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Hmm,"get over" cuts to Social Security?

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posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: amicktd
I agree, but we should start with the billionaires first, not the elderly.

I agree here. Subsidies should be cut entirely to corporations, including all the clean energy/renewable crap Obama has subsidized to the moon because they are unable to tread water financially without it. Cut subsidies and welfare to all able bodied Americans, as well.

Not only would that "save" Social Security, it would allow us to start chipping away at the fantastical avalanche of federal debt amassed over the past 14 years.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 07:42 PM
One problem is many individuals who are drawing social security, never put anything into it or very little into it. Social Security Disability is an example program, which includes medicare. Someone thats gets disabled at an early age or below the eligibility age draw benfits for the rest of their lives.

Another example is if I am at the eligibilty age and live for 10 or 15 years, I will draw out much more than I put into it. SSN is designed to supplement other retirement income. It would be very difficult to live on it alone, which many do.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
a reply to: Dimithae Veterans benefits
Social Security
Disability benefits

We call ourselves evolved but we fail to take care of those who need our help the most. Forcing the 3 groups above to live in poverty while the 1% gets richer.

This is just one of the many reasons the world is waking up and will refuse to comply to any BS NWO were those who have robbed from the poor to feed their insatiable appetite for power will remain in power.

But we have plenty for emigrants and refugees.

Can't provide for the people that are paying into the system because they are providing for those that didn't.

Go ahead, call me xenophobic, a racist, an anti anything you want, but you can't build a brick house if you don't have any bricks.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: eManym

actually, it was designed to support the person. not so sure it was designed to function well when one generation is as massive as the boomers and is followed by one much smaller, or the problems encountered when so many sit and draw welfare and other benefits when they should have been working.

but well the time that social security was put into place, the economics was much like they are today, or maybe a few years ago. they had just gone through a major collapse, for many of the same reason as we did this time around, and the many of the people had lost all their savings. the social security system basically took income from their children and used it to pay for the parents, and well, we've been running that way ever since. Add to that the way they've allowed the cost of living, particularly the cost of medical care to raise, well..ya it's a strain. but, well, allowing the financial institutions to basically pull much the same scheme as they did during the depression didn't help matters out much as all. they allowed them to screw the generation that they need to have the savings to support themselves or their savings, but also their children who are in many cases living in their homes still bogged down with student loan debt, crappy wages, and little job potential, and then they seem to be counting on those kids to support their parents? I just don't see it happening. it's time they stop taking from the people and well, I don't know, maybe prosecute some wall street sharks that caused the whole mess and seize their ill gained assets, stop having war after war, heck take a paycut themselves if they have to. But, if you take the social security away before the younger generations can earn enough to support themselves, build their own families, while supporting their parents, well, instead of those seniors volunteering in the many areas that they are, they will be demanding paychecks.
we cannot get out of this mess by taking away from the lowest among us unless we are willing to allow them to go homeless and starve to death in our streets. which we aren't, so well all they will be doing is basically a bunch of accounting gimmics because well if it doesn't come from social security, it will come to them in the form of a job that would have been held by some other person who is unemployed, or the welfare system, or their struggling kids, or well, who knows, maybe peddling drugs to their grandkid's friends.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 08:12 PM
I am personally sorry for the OPs situation. But if they're on SS. They should have stopped it in thier time. Now us "kids" have to pay into thier "program"...they should've said "No thanks, I'll keep my dollars". But they didn't. Now we are paying into a system that was knowingly,.. designed to fail. And chances are? We'll never see. You know why? Because "they" can't manage our "money" better than US. You can't pay into a socialist system $6000.00 and expect $60,000 back. I know. You Libs think if you tax everyone, it'll be "Fair share", shared fairly. Now the OP "can't afford healthcare" even though it's the "law". You F'n Socialist, Lib "progressives". ...I hope I live long enough to see your ideals/ideas actually bite you in the a** . not just coiled up and hissing. ...OUT!
edit on 9-10-2015 by murphy22 because: Because some "educated" folks can't read passed misspelling.... To see the point.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: murphy22
I am personally sorry for the OPs situation. But if they're on SS. They should have stopped it in thier time. Now us "kids" have to pay into thier "program"...they should've said "No thanks,

Oh, you poor thing.

And good luck with that. At least in our generation there were manufacturing plants and jobs.

You've got nothin'.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: Annee

I have a feeling that you would agree with me that in our generation well,
we worked, we didn't sit on our butts and draw a welfare check.
and well, our men didn't go around making babies with four or five different women for the state to take care of either.
and we didn't make our kids so mentally ill equipped that they needed a disability check before they even entered high school!
we worked, we paid in, and well, if we are still working, we are pitching in to help all these single parent homes filled with kids have food, clothing, a home, ect.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Annee

I have a feeling that you would agree with me that in our generation well,
we worked, we didn't sit on our butts and draw a welfare check.
and well, our men didn't go around making babies with four or five different women for the state to take care of either.
and we didn't make our kids so mentally ill equipped that they needed a disability check before they even entered high school!
we worked, we paid in, and well, if we are still working, we are pitching in to help all these single parent homes filled with kids have food, clothing, a home, ect.


