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tsunami another 911?

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posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 05:16 PM
That's a great observation of it. Many take the 'what if's' about things, but never view the facts. If it was a nuclear bomb in the water, I'm certain that it can do much more damage than what happened on that day. Bob, You may also want to take a look at the history of world tsunamis and tell me what you think. Nature itself can do some deadly things that can be mind-boggling. But why always take the negative aspect of what could've or might have happened whereas, taking the facts of what did happen?

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by Seekerof
Umm, no, billybob. The official excuse was that they did not have enough people to make the necessary calls, after all, it was a the holiday season and many were on extended leaves, etc.

what's the point of having warning systems if you can't warn anyone. it's like building a house without a roof. either excuse is lameduck. and how did they screw up the magnitude so badly? and, even if it WAS an eight, this is still large enough to issue a warning. warnings are issued for anything over seven.

Bob, having a warning system is extremely helpful in this case. What it does is simply warn the citizens who are along the coastline to evacuate that area and head for shelter. Without a warning system, you'd have a catastrpohy as you had on that day. Take a look at the facts:


1.) Warn citizens along the coastline to evacuate the area and head for shelter further inland.
2.) Reduce the number of citizens losing lives in a tragedy as of such.
3.) Prepared to aid those who are injured and homeless due to the tragedy.


1.) Lose a large number of citizens due to lack of pre-evacuation process.
2.) Unprepared to aid citizens who are injured and homeless.

There is much more to it, but those are the top most things that you will have to look at and realize that a place without warning can risk the lives a hundreds, yet thousands of citizens. So Bob, you tell me what is the best option you would chose? You say what's the use? It's very useful! And an example of a warning system is a buoy that will be placed outward in the ocean to determine what the ocean's current is and the magnitude of an earthquake if one occurs.

The magnitude was not misinterpreted. It was reported that it was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake that occured around 7am on that Sunday morning. If it was a 6-10 magnitude or whatever, there will still be a warning system that will be used. And they will determine rather it's big enough to evacuate or not. Since they did not have a warning system, they had no way in knowing or preparing for the disaster. The only way of them knowing is after it hit the coastline and moved forward inland.

This is why warning systems are very important because anything can happen at anytime and you need to be aware of it so you can prepare for the catastrophy. You are more of a lame-duck if you aren't warned in advanced and unprepared for such a disaster than you would be when you are warned and prepared in advanced.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 11:47 AM
This is in no way, on the same level as 911,

911 was a terrorist attack, not a natural disaster.

911 was on the "invincible USA" not on poor old southern asia.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by BJonesLHS
What the problem was had something to do with the warning systems. As a minute number of you may know, the southern part of Asia, does not have a warning system installed nor' available. Thus, without this mechanism or system, you cannot possibly warn a few 100,000 people in a matter of seconds. The only time you'll notice is when it hits. And that is what happened in this situation. That is why you see Japan assisting them in setting up a warning system so that when this happens again, they will be fully prepared to warn the citizens and get them out of that area.

there were people on earth who knew HOURS before the wave hit. some gave warnings as early as december 22nd, that something big earthquake was brewing. you assume that borderlines of nations are like invisible information barriers? we're living at light speed in a sattelite enviroment, man. one call to the operator for information or assistance, and anybody can talk to anybody anytime. people in hawaii who knew there would be a tsunami, could have phoned consulates, ambassadors, military, or anyone. they 'didn't have the phone numbers' is the official excuse.
just 'letting it happen' was the ordo of the day, at least.

there are ways to trigger earthquakes that don't require massive explosions. injecting hydraulics between plates, or small detonations on key fracture points, scalar or gravity weapons. i'm not saying that this happened, just that there are things we don't know about what other groups of people in the world, or what they are capable or willing to do.
some of us DO know, about a certain mentality inherent in criminal controller bloodlines, though. the 'divine right' crowd who have managed to be boot of oppression on the masses.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by billybob

some of us DO know, about a certain mentality inherent in criminal controller bloodlines, though. the 'divine right' crowd who have managed to be boot of oppression on the masses.

