posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to:
Extremely poor image on a dodgy website, I for one believe there are ruin's on mars but unless they are on another dimensional plane then there are
probably no people still there, I don't believe there are army's there though it is possible that if an advanced civilization ever did exist there
that maybe they retreated into underground subcrustal city's but even then Mars is lower in gravity so if we lived there we would be taller, weaker
and with lower bone density?.
The only Alien encounter I can think of were Bullet's bounced off was this one which actually sounds more demonic than alien but demons on some
illicite substance having a laugh at the humans or something.
I will grace you with this, there are structures in plain sight even on Nasa imagery of the moon from the Apollo missions to the moon and no it is
not people seeing shapes in rock formations these are real.
Original un altered
Hilighted with several objects and structures that may be parts of one another shown scattered, note the caterpiller track and spigot wheel, note the
large boulder is part of the larger boulder which then appears to be some kind of craft nose down in the dirt.
You want a body on the moon from another apollo mission,
Original un altered
The body
Guess what though, these things must be ancient and I do mean really prehistoric to the extreme but that body does look pretty damn human does'nt it
so who therefore are WE.
Get a grip man, madness and psychosis only help the sceptics so get a grip for your own sake, if they come we sill simply take over there next
generation and invade there species through agressive reincarnation (Apparently they taste like chicken anyway) that is why our planet is quarantined
we are the more dangerous species than most even without technology and the end of our planet would merely mean our true nature would migrate to the
nearest compatible biosphere with intelligent host species.
edit on 13-10-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)