The 2 major points in my upbringing were "Integrity and Work Ethic".

My mom would've had to be near death not to show up for work.

What happened?

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: Annee

don't know, but one thing is for sure, in order for the social security to take money in it has to have people working enough so that they can make a decent contribution to it.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Annee

I have a feeling that you would agree with me that in our generation well,
we worked, we didn't sit on our butts and draw a welfare check.
and well, our men didn't go around making babies with four or five different women for the state to take care of either.
and we didn't make our kids so mentally ill equipped that they needed a disability check before they even entered high school!
we worked, we paid in, and well, if we are still working, we are pitching in to help all these single parent homes filled with kids have food, clothing, a home, ect.


The 2 major points in my upbringing were "Integrity and Work Ethic".

My mom would've had to be near death not to show up for work.

What happened?

A question I've been asking myself for some time now.
Out of 8 nieces and nephews, 4 are working and the other 4 are on "assistance" of some sort, either on disability or waiting to have their case heard. "My back hurts" is the most common claim. Jumpin' Jehoshaphat! If I sat my butt down on the couch and spent my day on Facebook, my back would hurt too!
And I can tell you that these deadbeats make family gatherings very uncomfortable because those 4 who are working are often put on the defensive by the lazy ones because they have saved their wages and actually have a down payment to put on a house. They have to put up with comments like, "It must be nice to be rich enough to buy a house when other members of the family can't even afford to rent a trailer."
All these young people had the same opportunities. All their parents are hard-working people. None of these kids were handed money, the ones who have money worked hard at school and now work hard at their chosen professions.
That generation of my family has 12 members total when our kids are included so eight of them are supporting not only their grandparents' (Eight grandparents still living.) Social Security but also four of their own age group who are just too stinking lazy to work. I know that I resent it when I see what I'm paying in per year so I understand the divide I see developing in the family.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: diggindirt
"It must be nice to be rich enough to buy a house when other members of the family can't even afford to rent a trailer."

I have zero sympathy for this attitude.

People make money. How many hold on to it, value it enough to make it work for them? That takes work and purpose.

What do you do with your money? Did you have kids before you could afford to support them?

Do you think you need to party and have a good time? Great. No house. You made your choice.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 02:40 AM

originally posted by: Dimithae
I thought this news worthy for all,but especially those of us on SS.The article does explain what all was said,and all I can say about this is that I don't think I can 'get over" any cuts,since I don't get that much to begin with,am not able for food stamps,and even fall between the cracks for any healthcare.They say he was joking about the get over it part,yet he gave no other response to the fact that seniors would have no other way to live. Here is the article with the quote by Ohio Gov.John Kasich and his 'plan'.

The reason many people engage in hate speech towards those on welfare and welfare itself is because the mainstream media has trained them up to do so. Evidence of this is the fact that these people do not emit hate speech with the same vengeance towards corporate welfare.

This is because of two reasons, one the man on the TV has not told them about corporate welfare and therefore they don’t know about it, they don’t know the extent of it and they don’t know how much tax it consumes.

Corporate welfare is an undiscussible subject in the media.

The other reason they fire hate speech at the masses is because they are well aware of corporate welfare and how much tax money it consumes and are strongly in favor of corporate welfare and they just want to see money taken of individuals and given to the corporate sector, and they want wage and salary earners to pay for it.

edit on 10-10-2015 by Azureblue because: z

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Nickn3

I don't call SS an entitlement program. I worked my whole life to pay for it.

As have I...which is why we should be "entitled" to receive our SS as we've paid in for decades.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 02:32 PM
I've gotten over that he will never be President Piggy.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 03:05 PM
Part of the problem is that technology has evolved to the point where slaving ones life away should be completely unnecessary. Technology has progressed while society has not and most everyone knows it.

We have more workers than we do jobs, we have more than enough resources, and more than enough is automated.

Yet we as a people are still expected to slave our lives away simply because "we had to do it" well when you choose to start living like your forebears such as serfs of old I'll take your "well we did it" seriously.

Society is supposed to progress and improve. To hear you all speak, it sounds like the expectation is no matter how much progress we make, if most of the population is not working their fingers to the bone for the majority of their lives, we're not doing it right.

Is that really the legacy we want to leave for humanities future? Lives of naught but hard work and toil. That's the problem, there's only signs of things getting worse, no improvement.

If all one's hard work not only does nothing to promote a better future for humanity, but enables things to actually get worse, what's the incentive to work?