Great points billybob. ...These idiots have been dicking with so many things in so many ways for so long it's hard to tell any more what's purposeful, accidental OR natural...

- re your references to the "divine right" crowd and their "criminal controller bloodlines."



posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 04:59 PM
Dolphins or no, we must hold this proposition above the fray
The possibilty, right or wrong, that this was not a natural disaster, but rather a manufactured event, just as 911 was, yet on a far more massive scale, whilst possibly utilising similar technologies

"Yesterday we invited the dolphins to join a blasting session directed at punishing the culprits who were responsible for murdering those thousands of unfortunate Asians on December 26."

"We had scheduled the session specifically to 'do' these culprits, who turned out to be the same basic cabal which currentlyoversees all warfare and other mass murder agendae in the world and was centered around George Bush, Sr, Hillary Clinton, Rumsfeld and Putin, according to what the psychics were seeing"

"Back to Sensei's supposition: after we determined that Joe Vialls has the most accurate take on what happened ( ) the psychics hunted for the instigators and immediately found George Bush, Sr, the kingpin of the genocide agenda, so we sort of ganged up on him. I don't remember who suggested inviting the dolphins and whales, but all five of the psychics who were present said that dolphins immediately swarmed into the melee.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 05:49 PM
Yeah spaceman
hes great! he also mentioned that originally it was a 6.4 earthquake, but using thermo nuclear devices the waves were made much more destructive. is that even possible?

posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by BJonesLHS
What the problem was had something to do with the warning systems. As a minute number of you may know, the southern part of Asia, does not have a warning system installed nor' available. Thus, without this mechanism or system, you cannot possibly warn a few 100,000 people in a matter of seconds. The only time you'll notice is when it hits. And that is what happened in this situation. That is why you see Japan assisting them in setting up a warning system so that when this happens again, they will be fully prepared to warn the citizens and get them out of that area.

there were people on earth who knew HOURS before the wave hit. some gave warnings as early as december 22nd, that something big earthquake was brewing. you assume that borderlines of nations are like invisible information barriers? we're living at light speed in a sattelite enviroment, man. one call to the operator for information or assistance, and anybody can talk to anybody anytime. people in hawaii who knew there would be a tsunami, could have phoned consulates, ambassadors, military, or anyone. they 'didn't have the phone numbers' is the official excuse.
just 'letting it happen' was the ordo of the day, at least.

there are ways to trigger earthquakes that don't require massive explosions. injecting hydraulics between plates, or small detonations on key fracture points, scalar or gravity weapons. i'm not saying that this happened, just that there are things we don't know about what other groups of people in the world, or what they are capable or willing to do.
some of us DO know, about a certain mentality inherent in criminal controller bloodlines, though. the 'divine right' crowd who have managed to be boot of oppression on the masses.

Billybob, you're not understanding what I am telling you. That's why you're giving some off-the-wall assumtion. I am saying to you, that the Bay of Bengal area did not have a large warning to warn all of the people in that area. It takes time to get one message across that area for everyone to be notified. Those who were there on the coastline did not know a thing about the waves coming and an 9.0 magnitude earthquake occuring in that region. If they did, they would not have been on the coast. You are getting two countries mixed up. Obviously, you are not aware of how advanced the United States is compared to those countries that border the Bay of Bengal. If it was Hawaii, we would have been warned because we have the capability and technology to find out what is going on in our oceans and buoys placed out to locate where the loose fault is and etc. I am trying to get in your little head that Southeastern Asia did not have that capability therefore, they did not have a warning system.

