police officers – 1,519 in total. Only in the favela of Acari, in the north of the city, Amnesty International found evidence that strongly suggests the occurrence of extrajudicial executions in at least 9 out of 10 killings committed by the military police in 2014....

...By listing police killings as the result of a confrontation, even when there was never one, the authorities effectively blame the victims for their own deaths....

...Amnesty International also found that crime scenes are frequently altered - police officers remove the body without due diligence and place weapons or other “evidence” next to the body...

Any truth to that or the rest of the article, or is it all a myth? I'm not sure what to make of the related material I'm finding. Is there a seed of truth?

I'm not being accusatory but just asking. I know most of the accusations against law enforcement here are fabricated nonsense. I'm wondering if the same kind of false information is in play with this?

Honestly? I would say it's all mostly true. Our police is indeed corrupt, as well as most of our politicians, and I wouldn't put it past them to be a lot more "trigger-happy" than they should be, especially now. You have to understand, though, that the violence problem in the favelas is rampant, and most of the people killed are drug dealers and criminals. Obviously many of the people killed are innocent victims, but when you're a police officer in a favela, you're not exactly given the chance to ask before shooting (at least during a shootout, which happens to be most of the time when the innocent deaths occur).

What I'm arguing here though is the more specific case of police killing children on the streets, supposedly to "clean" them, as that, at least for me, is an absurd claim that can not be backed or proven. They could be removing them from the streets, sending them to multiple institutions, but certainly not killing them.
edit on 16-10-2015 by Thorsen because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: Thorsen

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: Thorsen

This Amnesty International article is pretty scathing.

nearly 16% of the total homicides registered in the city in the last five years took place at the hands of on-duty police officers – 1,519 in total. Only in the favela of Acari, in the north of the city, Amnesty International found evidence that strongly suggests the occurrence of extrajudicial executions in at least 9 out of 10 killings committed by the military police in 2014....

...By listing police killings as the result of a confrontation, even when there was never one, the authorities effectively blame the victims for their own deaths....

...Amnesty International also found that crime scenes are frequently altered - police officers remove the body without due diligence and place weapons or other “evidence” next to the body...

Any truth to that or the rest of the article, or is it all a myth? I'm not sure what to make of the related material I'm finding. Is there a seed of truth?

I'm not being accusatory but just asking. I know most of the accusations against law enforcement here are fabricated nonsense. I'm wondering if the same kind of false information is in play with this?

Honestly? I would say it's all mostly true. Our police is indeed corrupt, as well as most of our politicians, and I wouldn't put it past them to be a lot more "trigger-happy" than they should be, especially now. You have to understand, though, that the violence problem in the favelas is rampant, and most of the people killed are drug dealers and criminals. Obviously many of the people killed are innocent victims, but when you're a police officer in a favela, you're not exactly given the chance to ask before shooting (at least during a shootout, which happens to be most of the time when the innocent deaths occur).

What I'm arguing here though is the more specific case of police killing children on the streets, supposedly to "clean" them, as that, at least for me, is an absurd claim that can not be backed or proven. They could be removing them from the streets, sending them to multiple institutions, but certainly not killing them.

HEre is a thought. All those drug dealers and criminals...ho w many are under 21? THAT is th eway they get away with the killings. Plant a gun.or drugs or a knife. Blam no investigation and one more off the streets. See youre not thinking deep enough. The polocia know the laws and can use them for cover. All th e while fooling most of the citizenry thats its criminals and drug dealers who are being eliminated instead of street children.

I know it sucks to find out your country is so messed up. welcome to how most of us feel.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 02:17 PM
I heard about this in school about 30 years ago. What I heard was that priests were rounding the kids up, then allegedly they were killed.

This is proof that we need birth control and family planning for every human on earth. And we also need to fight against religions telling people not to use birth control. They are deliberately causing this so they can have lots of poor, unedicated people they can rule over. This is what America will look like in 50 years most likely.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: CB328
I heard about this in school about 30 years ago. What I heard was that priests were rounding the kids up, then allegedly they were killed.

This is proof that we need birth control and family planning for every human on earth. And we also need to fight against religions telling people not to use birth control. They are deliberately causing this so they can have lots of poor, unedicated people they can rule over. This is what America will look like in 50 years most likely.

We need LICENSING to have kids. soon as you hit puberty you go get a shot to put in Birth control till you hit 21 and then after you turn 21 take a test to get your license.

I can hea rit now..but but..that infringes on my rights!! Ok what about your future childrens right to have a good life? It has to be done.

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