I'm so sick of the humanity is meant to live and exist for all eternity as wage slaves mentality. I'll tell you what, I'm not so sick in the head that if I've been tortured my whole life, and had my life stolen from me, I'd wish it on the next person simply because I had to.

If I get attacked, robbed and beaten within an inch of my life I'm not going to hope others do because I experienced it. Nay I would hope more is done so less had to experience the horror I did.

I think we should be working towards having to work less, with all the technology it's going to happen one way or another eventually. The way things are going it will be by throwing the bulk of humanity in complete and total poverty and disease, when that's totally unnecessary. And why will this happen, because we insist on the "we did it" mentality that allows for more of us to be pushed further and further down while a minority of the population gain all the benefits of everyone else's hard work.

By the way the ones gaining those benefits aren't the ones doing the work, nor is it the "poor" and impoverished who are really receiving table scraps in comparison. The worlds wealth is neither in the hands of the poor, nor the working class. So pull your heads out of the sand.

The truth is the majority is getting sick of working their lives away when A: They shouldn't have to, no one should, and B: It's just so some rich greedy money grubbing asshole can buy another personal yacht or stash it under their pillow overseas.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: Puppylove
Well, I wish you luck with your plan to work less and have more. I hope you make it.
I'm 61 years old and have been retired for several years now. Did I work my entire life as a wage slave? No.
Am I enjoying the time I'm spending now doing exactly as I please? You betcha!
We raised and educated 5 children and managed to pay off the mortgage the same year the last one graduated from college without debt. We did it by living frugally (meaning that we didn't depend on credit cards, didn't buy what we couldn't afford) and putting aside a portion of each paycheck for our "Golden Years" just as our parents had done. During all that our kids worked as well. They still do. They're now putting their kids through college by working in their chosen professions. They watched us sacrifice and now they see us enjoying the rewards---and they get to share in the rewards.
I'm sorry you haven't found a profession that allows you to enjoy your work. It's sad indeed when I see the outlook you express. You have obviously been brainwashed to believe that you'll never be more than a "wage slave" so with that attitude, you will never get over it. If you don't have the drive and initiative to do a bit of work for the things you desire in life, you'll find yourself always complaining about the "greedy rich" instead of enjoying the fruits of your labor.
Stop worrying about what other people have and concentrate on being happily productive. It takes a bit of work and a lot of thinking and planning to actually be successful in life. But if you want to stand on a street corner with your hand out for your entire life because of your misguided philosophy, well, you'll be standing there for a long time.
I'm not sure who told you that load of crap you're spouting but if I were you, I'd find new financial advisers.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: diggindirt

I work 40+ hours a week, and I don't hate my job either. I work hard, but it changes not a thing that people should not spend most of their lives working 40+ hours a week. People should be spending more time with family, pursuing the arts, being creative and being a part of a community.

Not working their butts off most of the better parts of lives in the hopes and prayer they might live long enough to get to enjoy the fruits of their labor. My attitude isn't the problem, yours is, because you and those like you buy into the idea that working the better part of peoples lives away unnecessarily is not only right but should be the expected norm.

I have nothing against working hard when it's necessary, I have nothing against, and have much respect for those who worked hard to get us where we are today. What I have a problem with is societies refusal to evolve with the technological progress we have made. What I have a problem with is our greedy misuse of resource allocation. What I have a problem with is that expectations do not change despite everything we need to live better lives as a species being available to us. What I have a problem with is societies stubborn refusal to evolve.

The problem is, you're too focused on what you did and where you were successful without giving any consideration to whether such should still be necessary or required with the advances of society, with no concern to whether people could be living better more fulfilling lives than that offered by a world that expects more than is actually necessary out of people.

I think the world would be a better place if people were allowed to actually live in it rather than spend most of their lives just surviving.

edit on 10/10/2015 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 10:06 PM
Corporate welfare amounts to over twice as much as all social security and other welfare combined, so why don`t they cut some of that corporate welfare? oh that`s right they can`t cut funds to their puppet masters.

posted on Oct, 11 2015 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: Nickn3

And yet, I take from and contribute to SS. the joys of being disabled and having a job.

posted on Oct, 11 2015 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: amicktd
How about we cut Corporate welfare or how would they feel about getting a little less for the better of the country...smh

Social security is CORPORATE WELFARE.

All social programs are.

Do people really like having to pay decades in to something to finally one day get it and be worth LESS than when they started.

I am talking about the value of the dollar there. Inflation is a killer.

Social Security is a WELFARE program, and that's all it is.

Look up Flemming V. Nestor and Helvering V. Davis.

Social Security is not an insurance program at all. It is simply a payroll tax on one side and a welfare program on the other. Your Social Security benefits are always subject to the whim of 535 politicians in Washington.

It's not a right.

And truth be told.

Since employers are matching contributions @ 6%, and the difference is made up by other means.

The ONLY social security benefits people might be 'entitled' to is the 6% they personally paid in.

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