Well that is only in your opinion and that of an opinion of a misinterpreter that one may have an assumtion of an explosion in that area causing the earthquake and causing a Tsunami. But why can't one view it in the hands of Nature? The world can't do a thing with Nature. I don't care how strong you are, there is not a soul on Earth that has the capability to control nature. So why can't it be nature, Bob? Why can't it be a 9.0 earthquake which caused the ocean waves to gorw larger and cause a Tsunami? Did you look up the history of world tsunamis that occured in the past when we did not have such capability such as nuclear weapons? Obviously not. But all I'm saying to you is, that I go by what happens of what they say happened. If they said it was a 9.0 earthquake that caused a Tsunami, then I will go with it. I will agree with what happened. But, you can go ahead and believe what you want to believe on explosions and all of that stuff, but you are wrong.

If there were people on earth who knew hours before it happened, then why did they lose over 150,000 people if the world knew four days before it happened? Four days is well enough time to warn someone. If they had been warned, they would not have lost that many people. I don't care how many days it took them to be notified. If they had ample time to warn the people in those areas especially near the coast to evacuate, they would've been out of there and they would not have lost that many people.

posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by BJonesLHS
Four days is well enough time to warn someone. If they had been warned, they would not have lost that many people. I don't care how many days it took them to be notified. If they had ample time to warn the people in those areas especially near the coast to evacuate, they would've been out of there and they would not have lost that many people.

Speaking of assumptions... Perhaps the criteria were economic, not humanitarian? ...Ie., Any politically powerful billionaires caught in the tsunami?


posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 05:38 PM
I found this today while searching for something else.

Earthquake: Coincidence or a Corporate Oil Tragedy?

On November 28th, one month ago, Reuters reported that during a 3 day span 169 whales and dolphins beached themselves in Tasmania, an island of the southern coast of mainland Australia and in New Zealand. ...Bob Brown, a senator in the Australian parliament, said "sound bombing" or seismic tests of ocean floors to test for oil and gas had been carried out near the sites of the Tasmanian beachings recently.

According to Jim Cummings of the Acoustic Ecology Institute, Seismic surveys utilizing airguns have been taking place in mineral-rich areas of the world’s oceans since 1968. Among the areas that have experienced the most intense survey activity are the North Sea, the Beaufort Sea (off Alaska’s North Slope), and the Gulf of Mexico; areas around Australia and South America are also current hot-spots of activity.

...According to the Australian Conservation Foundation, these 200dB – 230dB shots from the airguns are fired every 10 seconds or so, from 10 meters below the surface, 24 hours a day, for 2 week periods of time, weather permitting.

These types of tests are known to affect whales and dolphins, whose acute hearing and use of sonar is very sensitive.

On December 24th there was a magnitude 8.1 earthquake more than 500 miles southeast of Tasmania near New Zealand, with a subsequent aftershock 6.1 a little later in the morning that same day.

On December 26th, the magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck at the intersection of the Australian tectonic plate and the Indian tectonic plate. This is the devastating tsunami tragedy that we have all heard about in the Indian Ocean. The death toll of this horrific event has reached 120,000 souls and continues to rise.

On December 27th, 20 whales beached themselves 110 miles west of Hobart on the southern island state of Tasmania.

...the same place where the whale beachings have been taking place over the last 30 days is the same general area where the 8.1 Australian earthquake took place, and this is the same area where they are doing these seismic tests. Then 2 days after the Australian tectonic plate shifted, the 9.0 earthquake shook the coast of Indonesia.

A great deal of interest and seismic testing has been taking place in this area, as the government of Australia has given great tax breaks to encourage the oil exploration.

(Geologists deny seismic testing could have caused the earthquakes, but) ...strong evidence that suggests that oil exploration activities have induced earthquakes in the past.

