posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 02:53 PM
And the timeline of a hacker.
12:00am � Hacker opens X-Scan, and enters his range. Just so happens to be 2,550 IP address in the range, which covers an entire dorm subnet at a well
known fast backbone university.
12:30am � Scannign complete, hacker looks through the logs of X-Scan, looking for any Administrator accounts without a password, or User accounts
without passwords.
12:31am � Dameware NT Utilities started up, hacker wants to connect to a an IP found vulnerable
12:32am � Hacker enters IP into dameware, double clicks on Processes. Dameware asks for a username and password, the hacker connects as user �Marcy,
and leaves the password field blank. Connection successful!
12:32am � Upon looking through the processes, the hacker notices that no firewall he or she seems to recognize installed, and proceeds to setup the
bat files for transfer for the remote machine.
12:35am � Since this machine is running windows 2000, the hacker makes sure the bat file points to c:\winnt\ instead of c:\windows, and goes to his
or her start menu, selects run, then types \\IP\c$\winnt\system32 , where IP is the IP address found vulnerable.
12:36am � Eventually (file sharing is somewhat slow sometimes) the hacker sees the system32 folder of the victims pc, and it looks like he is in a
normal folder browsing on his or her pc, convenient hacking isn�t it, eh Microsoft? Using drag and drop, the hacker selects the files (.bat file to
automate things, the files for Iroffer, and servu ftp) and drags them to the window of the victims PC.
12:37am � Approx. 1 minute later (servu exec is around a meg, and cygwin dll is close to a meg) the files are on the remote computer in
c:\winnt\system32, job well done. But, now that the hacker has the files where they are supposed to be, the .bat file has to be run
12:38am � A few seconds, and a command prompt later, the hacker simply types:
c:\winnt\> psexec \\IP c:\winnt\system32\inst.bat
Where again, IP represents the internet protocol address of the remote machine, and inst.bat is the bat file to run (can be named anything, as long as
it end with .bat.) You may have noticed I didn�t type �u Marcy, to tell dameware to connect as that user, well in 2.B I stated that a pipe connection
is made between you and that other machine once u connect the first time (dameware), so no need to type it again, unless u or the other machine has
been restarted since.
12:39am � And back over on IRC, people see �XDCCBOT-567 has joined #warezchannel�, at the same time the ftp is up and running, and system is secured,
if the hacker set it up so that way in the .bat file. The bot joins the channel (Section 2.G) because the .bat launched firedaemon which created a
service for iroffer (and servu, but separate service name) on the computer, and then launched that service.
12:40am � Need to fill this computer with the newest movie to serve! Since the .bat file started servu ftp server also, the hacker will just connect
to the IP on the port he specified in servudaemon.ini and using the login and password he entered in there also (password encrypted). Now, the person
will fxp files from one server, to your victim machine.
1:10am � Movie complete! Time to rar it all up into one big file using rar.exe, then add a pack with Iroffer (9)
12:40 � Move on to next IP.
No its not that slow, i've seen people do one in 2 mins or under.