....IMO - the NWO's population control efforts often are the result of prioritizing. Ie., oil exploration and profits are more important than possible disasters that might affect ecology or humans.



posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 06:11 PM
As every “conspiracy theorist” knows, it is a compulsive, pathological trait for criminals to return to the scene of the (war) crime to revel in their deed and personally witness the commotion they have caused. Governor Jeb Bush, Jack Straw, Colin Powell, UN Secretary General Kofe Annan and the Director of the World Bank, James Wolfenson, have all visited the regions affected by a mega-tsunami to see the aftermath first-hand.

posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by dh
As every “conspiracy theorist” knows, it is a compulsive, pathological trait for criminals to return to the scene of the (war) crime to revel in their deed and personally witness the commotion they have caused. Governor Jeb Bush, Jack Straw, Colin Powell, UN Secretary General Kofe Annan and the Director of the World Bank, James Wolfenson, have all visited the regions affected by a mega-tsunami to see the aftermath first-hand.


posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

Originally posted by BJonesLHS
Four days is well enough time to warn someone. If they had been warned, they would not have lost that many people. I don't care how many days it took them to be notified. If they had ample time to warn the people in those areas especially near the coast to evacuate, they would've been out of there and they would not have lost that many people.

Speaking of assumptions... Perhaps the criteria were economic, not humanitarian? ...Ie., Any politically powerful billionaires caught in the tsunami?


Soficrow, what billionaire would be out there? Would you? Most likely a billionaire would have himself a private jet as well as an apprentice who would warn him in advanced. But no telling. There might have been one out there. He would make no difference. He would've lost his/her life just as the other people over there. If he was in that area and was not warned in advanced and was caught in the disaster there would be a chance that he would lose his life. Just because one is a billionaire still doesn't make them perfect!!

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 07:50 PM
link, click me.

exxon, eh?

here's a little something from the responses to the article. i read the whole debate between the seismologist and the author of the article.
below is a corroborating response:

y J.R., Jan. 27, 2005

The article was interesting. There are however three other considerations:

1) In the early 20th century Nicola Tesla was studying mechanical resonance using a dual chambered device about the size of a soda can. He strapped it to he support beams in his laboratory in NY City and generated an earthquake that shook several square blocks. There is a court order on file blocking him from further testing of the device within the city limits of NY.

2) In the early 1980's a bored laid off oil field employee in southern California dropped seismic sensors into a hole under his mobile home and monitored them using his home PC. He found regular rhythm patterns that could only be artificial before several small earthquakes. Someone was trying to relieve the stress on the San Andreas fault. He reported it to the press and the day the news hit the papers, the rhythm stopped.

3) Much has been made about the relationship between the magnetic field and the earth's crust. The magnetic field strength has dropped from 4 gauss in the air (roughly 4000 gauss in the crust) to 0.4 gauss (400 gauss in the crust) in the past 2000 years. This weakening has weakened the integrity of the crust. Further, military experiments in Russia, Greenland, Finland, and the USA using atmospheric heaters (HAARP comes to mind) cause movement in the magnetic field. These movements lead to further weakening along critical stress points.

4) There have been two good correlations done between underground nuclear testing and earthquake activity. One of them was reported on the net. I'll try to find it again and give you the address. The other one is a classified Air Force document I had access to while working in a nuclear detection outfit in the 1970's. Watch the news for underground test announcements and then watch for a couple of days and you will see as many as three 6+ quakes.

Just interesting info.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by infinite
This was what we call an act of God, meaning we have no control of the matter and its just one of those things that happens. It has nothing to do with the new world order movement or the illuminati.

nothing... nothing is certain.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by cheeser
nothing... nothing is certain.

and yes, i recall reading a theory about a project by the soviets that stated you could exploded a nuclear weapon underground to trigger an earthquake, but i doubt the Americans would do something stupid like that in a highly populated area.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by infinite
and yes, i recall reading a theory about a project by the soviets that stated you could exploded a nuclear weapon underground to trigger an earthquake, but i doubt the Americans would do something stupid like that in a highly populated area.

there are no americans in the new world order. only heirarchies of bureaucrat and bean counters, and compartmentalised intelligence.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 05:15 PM
Finally I can agree with you! You're making sense now!

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by BJonesLHS
Finally I can agree with you! You're making sense now!

i presume you're talking to me? i hope so.
if so,, man.

p.s. i seldom try to make sense,
. i prefer the tactility of sensuality.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 03:58 PM
well. they admitted it.

sooooooooo long ago. six months = 1/2 light years.

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